Washable Workwear Wednesday: Machine-Washable Merino Vee


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A woman wearing a  Machine-Washable Merino VeeDid you know that Banana Republic has machine washable merino sweaters? They come in petite and regular sizes in colors like cobalt, burgundy, and gray heather — and they have a lot of great reviews. The pictured sweater was originally $68 and is marked down to $53.99. Machine-Washable Merino Vee For a plus-size option, try this Lord & Taylor merino wool cardigan, which comes in eight colors in 0X–3X. (It’s labeled hand wash rather than machine wash, however.) It’s marked down from $94 to $34.99, and right now you can get an extra 20% off with code LTLOVE. That brings you down to $27.99! Looking for other washable workwear? See all of our recent recommendations for washable clothes for work, or check out our roundup of the best brands for washable workwear. This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Re inductions (can’t reply to the thread on my phone)

Just to offer a slightly different perspective, I had a “bad” induction, and honestly it’s still fine because baby and I were both okay in the end. I was induced at 41 weeks, cervadil Sunday night, Pitocin Monday morning, my water broke on it’s own by noon Monday, but by Tuesday midday I was only 5 cm and making no progress. So I ended up with a c section. Induction + long labor + c section is many people’s big fear, but I’m here to tell you it really wasn’t that bad. It wasn’t what I wished for going in to the process, to be sure. But you get through it like you get through everything else. And two seconds after that baby was out, I stopped caring about the birth story and started focusing on the baby.

So no matter what happens, you’ll be fine. Good luck and congraulations!!

I was induced at 39 weeks 4 days after my water broke with no labor. Normal V delivery. From starting pitocin to birth was 19 or 20 hours. Progressed much faster after I got an epidural. Large baby with extremely large head, but with other minor interventions still avoided C-section.

I’m 39 weeks and 3 days pregnant with my first and there’s no sign of any progress, so my doctor wants to schedule an induction for 41 weeks on the dot. I know I could still go into labor before then and I’ve done my own research and convinced myself that induction at 41 weeks makes sense to avoid the worst case outcomes, but I’m still really nervous about the process and the increased chance of ending up with a c-section. If anyone has positive induction stories, I would love to hear them (even if it ended in a c-section but recovery wasn’t bad, I consider that positive too!).

my 3 year old’s hair is getting to the point where i have to brush it every morning or it’s a mess. it hurts her but she’ll put up with it. i use some honest detangling spray and gobs of conditioner in the tub so i’m not sure how to make it less painful. however i worry that this is step 1 in teaching her that girls have to suck it up and accept pain, along with pain comes beauty, etc. maybe i’m just reacting to that jezebel article i just read on painful s*x and many years of painful hairbrushing inflicted on me. anyway, any thoughts?

Hi All. Hoping for some great recommendations, because you ladies are awesome. We’re embarking on our first vacation including air travel with our 2 year old later this month. We’ll be at a large all inclusive resort for our destination. Direct flights with no connections. We have a BabyJogger CityMini and love it. I decided I wanted an umbrella stroller for travel and ordered the Summer 3D Lite Convenience stroller. It arrived and is barely smaller or lighter than our CityMini! If we’re going to use something that big, I’d rather just return it and use our CityMini. However, I’d still rather have something small and light. I think I’ve settled on a cheap Cosco umbrella stroller from Target or Walmart for this trip. However, I’d love some recommendations of higher quality umbrella strollers that are truly light and small. Would love a canopy and maybe an adjustable/recline seat. And opinions generally – what would you do? Honestly, I really don’t see our daughter using it much. She usually wants to walk around. Hence, my inclination to just go cheap. We’re also taking her car seat, and I bought the little cart for that so it could be a stroller in the airport, too. But I don’t want to do that at the hotel ;-) Thanks!!

Help! I’m having a medication issue that is temporarily making it very hard to function (highly distractable, with tummy troubles and paranoia to boot!), and it’s affecting my ability to turn out work product at my job. I am working with two doctors to resolve it, but I fear the problem is with me for a few more weeks while the new dose kicks in.

It’s all compounded by the fact that I can’t get anything done on existing projects because my phone is constantly ringing with new “this will only take a minute” questions, and people dropping new work on me without asking me or giving me a good heads up on time commitment, often via e-mail which is….out of control, to put it nicely.

