Organizing Thursday: Flyttbar Toy Trunk

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 Flyttbar Toy Trunk
There are so many toys in my home. When my son was a baby, I definitely thought, “Oh, everyone said the toys would take over my house but I’m doing such a great, minimalist job!” Ha! In effort to corral the little plastic planes, trains, and automobiles, I bought this little trunk at IKEA. When you buy it, it’s flat and fabric with cardboard (?) inside. It was cheap, large, and cute, and I just chuck all the toys in it. It comes in different versions and colors for a few different price points, but this red one that I have and recommend is $9.99. Flyttbar Toy Trunk

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Parents with multiples- how do you give older kiddo enough quality time? I have an 11 month old and a 6 year old and I feel like I am constantly chasing after my 11 month old so I can’t do quality activities with my 6 year old unless there’s another adult in the house.

Has anyone used the SNOO bassinet? Curious whether it lives up to the hype.

I have a question about help that’s not help.

In-laws who I don’t get along with have moved to our town and insist on helping on their own terms. For example yesterday they wanted to babysit but only for two hours (meaning we had virtually no time to do dinner and anything else) and we had to bring the kid to and from their house (so date was 1.5 hours long).

Is there a polite way of telling someone that their help is more work than just paying a babysitter to come to my house etc?

Just doing some semi-neurotic brainstorming and would love input. Here’s the deal. DH and I plan to move cities by year end/early 2020. The move will put us closer to family and in a larger, more diverse metro area. The facts:

1. He will be transferring offices, and traveling back to our current location about monthly
2. I plan to look for a new job (and I’m excited about a new opportunity and the challenges this bring).
3. We’ve also talked about trying for Kiddo #2 this Fall by “pulling the goalie” (e.g. not refilling my BC). DS is about 19 months right now. We got pregnant quickly, kind of on accident the first time, but at 36 with a toddler running around, not betting on that happening again.
4. At some point in early 2020, we’d be interested in looking to buy a house

Any thoughts on timelining any of this? Anyone have any experience from similar situations? Most confused about searching/starting for a new job while also thinking about expanding family.

Should also add that historically, transitions and changes are pretty stressful for our DH.

Paging LittleBigLaw from yesterday in response to your question, “How do you reset your perspective and solider on when you feel crummy on all fronts?”:

When I find myself in a moment where I feel really overwhelmed/frustrated/put upon/guilty/etc because of all the obligations associated with having a full time profession and being a mom of a 2 y.o., I literally take a deep breath and then say out loud: “This moment is trying to break you. A lesser person would just throw in the towel. I will not be broken.”

It feels cheesy at first, but it really does help me soldier on…like on Memorial Day when I had to go into the office while everyone I knew was having barbecues with their family or friends.

Random comment: I cannot get behind the jumpsuit trend, and you know what’s worse? Maternity jumpsuits. Just no.

My son has had the same Montessori teacher for the last 3 years and I want to get her something meaningful for the end of the year. She has been an absolutely incredible teacher, going way above and beyond for my son. We are already giving a cash gift, but I want to give something else. One idea I was thinking to give her a framed picture of the two of them and have my son write her a letter to her.

Other ideas?

Inspired by the folding potty seat comment above, at what age can toddlers just use a regular toilet? We tried one at the grocery with our 2two-year-old last week and she would have totally fallen through if we hadn’t held her (and was freaked out by the whole experience).

What’s your opinion on 529 plans? Are you using one to save your child’s college expenses?

I’ve heard they are great because you save on taxes, but they can also have high fees, and then if your child doesn’t go to college, you can’t access the money in the way you had planned.

I’ve heard of some parents who create a custodial investment account in their child’s name instead. Not sure of all the pros and cons but am interested to hear your viewpoints!

tips for brushing a 1 year old’s teeth who will not open her mouth and closes it tighter when she sees the toothbrush?

Please give me all of your surviving summer as a pregnant lady with a toddler. Baby is due in late July and I live in the DC area. Already struggling with this heat, like walking from car to the door. Thankfully I don’t tend to swell during pregnancy and haven’t yet. I always have ice water but I just feel so out of breath and tired on the really hot days!

my 12 month old twins eat dinner at 5:30 and they usually do a pretty good job eating and finish up around 6. and they are eating pretty balanced meals – protein is usually their favorite. suddenly at 6:30, they are starving for their bottles of milk. how can they possibly be so hungry just half an hour later? i will say that this week we just switched from formula to milk. but why don’t they eat more at meals if they are so hungry? can anyone share a schedule for a 1 year old. mine are still on 2 naps. they have 5-6 ounces of milk around 7am, breakfast at 8am, then 4 ounces when they wake up from their first nap around 11am, lunch around noon, and then 4 ounces when they wake up from their second nap at 3:15, dinner at 5:30 and then 5-6 ounces at 6:30.

My two toddler daughters are bi-racial, and I’m at a loss on sun protection. Their father claims they don’t need sunscreen, because the darker skin will not burn so long as they aren’t in the sun more than 4 hours at a time. I must admit, he’s been correct in that so far. But I struggle with the risks of skin cancer, even with their darker skin. (I follow a Latina/African-American dermatologist blogger on Instagram and she constantly reminds followers that dark-skinned people can indeed have skin cancer!) I dress them a lot in long-sleeved rash guards when we go to the beach, but would really like a “daily” sun protection for them now that summer has hit and they are outside so much.

So, my question is regarding choice. my sunscreen (I’m pretty pasty white) ends up making the girls look caked in chalk. it doesn’t blend into their skin. Do any of my wise corporette moms have recommendations for sunscreen for darker skinned babies? I’d love a real recommendation rather than just plucking one off amazon! bonus points if it is natural, as my four year old has very sensitive skin and seems to break out after I apply my sunscreen.

We have this one and the larger, gray one. The larger gray is a bit hard to move because its too soft to be picked up by the handle reliably but it’s great for storing ALL the legos. This one we use to keep little trains/train set pieces corralled & it is perfect for the task. It just looks so happy sitting there. Highly recommend!

Speaking of recommendations, I had no idea these things existed but I got a foldable toddler potty seat and it has made going out with my kid so much easier. It takes up no room and weighs nothing, and I love that it adds a layer of protection for public bathrooms, too, because invariably contact happens no matter how we try to avoid. I can’t find our exact one but it’s basically like this:

Can anyone recommend a sleep consultant (either in DC or that works remotely) who can help with two kids in a two bedroom apartment? CIO worked awesomely with our first, who’s a fantastic but light sleeper but last night we threw in the towel and declared CIO a failure with our second — we have no clue where to go from here and would like some professional guidance from someone who is supportive of CIO but can help us get on track. Thanks! I’m desperate so any recommendations are much appreciated.