Maternity Monday: Grace Maternity/Nursing Top


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When I was pregnant with both of my kids, I was always on the hunt for maternity tops that looked like something I would happily wear even if I weren’t pregnant.

This top from Kimi and Kai is one that would have caught my eye. I love the modern green and pink floral print, neck ties, and flattering V-neck. The elastic hem accommodates your growing bump, and afterwards, there’s a hidden neck closure at the neckline for nursing or pumping.

I’d pair it as pictured with a pair of skinny jeans or pants — you could even add a blazer for a more professional look.

The Grace Maternity/Nursing Top is available at Nordstrom for $78. It comes in XS–XL.

Sales of note for 12/30:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Help me figure out how to deal with this situation with my in-laws– This situation keeps coming up when we visit my in-laws or when they visit us. I have a 5 month old. SIL has an almost 2 year-old that has really significant developmental issues and likely severe ASD. SIL and MIL are still coming to terms with the severity of my nephew’s special needs and often do not share information about it and try to normalize a lot of his behavior.

Example. SIL, MIL, and nephew came to visit this weekend. MIL was supposed to be watching nephew while my SIL did things like take a break, go for a run, or shower, but MIL instead would go do things like read a book or do crossword. So, DH and I ended up scrambling around trying to host, care for our own baby, and watch our nephew. Watching our nephew is a lot more exhausting/stress than other kids of that age. He has swallowing issues and will periodically throw up. Since this is a normal occurrence, SIL and MIL don’t aren’t overly concerned if he acts like he’s about to throw up… so we have to try to point him away from things like our bookcase to make sure he doesn’t vomit on books. Nephew also “plays” by screaming (he’s non-verbal), eating or licking furniture or anything on the floor, or seeking out things like books to tear up. Nephew also isn’t really interested in my son, but when the baby is pointed out to him, he will try to grab his head or hit him. So, he is significantly more destructive than any other kid I have been around. MIL thinks it is good “practice” for DH and I to get used to caring for an older kid… even though this behavior isn’t typical. I don’t really know how to approach this situation since it isn’t their fault or my nephew’s fault that he has these special needs, but I also cannot deal with continuing to have him dumped on DH and I for the weekend.

Where is a good place to buy a toddler blanket? I’m sure the answer is literally anywhere, but I am looking for recs for something that holds up for a while. TIA!

Have any of you had (or considered) a hemorrhoidectomy? I was gifted a few sizable ones following baby #1 (despite only pushing 20 min), and I imagine they’ll just continue to get worse after subsequent pregnancies. It sounds like a very rough recovery, which is why I’m not planning on doing anything until our family is complete.

My feisty seven-year-old is very fashion-focused. This year, she has gotten very into short/tight shorts (like short bike shorts intended to be worn as backup under a dress or skirt) and “crop tops,” meaning t-shirts that are two sizes too small (short and tight) that she borrows from her little sister’s drawer, or alternatively her actual shirts which she knots above her belly button. My approach so far has been to ignore this; while it’s definitely not how I’d dress her, what she’s wearing is reflective of what she sees women wearing on the streets, and if we attempt to police her clothing choices, it’s going to become a power struggle. However, my partner took her to a social event yesterday and came home to tell me that he was embarrassed by how she looked. He wants to intervene. I shared my thoughts on it (which I’ve shared before, but perhaps he wasn’t listening), but I also said I would ask some friends as a gut check. So, friends, please share your thoughts!

i just can’t with the anti-maskers. in my local moms facebook group, people are posting to find out which preschools don’t require masks, bc they want a school where their child can ‘breathe freely.’ the pediatric ICU where I live is full. what is wrong with people

How do you get over resentment at spouse for never being around? My partner is gone for work nearly 60% of the time. We had childcare fall through this week and I’m scrambling to pick up the pieces and try and do my job while piecing together childcare. It sucks and I’m resentful that OF COURSE it’s my problem. It’s always my problem, because I’m physically present. As far as money goes, I make 85-90% as much as spouse, so my financial contributions to the household are significant. I’ve spoken to spouse about this and they are job searching for something where we can all live together full time. But that was in January and it’s August and I’m a bubbling pot of resentment and short temper while trying to take good care of my kids, work my job and maintain some sense of self.

For those of you with a different last name than your spouse: did you consider giving your kids your last name as a middle name? We’re expecting our first and they will have my husband’s last name. Part of me really wants this kid + any future kids to either all have my last name as middle names or to have the matrilineal chain of maiden names as middle names (so first kid gets my last name, second kid gets my mother’s maiden name, etc). But another part of me wonders if maybe this is a subconscious effort to assert my connection to them and if I step back it is obvious that I’ll be important, name or no name. I would love to hear from anyone who has maybe wrestled with similar things.

Vicarious shopping help please? I need a black cocktail dress for an early October wedding. It has to be black and can be any length except floor length. Kicker is I’ll be 18 weeks pregnant and I expect to be showing and carrying a bit bigger than 18 weeks because its my second. I’ve looked but haven’t found anything I like much.

well i hope everyone had a much better weekend than i did. DH was out of town for the first time since March 2020 and my dad (who my kids know well and normally love) came to help. one of my 3 year old twins, would not let him near her, even to play, and i swear one child was screaming for at least 85% of the day. nothing was fun bc i was just bracing for the next meltdown. and while i know my dad means well, he of course had his comments (judgments) which i didn’t have the patience for, given everything else going on. oh and according to him, one of my twins should see a therapist (the last time he was here, he said the other twin ‘needed help’)

I am curious as to how everyone is thinking about decision about fall activities, preschool, socializing, etc. as cases keep rising? My husband and I have been talking about how it may be time to re-assess our decisions, but there seems to be so little guidance as to what to do about Delta and what the risk is for kids.