Accessory Tuesday: Maryna II Oxford


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Maryna II Oxford I love this houndstooth printed Oxford by the Lauren brand of Ralph Lauren. If your wardrobe consists of neutral basics, then this is a fun pop of pattern and interest in what looks to be a comfortable style. The classic shape nicely offsets the busy houndstooth. These shoes can definitely work with either ankle/cropped pants, or full length if you don’t want them to be too much on display. They look professional but also shoes that you’d be able to easily commute in, and a bonus is you’d be able to wear socks in the winter or no-show socks in the summer. The printed version is currently on sale for $64.99 — and for $57.99 at Amazon — but if you’d prefer a solid color, they’re also available in navy and “straw” suede for $104.99, also on sale. Maryna II Oxford This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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You guys. This is my toddler’s sixth week in daycare. She has only attended for two weeks on a part-time basis (1/2 days in the beginning to adjust, a long-planned family vacation, and two full weeks out for illness already). Now she is sick AGAIN and will probably be out for the rest of this week. I feel like I’m paying for nothing – we’ve paid almost $3k for less than 40 total hours of childcare. I expected the winter to be bad, but I didn’t expect so many illnesses immediately, given that we started her in late spring. Is this normal? How I am going to survive the winter? How am I going to keep my job when I’m out 50% of the time? (DH is a teacher and is doing basically 100% of the sick days in the summer but I will have to do almost 100% once the academic year starts…)

Consider asking your OB for a genetic disorder screening like Counsyl to see if you or your husband are carriers of any recessive disorders. My husband and I didn’t do this test until we already had conceived, since we had no family history of any issues, and still had some surprises show up that impacted our family planning going forward. It’s rare for you to both match for the exact same disorder, but it still happens and I wish we had known what we would be facing before I got pregnant vs. after.

Update on my morning readiness woes with the 3.5 yo. Yesterday, she messed around so long she missed breakfast at daycare entirely (I gave her a granola bar). Today, as I was getting ready to implement ALL the suggestions from yesterday she got out of bed and (without a good morning) said: “I will hurry up today because I want breakfast at school”. And she did! Do real consequences actually work?! How long will this honeymoon last?

My 5-year old is a mosquito magnet. We spritz her with bug spray (the natural stuff alternated with the DEET stuff) and she still ends up with horrible welts– they are raised, red, and hot to the touch. I gave her benadryl last weekend on the theory that she must have some sort of allergy to the bites. What can I do to keep these bites at bay? It’s really hot where we live, so my suggestion to wear long sleeve tees and leggings is a hard sell. Is there a better bug spray to use? Or good hot weather protective clothing, maybe from REI or somewhere like it? She’s mostly just in the yard and on the playground and seems to be the only kid who attracts so many bites despite all having the same routine. We use a mild shampoo and no lotion, and scent-free laundry detergent. Suggestions?

Was googling a babysitter we’ve used in the past (last summer and summer before) in a popular vacation destination and saw that she was arrested for domestic violence and assault 9 years ago (age 26). She actually runs a babysitting company in this small town – which seems odd? We’ve used her multiple times in the past and she seems like a very nice woman but now I don’t think i can use her again – overreaction? Should I allow her to explain? Need a gut check here!

We talked about bike shorts awhile ago but I don’t think this specific question: is there a place to get long-ish ones? Like that come to just above the knee? We have some cat & jack ones but my daughter would like them to be just an inch or so longer (she’s a 3T, if that’s helpful).

I had a miscarriage a couple of weeks ago. It was very early on, etc. We did IVF for our son who is 2. Now every stomach pain or ache that I have I think it’s another miscarriage. Have only told a couple of people about the miscarriage so thinking that posting it here may bring some emotional healing. Thanks for listening.

Last week I had asked folks to weigh in on if I should go solo with DS (1.5 years old) on a trip that was supposed to be me, DH, and DS visiting friends in FL now that DH couldn’t go due to a work deadline popping up. Appreciated allllll the feedback, and I took the minority approach and….actually have opted not to go.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized I was really dreading it due to the logistics, and knowing that I’d also have to most likely help our friends with a few things here and there (since they are from a different country) in addition to managing me and DS also was increasing the mental load for me.

Plus, our friends were travelling to FL from their home country for Disney and shopping, us joining them for a non-Disney weekend was a bonus for all parties if it worked out. They completely understood and we’re paying 100% for the AirBnB that was rented for the weekend (which was our plan all along). Served as a good reminder to me that we don’t “have” to do all the things and take on the emotional labor and planning because we feel obligated. Happy Tuesday!

This might be a better question for the main s!te but have any of you decided not to have your own kids? We’ve been TTC for six years; I’m currently working with an RE to manage my endo/PCOS, but…I think I don’t want to get pregnant anymore. I’m 33 (and I’m in therapy fwiw). We adopted, which is probably coloring my decision (DS is 2.5). DH has always said he’s fine with whatever I decide, which is both nice and sort of makes me feel like “this is your problem to figure out.” I’d be interested to hear your perspective.

My toddler girl strongly prefers pants with pockets (who doesn’t?) and I’m having a hard time finding summer-weight pocketed pants since we mostly buy leggings and leggings never have pockets. Any recommendations? Thanks!

My 4 year old daughter gets the concepts of “start/beginning” and “end/finish” mixed up. She gets frustrated when trying to tell us which show she wants to watch (like scrolling through all the episodes of My Little Pony on Prime) or which story in a collection she wants to read. She’ll even get mad thinking that “we can play after dinner” means “play before dinner.” Its such a basic concept that I’m not sure how to explain it to her, although I can understand why she’s confused (to this day I get right and left mixed up). She’s good at counting, should I try relating start and end to numbers? Read books about opposites?

Real question – Why is every store always out of stock of most sizes in maternity clothes? This is not my first pregnancy but I need to fill some work-related gaps and Gap, Asos, Old Navy, and Loft are ALL out of sizes in work pants. Is the margin low on them? Why can’t they figure out stocking? Hoping someone here works in that area and can enlighten me. (I’m becoming desperate for pants and rechecking every morning!)

My husband and I are planning to start TTC in the next 3 months. Other than the obvious of stopping birth control and taking folic acid, do you have any suggestions for prepping the body/mind for pregnancy and making conception easier? I read the article on here about the pregnancy corridor, but it includes the standard list of things I was already aware of. I’m gynecologically still young (late 20’s), moderately fit, and don’t smoke or take any prescriptions other than BC. This will be our first child.

Oh these are bad

DD, who is 2.5, is going through a phase of taking off her pajamas and diaper at night. As you can imagine, this creates a mess. Sometimes we discover it before we go to bed and other times not until morning. Short of putting her in backward zip up PJs, does anyone have any tips?