Everyone Thursday: Harlow Frontal Necklace


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Kendra Scott 'Harlow' Frontal Necklace | CorporetteHappy Thursday! I like the simplicity of this necklace, as well as the option to wear it as tight or as loose around your neck as you like. The fact that it comes in eight colors speaks pretty highly of it, too. It was $195 but is now $156 at Nordstrom. Kendra Scott ‘Harlow’ Frontal Necklace

Sales of note for 1/16:

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Does anyone have recommendations for sandals for toddlers? My guy has started walking in the last month or so and is pretty new to the whole shoe thing. He likes wearing sneakers, but I’d like to get him something that he could wear at the beach and at the pool and wear into the water. Any recs on something that’s easy for walking and would stay on his feet?

Also, how quickly do toddlers outgrow shoes? Should I buy the next size up like I would in shirts, or just get him what fits now?

Does anyone else think that huge statement necklaces are somewhat dated by now?

So, this is just an unsolicited product review– I bought that bellefit corset girdle thing that Kat reviewed a few weeks ago. And I love it. I might be hallucinating or something, which is possible given the sleep deprivation, but I am on my second day of wearing it and I swear my stomach already looks different and better. The girdle does not bother my c-section incision at all, and I really like how it supports my stomach, which feels like a giant empty dough ball right now. I am one week postpartum right now, and have been wearing depends for the bleeding (super glamorous!), and it fits over those just fine. I usually hate anything constricting on my midsection, hate tights, pantyhose, all those things, but for some reason I find this girdle really comfortable. Maybe because it goes up so high? Anyway, thought I’d weigh in.

I kind of love this necklace, but not for >$150!

There’s a rumor that my firm’s annual outing this year (scheduled later this month) will be to a local zoo. I’m still pumping. The annual outing is typically an all-day affair. Any advice on where to pump at a zoo? (Bring my battery pack and stand in a restroom?)