Washable Workwear Wednesday: Slim Stretch Cotton Blend Ankle Pants


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Purple Pants: Halogen Slim Stretch Cotton Blend Ankle Pants Here is my pitch for why you need purple ankle pants: They are dark enough to hide most stains but are still in a “fun” color. Purple is a flattering color against most skin tones (unlike teal or light blue, both of which I worry bring out the veins in my legs — and that fear started before kids!), so it’s ok if a bit of your leg is exposed. Finally, I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again — you’ll be surprised how versatile purple is. Wear it with neutrals (black, white, navy, gray), and wear it easily with some colors (reds, blues) and with some planning/careful proportioning of other colors (i.e., wear a neutral blouse with a green necklace or ring and see how you feel). These pants are available in regular and petite sizes 00-16, in purple, black, navy, and white, for $68 at Nordstrom. Halogen Slim Stretch Cotton Blend Ankle Pants Here’s a plus-size option. (L-3)

Sales of note for 1/16:

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Jumping off from Terrible Twos question above, any strategies for managing a 5 year old who is very strong willed and gets very emotional about minor things?

Every morning starts with bouts of sobbing over little things (“sister woke up before me!/The milk is not warm enough or too warm!/I dont want to go to school today!/I’ll keep playing and won’t get ready/I hate this breakfast/I really really want a puppy and you aren’t getting it for me!”).
Same thing at night beginning from the time I go to pick him up at preschool (“You came too early we were just going outside to play / You came too late I waited and waited”).

I wonder if its because he isn’t getting enough sleep (9pm-6:30am, recently no longer naps)? He has a younger sister so some of it may be because he gets less of my attention (but sister is a year old now). Or is it just developmental/temperament as I do see one or two of his classmates are similar?

I use the following techniques (1) star chart for good behavior resulting in video time (2) talking about how lucky he is to have all the stuff he has; telling him he is growing up and shouldnt get upset about small things. (3) special outings on the weekend for him (4) lots of distraction and asking him questions to get his brain on other topics and to stop dwelling on self pity.

Any recommended child development books? Reading Wonder Weeks and I like it and Im wondering what else is out there.

What’s the latest in your pregnancy that you’d feel comfortable traveling for work? I just got invited to a meeting that will be when I’m 26.5 weeks. It’s a 3-day trip, 3-hr flight with a layover, and I’m pretty excited about the meeting. Uncomplicated pregnancy so far. Think it’s safe to plan to go? I know technically it’s fine to fly up to 36 weeks or something, but it’s my first pregnancy so I’m not sure what to expect or how I’ll be feeling.

Question about toys: I realized last week that I haven’t really “refreshed” my kiddo’s toy bins since her first birthday (she is 2.5). I feel like the toy bins are still relevant; blocks, Duplos, toy cars and trains, dress up stuff, some singing plastic toys that she still loves, stuffed animals, ALL THE BOOKS. She also has a ride on toy and a tent.

She received mostly big toys or craft supplies for Christmas/birthday this year; a dollhouse, a balance bike, an easel, playdoh, stickers, paints, paper, coloring books, etc, so we avoided an influx of new singing plastic junk.

Are there smaller things I should consider adding for indoor play now that she is older? I think part of the issue is that we aren’t home and indoors very often; we tend to be out and about visiting family or going to the park or swimming. So her indoor toys don’t get much use and I tend to ignore them.

My one year old hasn’t nursed for 24 hours. He gradually started weaning at about 11.5 months by not wanting to nurse during the day, then cut way back at night, and last night refused altogether. I know I should be happy that I am finally getting my body back, but I feel more sad that my baby is getting so big.

It actually was about perfect. He LOVED nursing as a baby and he led the way with weaning. I’m just pretty surprised that I’m really not happy about this.

Just found out that I am pregnant with my second! I’m about 5 weeks. Very exciting, but nerve wracking, too… I hate that first trimester uncertainty.

We had been planning a weekend trip to Miami for Labor Day weekend. Now I am freaking out that I maybe shouldn’t go. I know that Zika hasn’t hit the U.S. yet, but it seems like Miami would be the first place to have an issue.

What would you ladies do in my shoes? We haven’t bought tickets yet. But it’s a big trip meeting up with several other families, so our canceling would impact others, too. Thanks in advance for your advice!

I tried these on yesterday and really liked them. Not quite super flattering on me (I really carry weight in my thighs, and these weren’t quite right there), but good pants for someone with a different shape (or less worried about her thighs) than I.

My son is 21 months and over the past few weeks I feel like I’ve lost my sweet little boy and the terrible twos are kicking in already. Does anyone have any good strategies for dealing with the tantrums and the defiance? I am trying not to lose my cool and let a toddler get the best of me, but I will confess I’m not the most patient person! Should I ignore the bad behavior? Redirect? Time outs? What has worked for you??