I contemplated asking for a couple weeks of intermittent FMLA or other accommodations, but I am concerned that if I’m even partly at work, it won’t help – our firm doesn’t have a centralized workflow system, so it’s on each attorney to brief every possible work provider about time limitations, and I have dozens of potential work providers on any given day. Short of sending a firm-wide e-mail saying, “please don’t call me for a few weeks!,” I don’t know how to get myself any respite.

Any suggestions?

Am I doing night sleep training right? My kiddo is 13 months and has never been a great sleeper. He still wakes up 1-2 times a night just needing to be settled, then again super early a.m. for a bottle, then back to sleep until a normal wake-up time. I am ready to pull the plug on the night wakings. Last night I just left him in his crib when he woke up at 3am. He cried on an off for one terrible hour, then slept til normal wake up time. Is that all there is to it? Just ignore him until he learns to settle himself?

Pregnant (with multiples) and in a one week period i went from feeling cute and pregnant to feeling huge and uncomfortable. Trying to switch the clothes from the washer to the dryer last night was so hard! I (hopefully) still have quite a bit of time left to go in my pregnancy- I have a desk job – any tips for making sitting all day more comfortable?

I’m not sure if this is posting in the right place, but I just wanted to encourage you to request a special education evaluation for your son. Like others said above, maybe he doesn’t even need services, but you are better off just knowing. The evaluation is at no cost to you. Be active in discussing what the scope of the evaluation should look like with your school staff. I believe your state department of education is required to have a list of parent attorneys and advocates if you think you need one. Having a formal IEP (or 504 if special education is not needed) helps protect him and you and helps ensure his accommodations are consistent as he moves from teacher to teacher and then even into college. Don’t be afraid of the stigma, you are your son’s best advocate even though it is so so hard. Big hugs, you can do this.

Has anyone tried the Rent the Runway plan where you can rent a few different pieces a month? I’ve rented gowns from them before and always had a positive experience, but wasn’t sure about a membership. I thought it might be a fun way to keep my work wardrobe fresh when I return to work post-baby, without committing to purchasing pieces that may not fit my changing body for long.
Any thoughts on RTR update vs RTR unlimited? With the time it would take to receive, try on, return, and receive a new shipment I’m not sure I could squeeze more than one shipment a month in anyway

This is a repost from late yesterday, but I could use some words of wisdom about dealing with ADHD as a working parent, if that’s the diagnosis my son receives.

After several years of our school-age son being on behavioral plans and still struggling with issues related to impulse control and attention, we’re pursuing an evaluation for ADHD. So many of the signs seem to fit what he’s going through, and the social interactions are getting harder for him all the time. He’s a bundle of energy who doesn’t know when to quit, and many of his peers have just had it with him. Breaks my heart. His principal has told us that he doesn’t believe DS is a mean kid at all, but he often says/does mean things for attention. Even though he knows it’s wrong, it’s like he can’t control himself in the moment. And that’s just one example. If I look back on various things over the years, my son’s quirks now seem like indicators of a bigger problem.

Emotionally, I’m all over the place. I’ve been trying to get my DH on board for testing for awhile now and he just didn’t see it until very recently. So I’m a little angry at him, and myself, for not pushing harder. We point-blank have asked teachers if they see ADHD signs and they’ve always said no, he just needs “extra support” to be successful. Well, he’s been getting extra support for several years and the same issues persist. I feel relief that my DS might finally get the help he needs. But I feel so ill-equipped for dealing with this. If ADHD is the verdict, he’s going to need more behavioral counseling, and possibly a different setup for before/aftercare. I’m not sure how we’re going to manage the extra help he may need.

Any tips for navigating the evaluating process, and working with the school? DS is already meeting weekly with the school social worker so there’s a paper trail started, I guess. I know very little about IEPs and 504 plans, but I need to learn quickly.

On top of dealing with kid stuff, I’ve spent half my workday calling around to assisted living places for my grandpa, who is recovering from a car accident and is going to need more hands-on care when he’s finished rehab from the accident. It is a strange juxtaposition to be touring assisted living facilities while trying to get my head around my DS’s situation.

I feel pulled in a million directions and like I’m failing everyone. Let’s just say that I’m grieving what used to be and work is not my highest priority right now.

Does anyone have suggestions for easy, low-mess projects to do with a 2 year old? Cooking is temporarily out and we’re in an apartment so would like to contain mess as much as possible.

Gorgeous sweater! And thanks for the early posts recently.