Washable Workwear Wednesday: Linen Blazer with Ruffle Trim


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Linen Blazer with Ruffle TrimA cute, springtime blazer that’s also machine washable — yes! This is a linen blazer, which would definitely work in my office but might be a “know your office” situation. The navy blue color looks like it has a chambray quality, and I like that the ruffles are the same color to add a bit of interest without overwhelming it. It also comes in a tan/black combo, which I personally had to write off because I just can’t wear that color, but I still think it’s cute. One reviewer pointed out that “standing collar” is in the description, and the photo of the model from behind shows the collar standing up, but it looks like you can also wear it down. The blazer comes in sizes 00–16 and is $118 at J.Crew Factory. (It was recently on sale for $89.50, so you may want to keep an eye out.) Linen Blazer with Ruffle Trim A plus-size option is at Lord & Taylor. Looking for other washable workwear? See all of our recent recommendations for machine washable work clothes, or check out our roundup of the best brands for washable workwear. This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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I’m super late to posting so I might re-post tomorrow in the hopes of catching the early and late team. I just want to thank the IVF veterans that responded to my call for help the other day. I was really getting worked up and you all brought me down to earth. Things have really improved. I’m likely to have 5 mature follicles with possibly 3 that could catch up by my egg retrieval on Friday. So thanks again for keeping me sane.

About pumping.

Can’t seem to get to comment as a reply, so here it guy goes.

I started pumping since the baby was a few days old, and built a stash. I pumped after every feeding except at night, so about 4 times. I returned to work after 12 weeks. I now pump 3-4 times a day. First at 6 am in home, then at 10 am and 2 PM at work. I feed the baby around 7 PM. My husband and I take turns feeding him at night, usually around 1-3 an. So, if it is my husbands turn to feed, I pump one more time around 9 PM before going to sleep. Otherwise, I don’t pump. On weekends, I just breastfeed, no pumping unless it’s husband’s turn to do nightfeeding. I pump for about 16-20 minutes and get about 6oz. So far, it’s working out.

My question is what to do with breastmilk that I pumped when he was one or two month old. If the composition of milk changes with age, will that old milk meet his nutritional needs, say at 6 months? I plan to stop breastfeeding/pumping once he is 6 months old.

I realized that the night lights in our kids’ rooms are too bright. Anyone have a recommendation for a night light that is not overly bright AND also has a cord? The outlets in both rooms are blocked by furniture, so we need something with a cord that can sit on the dresser.

Or, any suggestions for light bulbs that are dimmer than a typical night light bulb?


We are taking a small road trip over Memorial Day weekend and planning on spending one night in Pittsburgh to break up the travel. Does anyone have any recommendations on where to stay or what to do for a few hours? We have one child, 8 months old. I’ve never been to Pittsburgh so I don’t know the different areas of the city.

Does your kid’s school have a social media presence? My kid is in preschool and the school posts daily about the different activities and includes up 30 photos of kids from different classes. The school has a consent form for photos of kids. I did not consent to them taking photos and specifically asked them not to. With that, I see photos of my kid online every other day. They are group photos, never of my kid alone. I understand that it can be hard to move my kid out of a photo if they are in the middle of an activity-so I’m leftish that slide.
My question is-who is the audience for these posts on Facebook, instagram, and their website? These are open groups, anyone can see the photos. If the posts are meant to be updated for parents, I wish that the school would send a weekly newsletter or something.
Anyway, I am meeting with the director tonight and am hoping to share my concerns and hoping she understands.

The assistant director of my kids’ preschool just left with no notice and another management staff person was promoted to director. I don’t know if she was fired or quit when she heard that another person was being promoted to director. She was always kind and welcoming to our family and much better with my children than the owner/other management staff, and I would have liked to say thank you and goodbye. Is it worth speaking to the owner to ask about what happened? I can’t imagine that I’ll get an answer other than “she wasn’t a good fit for our team anymore”.

