Weekend & Family Friday: Infant Snowsuit

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Two babies wearing Infant Snowsuits in blue and pinkThe weather has been bizarre in the Northeast this winter. The other day it was like 5 degrees, and as I am writing this, it’s about 45 degrees and I was sweating in my winter coat. Luckily, in NYC we haven’t gotten snow dumped on us yet, but my husband bought one of these snowsuits from Costco for my son. At $14.97, I can still hope that he never gets to use it this winter, and for people who have frequent snow accumulation where they live, it’s getting good reviews on the site. My favorite part is the foldover feature on the hands and feet, as my son will not keep gloves on his hands. Right now, both the boys’ and girls’ versions are available online in 3/6 months and may also be available at your local Costco. Infant Snowsuit 

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The girl in the snowsuit is the spitting image of my daughter, to the point that it’s almost freaking me out. (Not trying to humblebrag that I have a child model – I don’t think I have any photos of my daughter that are quite this cute, but the physical features are very similar.)

Obviously. Tylenol works on the brain, not on the vascular system. It’s why pregnant women and infants can take tylenol and why it can cause liver damage. Works great on the itchies too.

I bought this at Costco for my 18 month old! We’re in NYC and haven’t had to use it yet, but it’s very cute and you cannot beat the price.

Any recommendations for adult snowpants? Do people have strong preferences between the bib and non-bib type? They will mostly be for playing outside with the kids, sledding, etc.

My kid just turned 1 and he’s milk intake has dramatically dropped. He’s down to 1 bottle of 6 oz before night sleep. We were doing half cows milk and half formula, but last night I forgot to add formula. But he drank the milk anyway. At home, he was talking a bottle before nap, but at daycare, he refuses bottle. Any experience with this? Is baby going to be ok with just solids? Right now, he eats 1 tbsp of cashew butter and cracker when he wakes up. At day care he gets cereal and fruit at 8 am. Then around 1130 he gets 4 oz of lunch. Then at 3 PM he gets 4 oz of snack (usually 3 oz fruit and 1 oz yogurt) then at home around 530 or 6 he gets 4 oz dinner, crackers, some yogis snacks. Finally he’s bottle at 7 before sleep. I wonder if he’s getting enough…

I’ve been struggling with infertility for about four years now. Two of my close friends know, one doesn’t (she’s kind of new to our friend group). They are all currently pregnant. We were hanging out last night and the one who doesn’t know started talking about how she can control when she goes into labor (then proceeded to discuss the gory details) and how it’s really important to her that she can pick her children’s birthdate. This just rubbed me the wrong way and I kind of shut down and then left. I know that was rude but it just didn’t seem like the time to be like “Hey this weirds me out and hurts my feelings.” 1) do you think I should say something to her or just get over it? 2) Do you and your mom friends regularly discuss details of your birth experience/delivery? We all have kids (mine’s adopted) but the other two friends have basically never mentioned anything about their “birth experiences” so I was a little shocked and squicked out that this friend (who’s the most introverted/private of us) just casually brought up details. I’m being overly sensitive right? I just need to get over it.

If my MIL tells me one more time how it’s good to let my husband rest and “regain his strength” I am going to lose it. To the poster asking about only children the other day, I don’t think the problem is the only child, it’s the mother of the only child (at least in my case – doesn’t help she’s local) – don’t be that MIL, boundaries are key. Toddler picked up stomach bug on Monday, was mostly feeling better by Wednesday (say 75%). I picked it up Wednesday night, was up all night, he picked it up early Thursday, and somehow I ended up both working a full day (from home) because I couldn’t get coverage on any of my projects, mostly supervised the toddler as DH kept falling asleep during the day yesterday (usually after asking what he could do to help, so he was trying at least), and got up early with toddler again this morning (and am likely working a mostly full day from home today). ARGH! When everyone is sick but the toddler, there is no rest for anyone!

I know this has been asked before but I can’t find it – for those that have sent breastmilk to daycare, how many and what size bottles do you send? Trying to figure this out with a LO who is 5 1/2 months and it’s been surprisingly difficult.

Hi! Last mintue decided to do Costco instead of local Italian caterer for a small bday party. I know they have mac n cheese but anything else we can look for to feed about 12 adults and 5 kids? Thanks!

Vent: My daycare just gave me homework. “We ask families to decorate a poster with pictures and fun facts [celebrating Black History Month]. We will post them along the hallway for everyone to see and learn. Let’s make this a fun family activity. We look forward to seeing everyone’s creativity soar. Projects are due on February 15th.”

I am all for celebrating Black History Month, and if the school wants to do this project with the kids over the month, that’s great. But I have very, very limited time at home with my kids, and I really resent being told how to spend it. Also, my 2 year old is useless at poster-making.

For those of you who have difficult relationships with your parents… where do you draw the line as far as them having a relationship with your kids?

Both my husband and I have very troubled relationships with our moms (we both have divorced parents, so this doesn’t impact relationship with our dads). They were both super excited for our daughter to be born. She is now 2 months old. Only grandchild on all sides (and I’m an only child so potentially the only grandchild for my mom).

In the last week both our moms (completely unrelated situations) had yet another hysterical freak out at each of us (typical for them). This time I have no intention of speaking to my mom again until she apologizes. Which I recognize could be never. But how do I handle my daughter seeing her? I would hate for her not to have a relationship with her grandma. But my mom is so mean to me and so irrational sometimes. Same with my MIL. I think we’re both worried that they might say disparaging things about us to our daughter when she is old enough to understand which would break my heart.


This is mostly a vent…just when my 3yo finally got over her jealousy of her 1yo brother (well, mostly), he has developed INSANE levels of clinginess with me. He sobs pathetically whenever I so much as look at his sister. And even when she’s not around he’s a whine monster with me (but of course a complete angel with his father and at daycare). It is so, so irritating. I know it will pass (it will, right???) but super-clingy-whiny-with-mama is my LEAST favorite stage.

I’m currently working my way through the Curated Closet exercises and am realizing that I don’t really know what to wear when I’m chasing my kid around the playground or lounging at home on the weekends. I definitely just default to leggings and a t-shirt which is fine, but I’d like to be a *tiny* bit more put together – emphasis on tiny. Maybe even with better leggings and t-shirts? What do other people wear for chasing their kids around?

We have a long-standing Friday night play/dinner date with our neighbors, but almost always default to cycling through the same 5 pasta recipes, so I’m looking for more inspiration!

Criteria: Takes under half an hour to prepare and easy to feed to toddlers (so soup is out because the 2-year-olds don’t have that good spoon control).

We slept trained our 7 month old son and he has been sleeping mostly OK, with usually 1 very quick wake-up to eat. He has his bottom tooth coming through and sleep has been a disaster for the last few nights. He was up 1-2 and 5-6 last night, and would not go back to sleep despite having Motrin.

Any wise words on how to handle other than everyone being miserable?