Finally Friday: Asymmetrical Hem Faux Wrap Top


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Button Tab Sleeve Top: Karen Kane Asymmetrical Hem Faux Wrap Top Wow, for several reasons. First, the many positive reviews. Second, the neckline — something about the sharpness of the V-neck is perfect, and really differentiates this top from several others that are similar. Third, the fact that I like the high-low look in this case — which I never do — and like it enough to recommend for work and beyond. It’s “hand wash,” which to me these days means “throw in the washer and hope for the best,” but that’s me. It’s $79 at Nordstrom (sold out in white, but available in black). Karen Kane Asymmetrical Hem Faux Wrap Top Update: We found some additional colors at other stores: blue and red in regular sizes, and blue, red, and black (and green in a very similar style) in plus sizes. (L-6)

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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X-post from the main site because I’m particularly interested in hearing from anyone who’s had this done post pregnancy/nursing.

Has anyone ever gotten Bre*st implants?

I’m done pregnancy/nursing. I’ve always been on the smaller side and have thought about it for a long time but wanted to be finished having kids first. It seems like silicone gives a better result but is riskier. Any suggestions for reading to help make the decision for/against or saline/silicone? I’m a bit overwhelmed by all the information online. Would I really have to get them replaced every 10 years?

I would love to arrange a break/getaway type thing for my husband, a SAHD, just so he could get a breather of some sort. I’ve been traveling a good amount for work, baby has been sick, now I’m sick, and I heard him joking to the baby, “dada needs a vacation!” and it sort of set the wheels a-turnin’ in my mind.

If it was someone booking this for me, I would want a reservation for a bright, white hotel room with fluffy sheets, and a massage appointment, and maybe a sushi bar within walking distance. He’s a little harder to figure out. He’s pretty much your typical butch dude, loves beer and good food, the outdoors, etc. I think the ideal would be somewhere a reasonable drive from LA… but I am having trouble thinking of the right spot that isn’t *romantic* (because I wouldn’t be coming). Any thoughts?

It’s our anniversary this weekend and my MIL just offered to take the boys all day and overnight tomorrow. Best gift ever!

(Did I mention my MIL is the best? My MIL is the best. It would’ve been worth marrying my husband just to get her. Luckily my husband is also pretty great.)


Played with stickers with Little TK before work this morning. Did not do a last glance in the mirror before I headed out the door. Just got back from a trip to the restroom and caught a glance of myself … guess who’s been walking around for several hours with an “eyeball” sticker over her left n*pple?

My insurance will cover the Ameda Purely Yours or the Medela PISA. This is my second baby; I have the Ameda Purley Yours from 3 years ago, and all its parts.

I also have a manual Medela and a bunch of bottles for it.

Do I go for another Ameda (I had supply issues the first time around, no idea if it was the pump or what), or try the Medela this time and use my existing Ameda as a back-up?

Just wanted to thank everyone who weighed in yesterday about my question about staying home alone from a in-law visit. Still undecided, but your thoughtful responses are pushing me into the “Stay home!” camp.

After asking my question and reading your responses, I think my honest hang-up is the thought of being something other than indispensable. Heartache!

Is there any chance my just turned 2 yr olds are coming to the end of their napping days? They go to bed at 7:30 but for the last month or more they play in their cribs and talk to each other until at least 8:30 and often 9:00 or later. Then they’re up at 6:45. Lately they’ve been napping only an hour in the afternoon when they used to nap a solid 2.5 hrs, or sometimes more. The au pair tells me that yesterday one of them didn’t nap at all! I think 7:30 might be on the early side in terms of bedtime, but it’s what works for us right now. Because of work/dinner it’s either that or 9:00, which seems really late for 2 yr olds. And that would mean they’d eat dinner with us at 7:30/7:45 instead of at 5:30/6:00 the way they do now. Should we cut back on naps? They seem really young still to be giving up naptime.

Hey there, long lost internet friends. Does anyone have any thoughts/experience/suggestions on living in College Station, Texas? We’re possibly looking at relocating there, and are headed on an exploratory trip next weekend. Looking for neighborhood and school ideas… Thanks!

There are some similar styles at Lands’ End without the faux-wrap – I have the Drape Notch Henley shirt (dressier than it sounds, works for my mostly-casual office!) but it’s now sold out. Just search for ‘notch neck’.

Hey ladies, do y’all have suggestions on how to split household-type responsibilities with your partner to help juggle life? My DH is wonderful and willing to help as needed, but we fell into a pattern where I do everything while on maternity leave. Now 5 months removed from leave, I’m still (unsuccessfully) trying to balance everything. After being in survival mode for so long, I’m not sure what to ask DH to help with!

A key employee was just recently diagnosed with an illness which may prevent her return. I’m the new administrator (new position for the firm, too) and little had been transitioned. Her desk is 60% transferring to me.
There is going to be a lot of ‘leaning in’ the next couple of months, including increased evening work from home.
I’m excited to show what I’m capable of (and hopefully set myself up for a conversation about a pay increase), but I’m already tired with the 7 month old, pumping, husband, house, friends, me time, etc.

Just sharing because I know you all have been there, and I’m glad I’m not the only one trying to have it all.

Going to the doctor’s today for my first appointment! I’m 8 weeks, and I’m so excited for the sonogram (though I think I’ll be like Rachel on Friends and not be able to figure out what I’m looking at). Just excited and no one in my office knows, so came here to type exclamation points!!!!!!!!

I just got invited to give a talk about 2 months after my baby (first child) will be born, while I’m still on maternity leave. I’ve given this exact talk 3 times before, it’s in town (30 minute drive from home), and there’s a generous honorarium. But…I will have a two-month-old, and I’m not sure how much I’ll want to protect my leave or whether it will be very difficult to switch back into work mode for a few hours. Would you say yes to the invite? Other potentially important details: husband would be available to take care of kid and I’ll be having a c-section. Thanks so much!

My 3 year old son has been doing this thing for the last week or so where he doesn’t really empty his bladder when he uses the bathroom. And then needs to go again 10 minutes later. And 10 minutes after that, and so on. He’ll tell me that “the pee isn’t all coming out.” Even if I have him sit there for an extra 5 minutes, he won’t pee any more until he takes a break. At bedtime, I see this as a stall tactic and it drives me #@(*& crazy. But he’s also had 2 accidents in the last week and wet his bed the other night, and he’s been fully day and night potty trained for 6+ months. So maybe something else is going on. Anyone else experienced this?

He’s in the middle of a daycare transition, since he’s moving up to the preschool class starting this summer, plus there have been 3 new teachers in his current (old) class because of summer vacation staffing shuffles. Otherwise no significant changes at home or anything. I guess I’m just wondering whether this is 100% behavioral, or if there might be a physical reason I should talk to the pediatrician’s office about.

Hey ladies – can you give me advice on how to wean my 20-month-old? We are down to nursing before bedtime and I can tell that it really relaxes her. We have tried to have husband put her to sleep. He does the same exact routine, except offers her a sippy cup of milk and she screams and bangs on the door to get me to come to her room. Is there a CIO for weaning? Any gentler methods? A friend jokingly (I think) suggested putting hot sauce on my bre@sts…