Weekend & Family Friday: Waterproof Sneakers

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Ultraboost Uncaged Shoes

I am always on the hunt for waterproof shoes, and if they are sneakers, even better. My complaints for waterproof shoes are that they’re usually clunky, heavy, and ill-fitting. The shoes I would wear for being outdoors/commuting wouldn’t be ones I would also want to wear all day in the office. Also, on the days I would travel/sightsee, I would need comfortable shoes that could also withstand any weather.

It looks like this brand is serious about their waterproof sneakers — it seems to be the only type of shoe they make. These are currently on major sale, with an extra 10% off with code WATERPROOFME, and they’re available in both black and white.

The shoes are $99, down from $249.99, at Loomfootwear.com. Waterproof Sneakers

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Ugh, American Girl marketing somehow knew to send us a BittyBaby catalogue and I want all the things. But my 2 year old already has a baby doll that she adores. It is excessive to get a second doll? I really like that these dolls have different hair and skin tones and we could get one that looks more like her. Do the AG accessories work with a smaller doll? We have a 12″ and I gather Bitty Baby is 15″.

I just got rejected for a job that I would be perfect for, and would have gotten me out of a very unfortunate job situation that I am in right now (I hate my job – the substance of it, the people, and the role — and even more, it’s an “on call all the time” sort of gig). This is coming the day after we received a letter that our tax preparer made mistakes on our 2018 taxes to the tune of thousands of dollars and huge penalties; the tax preparer is handling but we still need to gather documents from my husband’s self-employed business from the first half of 2018. This is all with a sick infant (not cold/flu, but long term medical needs with a specialist) and my husband now being required to go into the office daily. I’ve been working every nap and every night after bedtime at a job I hate, getting yelled at for not responding to emails within a half hour while wrangling a crying infant, and this rejection was just the icing on that cake. What’s more is that it was a phone call set up nearly a week ago to “discuss my application” from my would-be boss, that I had, reasonably, thought would be a job offer (because, who wouldn’t?), but he wanted to tell me personally that it was a tough decision and to apply if they have another opening. So, I was second choice. But, I had been looking forward to this call all week…

I need to share with this community, which has been so completely supportive. My oldest was diagnosed with Crohn’s when he was in kindergarten. He is now in 4th grade. It was a long road to receive the diagnosis, and the multiple times under general anesthesia were so difficult (more for me than him). We had his well-child appointment yesterday with his pediatrician who has cared for him since he was 2; she made the referral to pediatric GI when he was 5. When we made that referral, he had not put on weight or height in many months and was off the bottom of the height and weight growth curves. Yesterday, he was on the 50th percentile for weight and 25th for height. I’ve felt that he was getting bigger, stronger and healthy, but it was wonderfully astonishing to see the progress he has made. And, he has made much of that growth since his Dad and I divorced 18 months ago.

We do cute things your kids have done a lot, but last night DH really impressed me. He took a bunch of bits and bobs out of the fridge and turned it into a gourmet meal. I could never do that. What’s something your DH does amazingly?

Hi! It’s me, Family Photos, again. Thanks for all the suggestions last week. So i’m taking your suggestions of the wine colored leggings and blue/ yellow/ neutral color scheme to go with husband’s blue quarter zip. We were just gifted an adorable chambray dress for the one year old so she will wear that with a yellow polka dot jacket. Three year old boy will be in blue/ burgundy plaid and khakis. The current wrench- eight year old wants to wear her Hanna Anderson short sleeved rainbow tulle dress. Clearly it will be too cold for this- suggestions for a top layer? I really appreciate the collective color sense you all have!
Here’s the dress:

Anyone know the best (read: cheapest) deal to get the Sunday NYT?

Toddler sleep help desperately needed.

My exceptionally strong willed 3 year old will not go to sleep at night. Every night, we put her to bed between 730 and 8, and 10 minutes later, she comes downstairs to tell us that she pooped. We change her pull-up and send her back to bed, but she doesn’t stay in her bed. Instead, she runs around In her room, pulling books off the shelves, throwing toys around, removing the knobs from dressers and lights, etc. She also repeatedly comes downstairs with various excuses (sometimes after locking herself out of her room), and will not leave her lights off in her room. This goes on for at LEAST an hour every night, but last night it continued until 11 PM. I’m at my wit’s end, especially since it we have a 1 month old. I’ve been trying to go to bed around 9 while DH (whose leave is over) takes a shift with the baby, but I can’t fall asleep with her constant interruptions and noise. Any ideas?

Does anyone have an (adult) fleece jacket that they really like? Is it worth spending money on Patagonia? Basically I want something for fall/spring….

Leaving Big Law advice. I’m 99% sure I’m going to accept an in house job with a non-firm client. This is likely to come as a disappointment, but maybe not a surprise, to the partner I work the most with, who also has a lot of pull in our practice group, the firm, and the general practice area.

My reasons for leaving are work life balance, hatred of billable hours, and knowing I can’t put in that push to go the next step — I’m capably of it, just burnt out — parenting in a pandemic pushed me there sooner than I expected. This is a HARD choice, but it’s not a chance that comes along often.

How do I tell him? I’m worried about burning a bridge with him, even though I know he’s not vindictive like that. I’m also worried about disappointing him, even though I know I don’t owe him anything but reasonable notice and an effective transfer of work.

What happens if you don’t sleep train a baby? At some point, will they be big enough to sleep through the night without going through that kind of process, or is that a prerequisite?

DD slept like a dream in the Snoo until she outgrew it at around six months. Post-Snoo life has been rockier: she’s almost nine months, and she wakes up two or three times a night to nurse and will only fall back asleep in my arms. If she wakes up when I’m putting her in her crib, she’s upset, we end up going back to the chair to nurse some more and try again. Functionally, this means I’m in the nursery for several hours a night, sometimes all night, and sleeping late in the morning once DH takes over.

This wouldn’t be sustainable if we weren’t both teleworking. But given that we’re home literally all the time, I feel Ike the cost/benefit analysis weighs against sleep training for me right now. I’m glad that she’s continuing to nurse at night, since she’s lost some interest in nursing during the day. I do need to find some more productive hours work-wise; my day functionally starts at 9:30 or so and winds down at 6 or 6:30, when dinner kicks off the evening wind down to bedtime and then I’m back in the nursery soon after. I’m willing to trade some productivity and a sore neck for this time with her. At nine months, I think we’re in the home stretch of the baby days (and nights). I am enjoying this sleepy, cozy time with her. I don’t feel inclined not to nurse if that’s what helps her wind down. But I’m not sure if this becomes easier or harder as she gets older; I don’t want to have a two year-old who only sleeps in my arms, especially once we’re back in offices from nine to five.

Am I just delaying something we’ll eventually have to do? And if so, is there a drawback to continuing to delay? Is this a mistake? I would appreciate any words of wisdom!

My go to water-proof shoes that aren’t wellies are
Blondo waterproof booties in black suede https://blondo.com/products/elvina-1?variant=30255040561251
Sorel Ainsley Chelsea boot in black https://www.sorel.com/p/womens-ainsley-chelsea-boot-1809101.html?dwvar_1809101_color=282&pos=26

Both are warm and comfortable.

I have trail running shoes that are waterproof and I wear them for the same purposes.

Actually, living in the Northeast, they’re my go-to sneakers in the winter. I bought them for trail running but have gotten much more wear for winter runs on the regular roads than for trails. I bought mine at a local running store and they’re also designed to help you keep grip – pretty clutch when it’s wet or icy.