Maternity Monday: ‘Everyday’ Bella Band

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A woman wearing an  \'Everyday\' Bella BandFor me, the hardest time to dress while pregnant was during the first trimester. I still mostly fit into my clothes, but some of my pre-pregnancy wear gave the impression that I just might be bloated and/or wearing something unflattering. I also found that maternity clothes were made for the late second to third trimesters (obviously depending on how you carry, or whether or not it’s your first pregnancy). To stretch my wardrobe, I bought a Bella Band from Ingrid and Isabel, and I found it very useful. Not only did it help me wear my pre-pregnancy jeans and work pants for longer, it let me wear some pre-pregnancy tops longer, as well — it just looks like a layering tank when peeking out from the bottom of the shirt. If I were to do it again, I probably would order a smaller size, as the material was very stretchy and I found myself having to adjust it on occasion. (Here’s the size guide.) It’s machine washable, tumble dry low, and available at Nordstrom and Amazon in both black and white for $28. ‘Everyday’ Bella Band Building a maternity wardrobe for work? Check out our page with more suggestions along both classic and trendy/seasonal lines. This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 2/14/25 (Happy Valentine’s Day!):

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Up to 40% off your full-price purchase — and extra 60% off sale
  • Banana Republic Factory – 50% off everything + 15% off (readers love their suiting as well as their silky shirts like this one)
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 300+ styles $25 and up
  • J.Crew – 40% of your purchase – prices as marked
  • J.Crew Factory – 50% off entire site and storewide + extra 50% off clearance
  • Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – Flash sale ending soon – markdowns starting from $15, extra 70% off all other markdowns (final sale)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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It has been A Day. My 6 month old is normally a great sleeper, but has had a huge developmental leap this past week and decided to stay up until 1 am last night practicing all her new skills – and of course she still woke up at 7 am as normal. My supply has dropped a lot in the last few weeks and she mostly gets formula while I’m at work now, which I know isn’t a big deal, but I’m still sad about it. Today I had my worst pumping session yet – barely 3 oz from both sides. And then when I was done I noticed what I’m pretty sure is mold on one of the connectors so I guess I need to toss what little milk I pumped today. She’s supposed to start daycare this fall but we still don’t know if one of the handful of licensed daycares in our area will have a spot for her, so I’ve been emailing and interviewing what feels like a zillion potential nannies. I need a weekend and it’s only Monday.

Does going back to work after mat leave get better? First 2.5 weeks I think I was equal parts overwhelmed, excited to see people and use my brain again. Now, at the start of my third full week I am so freaking over it. Every little thing I didn’t love about my job pre-baby is on blast. I feel like I’m so emotional and in my head (which is atypical of me) and I don’t even know what emotions or thoughts of mine to trust and which to dismiss as being a mere function of this nutty point in time in my life.

I don’t even long to be on mat leave again. I miss DD, yes. But, changing diapers and doing that whole song and dance all day isn’t even what I wish to be doing. I just want to be anywhere but in my office, in this job.

My MIL just saw a photo of my (very pale) Caucasian baby playing with an African-American baby boy and thought he was my daughter. This is a sign we need to visit the grandparents more isn’t it….

Any tips on how to dress my string bean toddler? She just turned 2, 91st percentile for height and 11th for weight. Her 2T pants are starting to be short but 3T is way too loose and dresses fit more like tunics. Any good brands for tall kids?

Talk to me about fertility monitors, please! Did anyone use one / have one they recommend? Trying for our first and I’m 36, so I figure it couldn’t hurt. The Clear Blue Fertility Monitor looks like it does what I would want a fertility monitor to do, anyone use that one in particular. Or is this all a waste of anxiety/money? Is there a good place to read people’s experiences with these?

My 13 month old who formerly ate *anything* like a champ has suddenly developed some very strong opinions on food. And of course he is rejecting the healthiest things—specifically any and all veggies. I used to mix them in with whole wheat pasta and he would devour it. Now he is rejecting the veggies and the pasta. And he will not eat them outright anymore either—even with light seasoning. My daughter loved and still loves veggies.

How do I get this kid to eat?? He is too young for Sater of course. So any thoughts?

What kinds of toys do you get 6-9 month olds who are not quite mobile? My 7 month old isn’t crawling yet, but she’s scooting a little and rolling, and seems to have outgrown her activity mat because whenever she rolls, she hits one of the overhead bars and cries (from frustration, not pain, I’m pretty sure). I was thinking about getting some of those foam tiles for the floor, but thought people here might have better suggestions.

Guys, talk to me about weaning. LO is about to turn 13 mos. He drinks whole cow’s milk like a champ (10oz while at daycare) and we nurse morning and night.

