Makeup & Beauty Monday: Hold it Together Blow Dry Clips


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Sephora Hold it Together Blow Dry ClipsMy hair is incredibly thick, and wavier in the back than the front. That combination makes it very time consuming to blowdry straight. However, I do find that like most things, the more time I put in, the better the results. If I don’t take the time needed, then it puffs back up and my hair ends up in a ponytail by the end of the day. I’ve always been fascinated by the clips they use on my hair when I get it cut and/or dried professionally. They hold my thick hair out of the way and they don’t leave a crease. These clips have 279 reviews at Sephora (almost all positive) and promise to do just that. They are $10 for 4. Hold it Together Blow Dry Clips This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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I just completed a FET while traveling for work. Just be sure to carry all meds/syringes in your carry-on bag, and have a doctor’s note with you in case TSA asks questions. (I never got any.) You should also practice ahead of time giving yourself shots, especially the intramuscular ones, so it’s not a big deal when you have to administer a shot, say, in an airport bathroom. Good luck—you can do this.

Any advice for traveling while going through IVF? I travel frequently for work, and while i know there are times i need to be in town for tests/monitoring, i’ll also have occasional overnights away requiring plane travel. Best tips for traveling with injectible meds?

I am slowly losing my mind. I am a partner at a law firm; I am the president of my kid’s PTA; I am renovating my house. I am clearly way overcommitted. I try to delegate everything and have a thick skin, but there are some mornings (like today!) when I just feel like I have all these balls in the air and all of them are dropping. I don’t think I’m looking for life advice – but if you have tips on how to get through these periods where everything is haywire, I would totally appreciate it. And yes, I am throwing money at the problems.

Luckily, our families are mostly reasonable people. When our first kid was born, 9 years ago, we told everyone that we weren’t going to try to see both families on the holiday. While technically possible, we had spent some miserable holidays driving from house to house and feeling like we were shortchanging everyone, not to mention we weren’t having much fun even though we like our families (generally). So, we started alternating. If we spend Thanksgiving Day with my family, for example, DH’s family gets Christmas Day. The “other side” of the family picks an alternate day to celebrate, usually the weekend before or the weekend after.

And, I refuse to spend Christmas morning anywhere but in my own home, and thankfully DH agrees.

I just left a long comment accidentally on the main page that’s probably in moderation but the long and short of it is nursing has been a disaster for my 7 week old who can’t seem to manage an effective latch despite multiple trips to the LC, a tongue tie revision and even using nipple shields. I pumped for weeks to keep up my supply and am now doing a mix of formula and nursing, but wonder if it’s worth the hassle at this point. I’m so tired of fighting with my baby, the sore boobs, and if I have to look at the pump one more time I might throw it out the window. I know deep down she’ll be fine on formula, I just can’t seem to let go after all this …. any advice? Commiseration? Tips for fully transitioning to formula without causing clogged ducts or worse?

DH and I have booked a quick trip to Italy, just us. Baby will be 10 months at the time. My lovely Mom who is traveling to stay at our place take care of him while we’re out, and the week we’re back and getting back into the groove. Still BFing, so planning to pump-and-dump while we’re traveling but also open to the fact he may not nurse when we return because he’s on the older side. Wanted to thank all the ladies on this thread who helped the pros/cons of taking or leaving baby behind and threw in advice on BF logistics. I’m definitely nervous, anxious, and excited!

The question above got me thinking. To what extent do holidays function as an obligation to see family and to what extent should they be a day to be enjoyed? Those things shouldn’t me mutually exclusive, but in many cases they are. It seems crazy that people have to choose and that there are so many hurt feelings. And the media seems to portray holidays as family time, but what if you have a strained relationship with your family? Or you just don’t particularly enjoy hanging out with them? Are you obligated to?

Shoot this was a response to discussion above – I always seem to have a threading issue from my phone…

Thank you! We’re actually renting a house a little inland – near Vence, but will have a rental car. We plan to spend lots of time in Nice though!!

Happy to say I have a happy health 9 month old (everything seems great, waiting for bloodwork), and I understand what a blessing that is. However, my baby is SO low on the growth curves. In fact, baby has always been so low weight, he is OFF the weight curve, and just now is ON the curve. Part of this I attribute to him being very, very active for his age. Doctor doesn’t see any flags and says he’s growing great, DH doesn’t care, but I don’t know why it bothers me? DH is tall – 6’3″ and I’m 5’5″, both on the average to skinny side, so wondering why baby isn’t “longer” if not chubbier. Anyone had smaller babies that eventually “caught up”?

Resident Hot Mess of a New Mom Here! Your advice to date has been so so helpful. I’m most appreciative.

DD is 4 mos tomorrow. The transition back to work hasn’t been great, and pumping is making it way worse. She deserves a sane and happy mom, and switching to formula is going to help me get there. In a perfect world, I’d love to combofeed but I already struggle to keep up with her demand. I think just going 100% formula is probably best for everyone.

I can’t decide on what type. When to do it. How to do it. How much. How often. It goes on. I have a lot of time during her feeds to google these questions, and always end up somehow on a mommy forum telling me I’m Satan for considering this. Sooo, that’s got to stop. Tips?

PS: We have a stash of Enfamil NeuroPro pre-mixed from when she needed it to clear her jaundice in her first week. I’ve also gathered that a gradual transition is best – maybe replace 1 feed every 2-3 days with a formula bottle is the way to go. Feel free to opine.


Has anyone experienced this: in the last 10 days (Friday a week ago to this AM) my little one has puked (like a lot) 7 times, 5 of the 7 have been in his car seat! (my lovely husband is getting really good at installing / uninstalling car seat). Some more facts:
– 13 months old
– Switched to the upright rear facing car seat about 1 week before the throw up started.
– he went “back” to daycare about 2 weeks before the puking started (pointing to a run of the mill toddlers sharing germs sickness)
– he was at the same daycare for 2.5 months from 8 months to 10.5 months before being home with dad for 2 months over the summer**
– some evening pukes / some morning
– teething pretty heavily
– went to the doctor on day 3 of puking – nothing remarkable in terms of symptoms
– no fever (at the time of any of the incidents)
– most recent incident was after 4 “healthy” days, including the weekend where he was finally back to normal in terms of an enthusiastic appetite!
– we have started putting a plastic bid overtop of car seat straps to protect it! (though that doesn’t help when he protectiles over the side!
– all car pukes have been 5-15 mins from home (our commute by car is only about 10 mins)

SOOOO – we are going to go back to the doctor, I *hope* it is just run of the mill daycare bugs and not somethimg more serious. In the meantime: help me if anyone has any tips for handling car trips – has anyone experienced this persistent problem in the car? Give him toys? don’t give him toys? drink water?? He can’t be manipulative enough yet to think that puking will get him out of daycare?

** hooray for Dad’s taking parental leave too!!

Feed Baby

What’s the best app to use to track newborn feedings, wet/poopy diapers, sleep habits, etc?

So, I’ve come to terms with the idea that my daughter probably isn’t going to be one of those kids who wakes up one day and decides she is going to wear underwear and use the potty. And now that all of our summer travels are nearly over, it seems time to step up the potty training (as in put in actual effort beyond “Do you want to sit on your potty?”.) Kiddo recently took an interest in her BFF’s Mickey underwear at school. Kiddo is 2.5 (closer to 3). She sits on the potty 4 times per day at school and sometimes at home. She’s never actually gone at home, but has gone a couple times at school with no regular pattern that I can see. Any tips on potty training? At this point, I kind of refuse to devote all the time to reading a book about it. Maybe if I’m desperate down the road. Thanks!