Finally Friday: Tieks

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A pair of Red Tieks Ballet flats aren’t my favorite, but even I’ve been lusting after the fun color combinations that Tieks offers — add in their reputation as extremely comfortable shoes, the signature blue sole, as well as the functionality (they’re foldable) and it sounds like a win win. The shoes are pricey, though — they range from $175-$295. The pictured shoes (in burgundy) are $175; they come in sizes 5-13. Tieks

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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First: apologies to anyone who’s TTC and may not be in the same boat as me. Feel free to skip this thread if you want.

I woke up in the middle of last night with a crazy charley horse in my left leg…and I’ve only ever in my life gotten those when I was pregnant. At that exact moment I realized my period is late. I am FREAKING out. We have two kids and have talked seriously about adopting a third because I never ever ever ever ever want to be pregnant again. It’s been a slow month for us in terms of bedroom stuff (and we use cndms) but there’s a slim chance I could be pregnant. Really trying to be rational here but it’s hard. I know there’s nothing internet strangers can do about this — just wanted to put this out there somewhere AAAAAAAA!

I am intrigued by these, but I just can’t spend almost $300 on what would have to be casual flats. The price point just seems insane to me.

Just this week my one year old started preferring solids/finger foods to purees, so I’m in the midst of the transition now.

So far I’ve sent her to daycare with various combinations of following: veggies from frozen veggie mix (with a little butter and herbs for flavor), roast butternut squash (diced), baked sweet potato (diced), small slices of baked sausage, sliced tangerines, baked apples and pears (diced).

I’m planning to try: meatballs, mac-n-cheese, tortellini, humus sandwich pieces (i.e., more substantive food than veggies).

I send each type of food in a small tupperware. So far it seems to be working okay. The daycare teachers have been helpful for providing suggestions (like the tortellini and humus sandwiches).

Looking forward to hearing ideas from others, because I feel like I’ve not been very creative.

I’d never heard of Tieks before – these look cute but they’d have to be insanely durable for me to shell out $200 for them. The blue sole also seems like it would relegate them to casual wear, at least for me.

My LO is starting to eat some solid food and is in full-time daycare. Does anyone have recommendations for easy homemade baby food that will travel well to daycare. I realize the transition from purées to soft finger food goes quickly, so I would appreciate recs for all types. My first wasn’t in full-time care until she was much older, so I didn’t face this then.