The elephant in the room in all this is that we live in a diverse but racially divided northeastern city. The former assistant director was black and the owner and new management team is all white (so is our family FWIW). Our first daycare was was run by a director who was clearly racist and dismissive of the black teachers, and I am afraid I am seeing the same thing happening with this preschool. Obviously I’m not going to say anything to the owner about race, but the whole thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

So, I have a concern and want a check with other moms. My kid is a year and half. When we go out in public, she’s well behaved. According to her daycare, she’s a delight. According to her dad, when it’s just the two of them she’s well behaved. But when it’s me and her, she’s not quite the same. Mostly, she just cries a lot. She’s easily comforted. She cries over everything though – me leaving a room, her cup being empty, a crayon breaking, etc.

My husband says that she behaves this way I respond to her crying. I don’t necessarily give her what she wants, but I do crouch down to her level and give her a hug or say something. The thought of just ignoring her doesn’t make me feel good, but, frankly, I’m getting a bit frustrated. The kid I see in public isn’t the one I have in private. If it makes any difference, my husband is gone for at least 50% of the time on business travel, so I’m the primary parent. Thoughts? Ideas? Wait it out? TIA

In our daycare, you put a red band on a bottle to signify that it is pumped. No red band = formula. This ensures that workers know that they are dealing with bodily fluids and that they make sure never to mix up bottles.

FWIW, I am small of chest and frequently need to supplement. I’d just to to nursing when I’m present, ditch the pump, and send only formula to daycare in a heartbeat but but but for telegraphing that so perfectly by never having red-banded bottles in the infant room.

I know it’s supposed to be better. And my kid has been in 40 hours a week daycare since she was 12 weeks old, which I would prefer be 20 (biglaw not-easily-scalable job; I’m happy it’s only 40 hours in care + liberal at-home work in the evenings) in an ideal world.

I just wish I weren’t made to be so public with my choices. This is kid #2. I feel that everyone commented when the various kids switched to cow’s milk with my first (so I know that if people notice that, they are also noticing the general switch from red band to no band for other reasons).

I just hate this. I’m all for nursing, but I feel like this is living more in a fishbowl than I want.

Thanks to everyone who weighed in yesterday about au pairs and other possible childcare solutions in our small college town. Getting several college students to cover the hours is appealing, especially since DH and I work from home a lot and would be around for supervision/emergencies more than most working parents. But wouldn’t they all then be household employees? Paying payroll taxes/withhholding income tax for lots of different people seems like a logistical nightmare and also maybe cost prohibitive.

I am really lucky and have a generally good and easy relationship with my SD’s mom, but sometimes she just makes me SO MAD. Step-parenting is HARD. I’m trying to take deep breaths and keep my heart rate down and not let my hormonal rage take over.

I am so tired of dealing with unreliable babysitters. Either they don’t get back to us or they double book and then we’re scrambling at the last minute. We have a pretty deep “pool” of sitters but it seems like they’re always canceling or already booked (even when I try to secure them a month or two out). For that reason, I also never understand the blogs or podcasts that suggest getting a few extra hours of help here or there because it seems so hard to book. This is really more of a vent than a real question but where do people find these reliable sitters who are always available?

I figured you guys would appreciate my current predicament. My 9 month old refused to nap all morning and finally fell asleep in the checkout of IKEA. Clearly the answer is to sit in a comfy chair at IKEA and read my book until he wakes up, right?

Anyone have trouble sleeping once they weaned? I just can’t seem to sleep all of sudden. I wake up 4/5/6+ times a night, sometimes for 30 minutes or more and I am wrecked.

I don’t remember this happening with my first.

How often do you pump at work? At “peak production” with my 1st, I always did it 3/day to make what she needed for the next day. Now back at it with my 2nd, with a spectra pump which seems to be a bit more productive, and wondering if I can just do two times/day for 3 bottles. I experimented with it yesterday and it worked out but wondering if there is a downside I’m not considering or if this will become impossible as he gets bigger (he’s eating 5 oz bottles now, roughly 3 times a day while I’m gone). FWIW, I am not so focused on having extra so I’m fine with just enough to make it through the next work day.