I just got back from a trip, and while I tried to keep up my pumping, I have a feeling my supply really tanked. He has to work pretty hard to get my milk to let down and the last day or so he has given up a couple times. I feel like I have to really cajole him into nursing, he’s too busy looking around for the cat or his books or whatever.

This is the end right? I’m just so much more torn than I thought I’d be. I’ve read “don’t offer, don’t refuse” and if I’m being honest, he has never “asked” to nurse in his life. I think because I travel so much he’s gotten over nursing as a comfort mechanism. He’s just as happy to have his lovey.

Has anyone been there, where you were more into nursing that your LO? Did you just let it end? I cannot believe after all the trouble I had b-feeding I’m agonizing over this! I should consider myself really lucky.

Talk to me about yogurt. My 1 year old and a generally good eater will not touch, and has never, the plain whole milk variety (greek, non-greek, organic, non-organic, every brand my store carries, fruit mixed in, puree mixed in, just nope). My husband gave her one of the “baby” whole milk yogurts that was blueberry flavored and she kept asking for more. I personally detest every yogurt I’ve ever tried (but wish I could get it down without gagging, because it seems so good and easy and just ugh). So, am I a terrible mom for giving my kid what I suspect is sugar covered yogurt (implication from my online mom’s group when another mom asked about yogurt where 90%+ are SAHMs with time to try endless pureed fruit combos in whole milk plain greek yogurt and convince their toddlers to eat it by whispering sweet nothings in their ears)? I am working off the some yogurt + sugar is better than no yogurt theory. Any brands or recommendations your picky toddlers like?

Fibre rich recipes? I’m in the first trimester, but the dreaded preggo constipation has hit me again… Anything with tons of ground flax would be appreciated. Also, I have wicked nausea, so bland foods are extra appreciated.

I’m thinking about asking to take on a contractor type role within my company. I think it allow me to control my workload, not have to worry about bunch of internal office politics, and be able to work fomr home / have more control over time.

I understand I will have not benefits and less job security, but what are the other things I should be considering? Has anyone successfully gone from an employee to a contractor with a firm? What should I be considering?

Thanks in advance!

Help! My toddler is painting with his poop.

For the third time in a week or so, we came into our 2yo’s room to find that he has used his finger and his poop to “draw” on his sheets. This morning I tried to talk to him in the tub and explain why he shouldn’t play with his poop, but I doubt he really took much from that. His receptive language is decent but he is not super verbal.

We have only one pair of pajamas that are like a onesie. He’s really tall, so two-piece pajamas have been our lifesaver. We tried the pair of onesie pajamas we have but of course he didn’t poop that night. He has tons of pajamas and I hate to just buy more but is the best solution to just put him in onesies so he can’t reach in there?

Whine: 14 weeks pregnant. Docs took me off of my autoimmune meds last week because they didn’t want me on them my whole pregnancy. Woke up this morning unable to move without tons of pain. I also have a have a really really really bad cold that I got last week because previously mentioned autoimmune drugs also lower your immunity so you pick up everything. So I have a head cold: congestion, runny nose, cough, sneezing, sore throat, etc. and I am immobile and every time I sneeze I scream because my back hurts so bad. The kicker: My husband left for a work trip yesterday on the other side of the country. And now probably has to fly back early to care for me because I can’t really move and the meds they would give me to fix this I can’t take while pregnant. Did I mention I still have morning sickness? It gets better right? I just keep telling myself how grateful I am that I don’t have kids yet and this is the first pregnancy and I can just worry about myself and that we have good health insurance and that I usually have mobility!

Can we talk about the arsenic/lead in baby food story? From the article, it sounds like heavy metals occur in a lot of foods naturally, so making your own baby food isn’t a solution. It seems like the best strategy is to vary what your kid gets and make sure they’re not getting any one food more than about once or twice a week, but that seems so hard, especially for working parents with picky kids. Anyone changing what they feed their kids based on this?

Internet friends, just found out I’m pregnant with a third kid and I’m reeling a bit. We were planning to try in just a couple months, which makes this feel a bit like a kick in the pants because the timing is so close to being perfect. Instead, I’m going to be going to a big three day event with a ton of people I haven’t seen in a long time while eight weeks pregnant and just looking bloaty (or pregnant, bc I already show early and with this one I definitely will!) but unable to admit it!

Also give me reassurance please. Second child will be 34 monthish – good age gap?

And both other kids have fall birthdays and this little bean will be youngest in his or her class, which also makes me nervous. I feel like I’m already not doing right by number three! But third kids tend to be ahead of the curve on school stuff, right?
