Family Friday: Dinosaur Table Lamp


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Dinosaur Table Lamp We have this dinosaur table lamp, and it’s a really nice find. We’ve had bad luck with lighting, particularly for the kids’ rooms — we had one lamp that we paid far too much for from Pottery Barn Kids (or PBTeen) that basically fell apart after about a year of regular use. (I don’t think my son was tackling it during the day, but you never know.) This one is $30, so it’s very affordable. (Note that it’s ceramic, though, so it will break.) So if you’re looking for a cute lamp for your kid’s room, do check this out. There’s also a panda bear and a unicorn, and they’re all around $30 at Target. Dinosaur Table Lamp Green – Pillowfort™ This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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My kids switched over to straw cups really easily for milk.

Is your kid still drinking milk in a bottle as if it were a meal? Or is the bottle with a meal at a table? I’d try to serve milk with meals (in a sippy or bottle if it’s gotta be a bottle), but don’t use the bottle in the nursery or in the car.

My son is 15 months. We went in for a well visit about two weeks ago, and the pediatrician really got on my case about him still being on the bottle. We have had a major move (VT -> NC) within the past two months, we’ve got another baby on the way, and while it’s been on my radar, I put more emphasis on getting him off formula and on milk. We were successful with that, so I let the bottle continue to be a comfort thing for him.

Pediatrician suggested I use the transition nipples, softer spout sippy cups, and various straws. ALL have been met with zero success, extreme frustration, and unhappiness by my son. He literally chucks them across the room (funny, but still…). He *will* drink from a cup at mealtime, though. His lip seal isn’t great and a lot dribbles out, but at least he doesn’t launch it across the room. We use the cup at mealtime but it’s not practical for daycare or on the go. Any suggestions? Should I really be that concerned about this? Pedi made it sound like I was setting him up for speech delays and bad teeth. :/ But, he’s only 15 months??

Any advice for pumping in the car? I’m on my first daytrip next week and am trying out Milkstork and think it’d be helpful to pump while driving if possible. I have a battery powered spectra, so that part is fine, but how do I make it discreet?? use my nursing cover??

Another LL Bean backpack question – anyone have the Deluxe backpack for younger elementary kids? My kindergartner needs an upgrade from the Junior and has her heart set on purple. Unfortunately, the purple classic is backordered. I’m afraid the deluxe will be huge. I would like to monogram so I don’t want to have to return. She is quite tall for her age so maybe it would be OK. Feedback?

How do you not become the default parent?

With BFing and maternity leave, it became the norm that I was on baby duty unless I specifically asked DH to do something. And if asked, he will and does a great job. But he will walk in the door after work or being in the yard and proceed to go about his business without offering to take the baby. Even for his jobs (bedtime), he will delay because he just needs to send “one more email”. You don’t think I want to send one more email sometimes?!

How do I make this more equitable? It seems so unfair. Last night after mowing the lawn he came in and drew himself a hot bath – the kind of pre-kids luxury I literally never get to experience, but especially not unless I had cleared with him in advance to be on duty. Without asking he assumed it was fine because I’m the default parent.

Do people divide up which days they’re “on” after work? Or have rigid cutoffs for when the other parent takes over?

My son’s backpack, bought from LLBean in 2015, broke. Bean will replace it, but I’m debating whether or not to take advantage of their policy. It’s been through a lot of use and abuse, so maybe 2 years isn’t unreasonable? Would you return or buy a new one?

Is it a “Thing” that colds get more intense as you get older, or after kids? I had pregnancy rhinitis with both of my kids, and ever since that, a cold takes over a month to go away and I sound like I have cotton stuffed up my nose. The amount of mucus is incredible. Nothing really helps. A few times over the past years, I’ve gone to Urgent Care to get checked for sinus infections and bronchitis and each time it’s just a “really bad cold”. But these really bad colds end up being my life for 4 months of the year, and it makes fall/ winter miserable.

Am I being a baby about this? Is there some miracle medicine that I just don’t know about (Dayquil/Nyquil don’t work)?

PS we have this dinosaur lamp and it’s super cute – it is a little on the small side, but overall i’m happy with it.

That’s really obnoxious of her. Usually I chalk comments like that up to ignorance, but she knew what she was doing. It sounds like a petty attempt to tear another woman down instead of lifting her up. I’d give her the cold shoulder and try to forget about it, as much as possible. Hang in there, mama! You know that you’re getting the work done and doing what works for your family. FWIW, the first few weeks back were really hard for me because baby was still getting up a lot and I feel like I really had a mental/hormonal reaction to separation anxiety. I hope things smooth out for you in the next few weeks

Ugh, I need to vent. I’m in my third week back from maternity leave with kiddo #2 and, against all precedent at my company, I asked for and received a work schedule that allows me to come in early Monday through Thursday and work just a half day on Friday. It is working beautifully for my family on a number of fronts.

This morning a coworker commented that I was here early. I explained my new schedule and she (a mother of three children in late elementary through early high school, and in HR no less) said that other people get here early and stay until end of office hours and they just make it work. This has set me off way more than it should. I’m in the office for 44 hours per week, work in the evenings and on the weekends, and play a critical role in the company which is why I was granted my request – it would be extremely difficult if not impossible to replace me. At the same time, I’m supporting an entrepreneur husband, navigating the terrible twos, and nursing a baby in a growth spurt all night long.

I should have said, “yes, they make it work, but is that the life they want to live?” Because my number one reason for this schedule is to give me more quality time with my family and this just works for us. THIS is the life I want to live. I wish I had owned my decision and I wish people saw this situation as a powerful woman creating the life that she wants instead of an overtired mom trying to skip out on work. Just, ugh.