Family Friday: Le Pom Pom Camera Strap
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While I was perusing the Free People website for the shoe pick from Tuesday, I came across this camera strap. I love taking photos but I am by no means a photographer. Nowadays I don’t even bring my nice camera on trips because my iPhone camera takes such great photos. However, if I were going on a family vacation this summer where I would come across beautiful scenery or would want to take some nicer family photos with a vacation backdrop, I would definitely make a point to bring it. If you’re an avid photo taker or just find joy in breaking out a nice camera, this is a cool accessory to outfit your camera with. (They have other designs as well.) If other people are going to be taking your photo, it would be nice not to have a boring black camera strap around your neck in every photo from your vacation! Le Pom Pom Camera Strap
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My son has a 95th percentile – off the charts head and rolled for the first time by 10 weeks. He was never early with any other gross motor milestone. But he did just kind of lead with his head and the rest of his body followed. (He learned to roll swaddled at 12 weeks, the night before I went back to work, which was a terrible coincidence.) I agree your baby sounds perfectly normal. Enjoy the holding still while you can!
i dont think you are overthinking. i think a lot about developing baby’s palate. i would continue to offer veggies alone and not worry about speed or rejections.
Silly question. Almost 8 month old loves solids. Started him on oatmeal, then veggies, then fruits, and then a bit of everything else (yogurt, eggs, etc). But right now he prefers fruits to veggies. I still offer the veggies, but it’s a lot slower for him to eat, and he rejects quicker. Any ideas? Do I just keep offering until this “phase” passes? Or just mix fruits/veggies? Want him to get used to the taste without hiding. Maybe I’m overthinking :)
Your baby’s fine. 5.5 months is way too early for scooting or crawling. It’s great that she has already rolled over and will do it more once she gets the hang of it. Just continue to do tummy time.
this is a great rec. most accessories for fancy cameras assume you are a techy man. i love these straps. however, having just spent way too much on a camera, $90 on a strap is not happening.
Paranoid mom question here – my 5.5 month old is not moving at all. She rolled tummy to back exactly once (several weeks ago), seemed really freaked out, and hasn’t done it since. She’s also not showing any interest in scooting or crawling (although I know that typically comes a bit later). Her head and trunk control seems pretty normal – she holds her head and chest up for long stretches during tummy time and can sit up for quite a while if we support her lower back. Is she just lazy?? I’m going to ask the doctor about it at the 6 month appt in a few weeks, but if anyone has reassuring anecdata that their kid rolled late or never rolled and turned out normal, I would appreciate hearing it.
Looking for advice – any moms with young kids travel a lot for work? Considering a job offer that would involve 30-40% travel – it’s a great professional opportunity, but I have a 16 month old at home and not sure how this would all work out. DH works full time and travels 10-20% for work also. Would love to hear advice from others who have been there or have considered a job with significant travel.
Why does health insurance have to be so frustrating?! We’ve been taking Kiddo to occupational therapy for the last 6 weeks. The OT’s office said we were in network and have been charging us the in-network deductible. I checked the insurance company’s website, and it looked like she was in network. I noticed our insurance company hasn’t processed any of the claims, and DH called the insurance company this morning. It turns out that, while our OT is in network for 6 plans offered by our insurance company, she is not in network for our specific plan. That means we’ll owe a little more money, but more importantly, the past 6 weeks of OT won’t count against our in-network deductible.
We can switch OTs. It’s less convenient to our house and daycare, but I’m sure it will be fine. I’m just frustrated that it feels like over $500 is down the drain because it’s so hard to figure this sh*t out.
Looking for advice in dealing with a 5 yo rising Kindergartner that usually reacts to things not going her way with huge crying jags. I’m interested in teaching her how to have a proportionate response to things like being told you can’t bring that huge toy in the car or her little brother breaking up her Lego house, for instance. “Please stop crying, it’s not that big of a deal” really isn’t working that’s for sure, but I’m not sure how to help her get over things quicker or not let the little stuff bother her. I really don’t want her crying her way through kindergarten!
In a moment of dejau vu: My 5 year old came home from summer camp yesterday to tell me that there is a parent/child game (she’s at soccer camp) at 11:30 today. While cursing under my breath, I explained that mommy nor daddy would be there. She seemed ok with it.
Ideas for weekend indoor activities for an 18 month old? I know a lot this depends on your particular city but it’s going to be HOT in our midwestern city this weekend and we get stir crazy if we stay home with kiddo all weekend. but outdoor options (zoo, parks, etc) are out for us when it’s this hot.
Can anybody speak to whether I’m crazy or reasonable for thinking we might be able to do a very long-haul international flight with a 3mo infant? I’ve heard success stories about flying at that age because they mostly just sleep and nurse, but since baby isn’t here yet and this is our first, I have no idea how it will play out for us specifically. Are bulkhead bassinets still a thing? Should I just give up on this idea?
The RTF (ready to feed/pre-mixed) formula is the best thing ever. People get so hung up on EBF but I just really don’t see how a little formula is a big deal, especially when baby isn’t a brand newborn. I was just always so reassured that we could always have formula and a bottle with us or leave with caregivers and baby would be good to go. I nursed for 9 months but never did a stash and it was just so much less stressful.
It was so interesting to read yesterday’s post from another professional working woman who is a foster parent!
For contrast, I wanted to share a little bit of my experience as a foster parent. In the past year, we’ve had 6 kids come through our house, staying anywhere from just a few days to a few months. I’ve never taken a maternity leave for any kiddos, but have applied for FMLA so that I could use leave without prior approval if needed.
What’s so surprising to me is that you didn’t list any appointments or visits! Out of curiosity, did you just leave that detail our or do you not have any? For those of you not in FP-land, kids in care very commonly will have visits with biological parents, siblings, and other relatives. Additionally, it’s pretty normal to have many more appointments with a kid in care- things like visits from social workers, EI appointments, additional doctor’s or pediatrician appointments, therapy, etc.
Best wishes that everything goes smoothly in the next few weeks! Although, won’t you miss documenting everything in your life? (Kidding – as a foster parent I have to document so many bumps and bruises… things like, ‘Child was walking while holding a toy car and tripped on own feet, refused to let go of car to catch self and has a bruise on forehead as a result’).
Mabels Labels. Order the starter pack, see which ones you use the most of, then order more if you need them. The starter pack got us through the first year, now I just order Tag Mates or the larger sized ones separately.