Postpartum Tuesday: Hooded Towels

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There are certain things from my son’s baby days that we still have and use today, and hooded towels are one of them. They look so sweet on a baby’s head and now look adorable when they’re on my preschooler’s head — but flapping in the breeze as he runs down the hallway.

I will be sad when he gets too big for hooded towels and footie pajamas, but until then I’ll keep using them, washing them in Dreft, and inhaling that amazing baby smell during bedtime and bathtime. (For someone who did not enjoy the baby stage, I sure am feeling nostalgic lately!)

A set of two is $24.99 at Buy Buy Baby (both online and in store) and Amazon. 2-Pack Hooded Towels

Psst: Looking for info about nursing clothes for working moms, or tips for pumping at the office? We’ve got them both…

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Anyone able to weigh in on how Hanna Andersson PJs fit? Kiddo is almost 5 and tall/slim. Thanks!

I’m looking for a baby boy gift for a friend whose husband is really into fancy hunting. This is not a world I’m familiar with. My husband thought it would fun to get a little outfit that evokes that style. Like Lord Grantham for babies. Any brand suggestions? (PS – when I told my DH that I do not have time to search for this, he suggested we ask those corpore**e ladies. So please no emotional labor feedback)

What are your favorite daycare lunchboxes for a toddler? There are so many choices!

I’m a working parent in upper management at a large nonprofit. My spouse and I are splitting the virtual school supervision for our 1st grade twins. From the hours of 11-3 on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, I will be on virtual school duty and my kids need enough help that I will not be answering emails or messages. How do I craft a professional, yet real, out of office message for that time period that also sends a message to other staff at my organization that they don’t need to hide their care-giving responsibilities?

following up on above re potty training, is there a book to read other than the Oh Crap method? i have twins and i am dreading potty training. they each poop 3-5 times a day. one drinks so much water, she can go through a new diaper after an hour. i feel like i am going to spend my life in the bathroom.

I know this is a very sensitive subject, but I want to say from the outset that I respect everyone’s choices and don’t pass judgment in either direction. I am hoping to hear from people about exactly WHY they sent their kids back to daycare (or why they didn’t). Did you base your decision on a lack of viable alternatives (totally get that), confidence in the safety measures in place (in which case, I’d love to hear what some of the biggies were), low infection rates in your area (what is low to you?), or generally low fear of what would happen if your kids did get COVID and passed it onto you (presumably bc kids are low risk in general and you/your partner may be as well).

We are very fortunate in that we have local family who have been helping with our two kids (2 and 4) M-F from 8:30-12:30. We are making this work right now, and could hire part time help in the afternoon, but our oldest seems to really crave/need socialization and pre-k learning. We aren’t yet comfortable with the risks but want to get there. Our area has a 5.8% infection rate that is starting to slowly creep up after a long plateau. Our kids would be in two classes of 10 kids (2s class) and 15 kids (4s class), which would mean 25 families that we’d be exposed to (a few less than that bc of siblings but about that). We are low risk (as far as we know) and would stop seeing my local family without masks/being outdoors.

Thanks for your patience and if you are tired of this subject, I get it.

I won’t get into the details but today I’m really feeling the phrase “we expect mothers to work like they don’t have children and to parent like they don’t have work,” particularly on the work front. I’m trying really really hard to change some of this culture at my work but it’s tough when very few other people that I work with seem to have this mentality. So when I’m not seen as a “good worker” because I’m not available in the early morning hours because, oh right, my kids need me, it’s tough not to take it personally even though I know that this shouldn’t be a measure of my value as an employee. Anyone have any success stories of making this culture change? Or at least commiseration?

My back is killing me from my work at home setup. Finally got an awesome chair, now i need a desk – any suggestions? Anyone invest in a stand up desk? I think my current setup is too high and im shrugging all day. is there a magical height that keeps you from having shoulder issues? I have one big monitor + my laptop = do i need two?

I was about to be chap about a desk, but have spent $400 on massages and adjustments and so I think I need to suck it up and invest in a better setup. Just need it to be cute since its in my bedroom. I have a big Space though. Thanks!

Is anyone else completely over school system incompetence and hysteria? My daughter’s school is opening fully DL, but her 2nd grade teacher had sent a note saying that she was going to set up a time for outdoor, distanced, timed slotted, masked introductions on the school field. It was at least something and my kid was very very excited to get to meet her teacher. Yesterday the teacher sent a note saying that these introductions are too dangerous so now we get to drive by with the windows up while she waves to us from the curb. It’s all so ridiculous and yet another let down.

My 4 year old was just diagnosed for ASD. Any good resources or books for parents of ASD kids? She’s on the milder end of the spectrum if that helps.

For those who send your kids to private school (not daycare)– is it common to agree to pay the full year’s tuition, even if you disenroll for any reason? We are moving from public K to private 1st grade this year and just got the contract. I suspected we’d commit to the full semester’s tuition, but not the full year. Is this common?

I have on real work clothes today. I’ve been in sweats or “responding to an emergency” clothes for months and today I have real work clothes on to serve on a panel. I knew I missed it but I didn’t realize how much. I have missed walking in somewhere in a shift dress and a blazer and heels and feeling like I look put together and ready to take charge and just…ugh. Too bad it’s just for a webcam!

I’m six months pregnant and feel hungry most of the time. I crave treats especially after dealing with a toddler and isolation and frustration at work. Part of me just wants to let myself eat what I want, because I lost the baby weight ok last time, but the other part of me feels gross when I cave to temptations and it feels like a constant struggle. I’m not someone who has dieted or been too intense about food in the past, but I guess I’m just tired of my pregnant self at this point. Thoughts on coping?

Uh, I just need somebody to tell me ‘yeah, that worked for my kid’.

Middle child turned 2 and promptly decided that she wanted to potty train. Now, she’s literally barely 2 so we were like, ‘Whatever. We won’t rush it. Let’s just put her on the potty and see what she does.’ Um… 3 days later she’s going with one accident all day.

With my oldest, I did the whole ‘Oh Crap’ method and TOTALLY ascribed to the philosophy that once you were potty trained, pull ups are only for naps and bedtime. When my kid regressed, I chalked a huge part of it up to the fact that his daycare teacher (who just… didn’t really like wrangling the kids when somebody told her they needed to go and it wasn’t on the ‘scheduled’ potty time chart… yeah, now she works with older kids) would put him in a pull up right after we dropped him off. Well… because of circumstances beyond our control, it makes sense that kid needs to wear pull ups for a while.

Somebody tell me I’m not going to undo this kid’s progress because I’m going to be putting her in a pull-up? And just tell me that it’s fine and I can not feel guilty?

Our son is 9 and still uses hooded towels. So cute.