Weekend & Family Friday: Sew Mini Animals Book

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 Sew Mini Animals BookI was browsing toys on Amazon and remembered how much I absolutely loved this brand of books by Klutz from my own childhood. These books seek to teach a skill or provide an art project/craft. As a kid who loved step-by-step instructions but the ability to be creative too, these books held a special place in my heart. This particular one (ages 8+) gives the materials and instructions to sew adorable felt animals. It is $18.65 and eligible for Prime, and it includes the book and all of the materials. Sew Mini Animals Book This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!
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Looking for recommendations for a non-greasy, high SPF sunscreen for elementary age kiddo. Prefer formulas with safer ingredients. However, we’ve had no luck with mineral sunscreens because they leave a white or pale pink cast on my tan complexioned kid.

My niece was a very late walker (18 months?) and was not particularly verbal, but it’s been three months and she’s now relatively verbal and walking well. I agree that you should check with your ped, but I don’t think the two are very related. Also, it could just be a personality thing, which might be why it’s manifesting for both.

Late in the day, but does anyone have a kid who was both late at verbal stuff and physical stuff? You often hear about kids who are late at one, but not both. My almost 14 month old is not really talking. The only thing she says that I would consider a word is “dat” when she points to things, and even that I’m not sure it counts because she uses it for everything, it’s not very specific. She understands a lot though, and seems to be understanding more every day even though she can’t speak. She’s even later on physical stuff than verbal stuff, I think. I know 14 months is well within the normal range to not be walking, but she’s not even very interested in standing. If we prop her up she can stand fine holding onto something, but she can’t stand independently and I have only seen her pull herself all the way to her feet a couple of times…she has to be very interested in something out of reach to pull herself up. I have friends with late talkers or late walkers, but they were always on track or early at the other milestone. Friends will say “oh, don’t worry, my kid didn’t walk until 16 months” or whatever, but then they’ll mention that their kid had 50 words by 15 months. So it’s hard not to feel frustrated that she’s behind on both.

anyone have bad morning sickness with a first pregnancy and not so bad morning sickness with a second? i’m at 6 weeks and by this time last time, i could barely get out of bed, had bad headaches every day, and felt like I was generally on the verge of death. This time, I feel the same weird combination of nauseous and completely starving, slightly more tired than usual, but otherwise not too terrible. Does this seem typical? I’ll admit, I’m a little freaked out because I’m 40 and have had a miscarriage before (but before my first one, not recently). Thanks for any reassurance!

Made a total rookie mistake last night and gave my 2 year old, who is also the slowest eater in the world and has a thing about his food not being “broken” into pieces, a popsicle. Of course, the popsicle started melting and breaking off the stick before he was finished, which resulted in literally the most intense and longest tantrum he’s ever had. 1.5 hrs of wailing and crying “POPSICLE! MORE POPSICLE!!!!!”. Ugh.

What random things have caused your toddlers to melt down lately??

Will I regret not doing newborn photos? Or is this something any of you have gotten a family member to do for you? I’m just not sure I want to shell out the money, but this time is so fleeting!

Hi all,
Starting by saying that of course we are going to be thrilled with *a baby* regardless of gender. BUT, we want to increase our chance of having a girl. What are your tips and tricks? Feel free to share even if really unscientific – we will try everything. :) I’m aware of the timing method (a few days before ovulation according to the slower swimmer theory). Anything else that worked for you? Any good resources for learning more about this?
Thanks in advance!

I need to put *something* in the Easter basket of my 11 month old.

I have a 3 and 6 y/o who are getting candy and toys.

So far I have a bottle of baby sunscreen for our upcoming vacation ;). Bubbles are out. Baby pouches? My other kids got stuff like hats and sunglasses and books and bibs and bubbles and socks at this age but we are chock full of all that stuff now. Maybe Easter…new sandals for the summer? ;)

Has anyone tried this? Thoughts? I’m thinking it might be a good option for me as carving out a couple hard 1 hour workouts in my week actually seems easier than what I’m currently trying to do, which is work in 20 minutes here and there.

