Maternity Monday: Side-Button T-Shirt


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Here is a budget maternity top that comes in many different colors and two sleeve lengths. This is a solid color top (although there is one striped option) that has no embellishments other than buttons on the side near the ruching. I like that it is a plain crew neck and you can choose whether you want long or short sleeves. My favorite colors are the vibrant ones — “purple red,” purple, teal green — and I like how the buttons contrast on the black and the button style meshes with the olive. This seems like an easy and comfortable maternity basic. It’s between $12.99 and $18.99, depending on color/size combo. Maternity Side-Button T-Shirt

Building a maternity wardrobe for work? Check out our page with more suggestions along both classic and trendy/seasonal lines.

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Question just to see what’s out there what have people put on hold, delayed, and/or slowed down on given the pandemic? For us it’s a hold on discussing trying for baby #2 and buying a home. Again, grateful to have health, jobs, and safe loved ones so far, but often times the selfish bug bites me.

My toddler wears prescription glasses, and I think she really needs prescription sunglasses- any suggestions? Her eye dr is not answering phones or messages at the moment, and since it’s not an emergency I’m trying not to be too annoyed about it.

Our toddler is still in daycare. We are in a Midwest city that implemented social distancing measures relatively early, before we even had confirmed community spread. We’re both WFH. We decided to keep sending her for the structure and social interaction because she’s an only child, and also because her teachers want to keep getting hours. We do not see anyone else or go anywhere and haven’t for 3+ weeks. From talking to coworkers and friends, a lot of people are still sending their kids to daycare in my city, even if both parents are working from home. That’s basically what my daycare director told me too. Some kids have parents on front lines, but most are wfh. Attendance has been maybe 30% of normal for the last 3 weeks though

My parents are in Florida for the winter, starting to grate on me because they are not taking the pandemic or social distancing measures seriously at all. My very liberal father loved how slow the Florida governor was to shut down the state, and rails about how he’s not changing his lifestyle at all (despite being close to 70 and a heavy smoker, the exact most at risk demographic). My mom clucks at him and pretends that she takes it seriously (probably because I do, and she’s a pleaser), but in the same breath that she disapproves of their neighbors for making fun of the idea of social distancing she tells me they ate at Waffle House (when they still could). I was face timing with them every day because it kept my kids busy, but I’ve stopped because I was so irritated by our last conversation, and I can tell it made my mom sad that they haven’t heard from us. I guess I don’t really have a question about my situation, I need to just get over it, but how is every one else dealing with the rest extended family taking it seriously, or not?

Best noise-cancelling headphones? Those bose ones are expensive but the blissful peace of real silence is beckoning me.

This is probably just personal preference, but do you dress your toddler boy in briefs or boxer briefs? Why? My kiddo is 3.5 and needs a new set of underpants and as I cruise A*zon it’s got me wondering… My mom bought his current set (briefs) but I’m leaving toward boxer briefs this time around since part of the reason he’s outgrowing these is the elastic around the leg holes is too tight.

Our 3.5 year old got a bloody nose yesterday roughhousing with his sister. It stopped fairly quickly and looks fine today. I pushed gently all along his nose and his upper lip and he says it doesn’t hurt. I assume I don’t really have to do anything else? It was just scary at the moment with blood everywhere.

Any other first time mom’s expecting right now and thinking that a silver lining of this quarantine is the lack of shopping/planning you’ve done so far? Granted, I’m only 14 weeks, but I feel like under “normal” circumstances I would have already popped into my favorite neighborhood kids shop to get a few onesies and some books, and maybe taken a trip to the baby big boxes to start getting ideas for bigger ticket items. As it stands, I’ve bought/researched absolutely nothing.

Granted, I have started worrying about how we’ll find a nanny if this is still going on 9 months from now, but that’s a separate issue.

My just turned 2 year old is suddenly terrified of everything. New fears just over the weekend include ants, our robot vacuum and, most bizarrely, wind. Is this normal development or do you think it’s related to the current situation? She seems pretty happy to be spending so much time at home with us, but obviously her routine is disrupted.

I think this may not resonate with everyone here, but I am starting to be concerned about going back to work after this. I don’t think I would like staying home full-time (and I love our daycare), but I love the extra time with my kids.
Most weeks, I only see them for about an hour in the morning (and it’s all a rush) and then 2-3 hours in the evening. Weekends are all together but it doesn’t feel like enough time to get in fun (like the children’s museum and the zoo) and have downtime at home for dance parties and playing in the yard),
Having no commute and taking lunchtime walks is so much fun right now. I don’t want to go back to rushing back and forth to daycare to make drop off and pickup times and only a few hours per day with the kids (never mind the usual struggle to fit in exercise). Anyone have a unicorn setup they can share? Or tips for increasing kiddo time/decreasing stress?
I work in a high face-time job, but am hoping there will be more WFH flexibility now that we all had to do it for awhile. Historically, it has been WFH only if you don’t have any meetings, which is never the case for me.

I have a call in to our pedi, but while I await for a call back, I thought I’d ask here. Also, i’m nearly sure they’re going to tell us to come in which I strongly dislike but will do if necessary/recommended.

2 year old DD has a rash (?) in small areas all over her body – a little around the mouth, in the joint of her arm, around the top of her diaper line, around the diaper line where butt meets top of leg, top of chest, a small spot on her neck. It’s been present for 1.5 weeks and slowly becoming more pronounced. It’s small areas of little red raised bumps. She doesn’t seem to be itching at all, no fever, no change of attitude, energy or appetite. No changes to her environment (we’ve been home for a month+ now). Only think I can think of is we’re playing outside more, obviously, but she’s not rolling around in the grass or anything. Anyone seen something like this before? We’ve had HFM before and this is 100% not it. What else should I be thinking of while I talk to the doctor?

My son (3 in August) is only napping about every 2 or 3 days. I suspect it’s the end of the nap, he’s sleeping 7:30 – 7:30 these days, but was consistently getting two hours at home pre-lockdown (shorter at nursery). I really can’t handle him dropping his nap – we’re both WFH while nursery is closed and struggling to keep up. Is it mean to keep putting him down knowing he likely won’t sleep? He rolls around, sings, and talks, and plays with his bunnies and we go and get him once the nap window is coming to an end. He’s still in his cot so he can’t really get up and play if he doesn’t want to sleep.

I know most people on here (those without a SAH partner anyway) are doing the two-parent WFH and alternating child care thing at the moment. Is anyone doing something else, whether it be a nanny or a neighbor, a grandparent helping out, or something else?

Not trying to start a debate over what people *should* be doing so – I know the majority opinion on this board is that everyone should be WFH while watching their kids right now, given the extreme circumstances. I’m just wondering if there are others here who can’t/aren’t doing that for whatever reason and what you’re doing instead.

I’m a first time mom, due this summer in Georgia. Explain to me what you dress a summer baby in usually. We keep our house around 75-78 depending on the time (cooler at night). Would that mean long sleeve cotton footed pajamas? That seems awfully warm to me.
We have a decent stock of NB sized long sleeve and short sleeve onesies, but very few footed one pieces. I was planning for a long sleeve or short sleeve onesie and then a sleep sack/swaddle at night depending on how warm he is. During the day, I was thinking onesies and little leggings if needed.
Dressing babies is way more complicated than it should be…