Organizing Thursday: Car Seat Travel Tray


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Car Seat Organizer Kids Travel TrayWhen we booked a flight to visit relatives in England this summer, I wanted to find something that would stop my son’s Legos, crayons, food, etc., from falling off the tiny airplane tray table. I spent way too much time reading Amazon reviews, and this product was the closest to what I wanted — it has its own bag, a detachable strap (in case we wanted to use it in the car one day), and handy pockets. Most importantly, all four edges were high enough to keep things from rolling off. The trade-off was that there was no good way to actually attach it to the tray table (which was an option for a couple of others). I MacGyver-ed a solution, however, by adding two of these velcro straps to the bottom of the tray (using more velcro), which made it possible to secure the tray to the tray table by wrapping the straps around it and fastening them. I’m so glad we had this on our two 7-hour flights, and I would definitely recommend it (for road trips, too). Car Seat Travel Tray

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Your feet are hurting because of the swelling. Try some compression socks! I promise your feet will feel a million times better!

OMG, it’s my busy season and I already feel like I’m holding on by my fingernails. January is soon, right?

I am returning to work from maternity leave next month and feel very anxious about it. I will be going back full-time to a busy, unpredictable schedule. Whenever I think about returning or see emails pop up on my phone I get this surge of anxiety. Any tips for staying present so I can enjoy next few weeks?

First trimester here and meat is not appealing. What are your favourite vegetarian recipes? I have the oh she glows cookbook and have a few favourites in there, but looking for others!

Hi ladies, sorry for this weird threadjack that’s not even about kids, and on an embarrassing topic at that – but if your body is newly and poorly digesting something to which it’s not accustomed, do you keep going with it to get used to it, or stop? I’m trying to be healthier, so have been eating beans for lunch every day this week. But – I’ve been horribly bloated and gassy, to the point of it being painful. Do I continue, so that my body gets to it? Or just quit so I’m not in pain?!

Has anyone dealt with frequent nosebleeds in your kids, and have you been able to find a permanent solution? My son has always had nosebleeds but now that fall has finally arrived in DC (and it’s a cooler and dryer), he has gotten 4 nosebleeds in 3 days. It seems very excessive. Most have been in the middle of the night and the amount of blood has been alarming — blood gushing out, not a trickle.

Has anyone gone to an ENT to get the hole in the nose cauterized? We already do the humidifier and vaseline near the nostrils at night. Is it a good idea to see an ENT at this point?

My 2.5 year old often complaints that his legs are hurting. Sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night sobbing because of the pain. Anyone experience this? Are growing pains a thing??

Baby #2 is coming next week or the week after – I really want to video our son meeting baby 2 for the first time. Debating getting a $200-300 camcorder – should I do it or is an iphone good for a longer video? I have only taken 1 minute videos on my phone in the past. Was thinking camcorder would be good for Christmas too.

Thoughts? If you are pro camcorder, I’d love to know if you have a suggestion for one in particular.


To BK Anon: I forget the name of the brand, but my CVS has a machine that you step onto to see what kind of foot you have then recommends what type of insole you should get. Super easy and worked better for me than just standing in the aisle, looking at all the different types of insoles, and getting one that I thought might fit the shape of my arch. Not as good, of course, as getting custom insoles made by a podiatrist

Any suggestions for a Halloween costume for an almost-two year old (23 months)? I got him an adorable pumpkin outfit thing, but it’s one of those big stuffed ones, and he refuses to wear it (“No pumpkin, Mama”). Last year he was a duck, but he haaaated every second– it was another one of those stuffed animal looking ones where you zip them in and the hood is the animal head. He cried the entire five minutes he wore it, but I must say the pictures are hilarious. Anyway, I should have learned that he won’t wear a full-on costume– so I think I should do something that feels, to him, like regular clothes. I don’t think he’ll really wear a hat. Any ideas?

So, I might be pregnant again. DH and I decided I wouldn’t go back on birth control after my period came back with our second, because we are open to a third and if we do it, wanted to get it over with.

My period has been back for 7 months, and has been super sporadic (30-45 days between cycles, then a super light flow or a crazy heavy one lasting for weeks). Last time I got my period was 9/1–i THINK. I bled for like 2 days a couple weeks ago and assumed at the time it was my period starting–then it just stopped. I’m tired all the time, and feel vaguely nauseous.

Time for a pregnancy test, I guess. I hate, hate, hate being pregnant. I don’t want to *be* pregnant, so I’m dreading a positive in that sense, but I do actually want a 3rd kid, so there’s that. Rip off the band-aid and what not.

Any Chicago moms on the forum who would like to meet? Where do I meet and make friends with working moms? All of our friends have either grandparent help or the mom stays at home. I got some subtile comments all leading to the fact that I am a bad mom who cares more about her career than her child. I feel that I am losing my mind.

Hi all, late in my second trimester here and really starting to feel achy feet by the end of the work day. I’m thinking insoles may be the way to go, to avoid spending a lot on new shoes. Any recs? Or is this just a matter of going to the drug store and picking up any pair? TIA!

Any thoughts on washing pump parts once a week if stored in the fridge constantly? It sounds kind of gross, but I don’t think there’s any real risk of contamination, because I have a mini fridge in my office and the parts would stay in there constantly and I’d just rinse it out at the end of the day, rather than taking everything apart, washing in hot water with soap daily etc. I have the spectra so I know there are fewer pieces than for the Medela, but it would still be a nice time save.

Would love to get anyone’s thoughts. Thanks so much!

I am officially having a meltdown. Our families live far away and at this point no one can help. Our friends have either grandparent help or the mom stays at home. For some reason, I always compare myself to others and it seems everyone is happy and I am the worst mom in the world for leaving my child with a nanny.

Where do I find friends who are working moms? I need someone I can relate to. Sure a working mom and a stay home mom are both mothers but it is not the same. I have gotten some subtitle comments from some SHAMs: “DS was always with family”; “I chose family over career”; “I know I am doing the right thing by raising my child” etc..

Any Chicago corporettemoms on the forum? I would love to meet.