I feel like a version of this question is asked semi-regularly, so please forgive me…but I need casual outfit help. Last weekend, I realized I don’t have any fun, remotely in-style casual wear. I have a few good pairs of jeans, but no tops…so I think that’s my main question — where are you all shopping for fun casual tops?
Relatedly, it’s been so long since I’ve really shopped for myself (I work from home, so grubby athleisure is my go-to; it’s not pretty) that I have a hard time figuring out how to determine whether something is going to be a hit, or just sit in my closet unworn. Any tips on knowing how to identify pieces that will become favorites?

What’s your go-to quick dinner? I’m talking 15-20 minutes, not even 30 minutes. Does that exist?! I do a lot of cooking in advance, but by the time we get to the end of the week, it’s time for something new. And please don’t tell me to just go out or get take out ;)

Where do you buy cheap kids clothes? I had been buying most of my toddler’s clothes from Carter’s and was happy with fit and quality, but am becoming increasingly annoyed with how stereotyped their boys vs girls clothing is (specifically I’m really annoyed at this shirt and the fact that there’s nothing sold for girls that celebrates their brains: https://www.carters.com/carters-toddler-boy-short-sleeve-tees/V_243I503.html). We have a few pieces from Hanna and Baby GAP but these are not places I can afford to shop at regularly, especially while she’s still so hard on her clothes.

I’m looking for advice on early wakings for my 18 mo old before turning to a sleep specialist.

My toddler has always been an early riser. The latest she has ever slept is 5:30 am but for the last 2-3 months it has turned into 4:30 am. Within the last few days it has turned into anywhere from 3-4:30 am and there is nothing I can do to get her back to sleep after she is awake early in the morning.

I have tried letting her cry it out. She will cry for 2 hours if I let her (and I often do let her cry for 45+ minutes if she isn’t hysterical). This is the route we go the most often because going into the room works her up even more. I have went in to nurse (even though we night weaned 6 months ago). I’ve gone in to give reassurance and cuddles. I’ve tried the OK to wake clock. Nothing works.

Right now she is going to sleep at 7 pm and getting one 2 hour nap at day care on average (11:30-1:30).

She used to go to sleep at 6:30 pm but we nudged it back to 7 when the 4:30 am wake ups became the new normal.

Any advice? Ideally I can get her back to a 5:30 am but I’ll even take 5 am. I just can’t keep on with these 3-4:30 am wake ups.

wise hive esp. breastfeeding moms – what calculus would induce you to give up your nursing relationship completely for work?
I have the opportunity to travel to a developing country for work, and run a workshop there + carry out some research that is a near perfect match for my skills and experience. Actual duration of work travel is about a week, which is fine. However, yellow fever is endemic there and in the region I’d be visiting, and the vaccination is contraindicated for nursing moms – the CDC says there isn’t enough data to support the duration of pumping and dumping, either, so if I got the vaccine I would stop nursing and pumping entirely. I’m familiar with tropical environments and know that the sort of mosquitoes carrying yellow fever will definitely be there, and I will definitely get bitten! Baby would be 9 months when I go and still nursing, and I was hoping to keep nursing till she is closer to 15-18 months.
I realize I’m fortunate to have this be a choice at all – this isn’t about her essential nutrition, it’s about my personal preferences regarding nursing. What would you choose? What would factor into your decision?

My 3yo potty-trained 9 months ago up until last week hadn’t had an accident in probably six months. In the last two week she’s had five (all pee), including two yesterday. Has anyone else dealt with this kind of regression? If I had to guess it seems like she’s just forgetting to go, so maybe we need to start offering reminders? She started self-initiating immediately after potty training so we’ve never really gotten in the habit of reminding, except before we leave the house. No complaints of pain, so I don’t think it’s a UTI.