Everyone Thursday: Crystal Embellished Sabre Bib Necklace


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Alexis Bittar Crystal Embellished Sabre Bib Necklace | CorporetteMomsHappy Thursday! I love all things Alexis Bittar, and this bib necklace is no exception — the gold/beige is such an unusual color for a necklace. It’s the kind of piece you can wear while pregnant, nursing, or beyond — lovely. It’s $345 at ShopBop. Alexis Bittar Crystal Embellished Sabre Bib Necklace Here’s a similar lower-priced option.

Sales of note for 1/16:

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Question: I’m 18 weeks and was hoping to find a Mom’s group in my area but it seems like everything I find is for stay at home mom’s and meets at fabulous times like 10:30am….. Does anyone have ideas for finding groups that accommodate working mothers? Most of my friends live fairly far and it would be nice to meet some people in my area.

My 12-month old is really, really interested in the toilet and likes to be with me when I am using the toilet (because who doesn’t want observers in the bathroom, amiright?). I don’t think she is ready for potty training, but I’m thinking of getting her a potty seat in the (probably naive) hope that it would keep her seated and out of the way instead of dropping things in the toilet/unrolling the toilet paper/flushing the toilet, etc while I use it. I know there are risks to “forcing” toilet training early, but is there any downside to letting her sit on a potty seat before she is really ready for potty training? Has anyone tried this and had good/bad/neutral experiences or advice?

Question about flying to Europe with a 9-month-old: nonstop flight vs. 1 layover. The nonstop flight equals 9 hours of travel time. One stop makes it approx. 14 hours of travel time. The cost for nonstop is considerably more (~$800) Is it really worth the extra cost to fly nonstop? We will have never flown with the kiddo before, FWIW, and he will be in his own seat.

I am hoping to get some wisdom from the collective. After reading many old posts, it appears that there is a strong consensus that a Pack N Play is a good place for a newborn to sleep and then, once they are too old to sleep in one, it still has multiple uses.

I’ve been researching Pack N Plays and the one that I found that I thought I liked–Graco Pack ‘n Play Playard with Cuddle Cove Rocking Seat, Winslet–has some bad reviews on amazon that are making me wonder if it’s the right one. (The concerns raised by the bad reviews sound like things that I would not be happy with.)

Does anyone have a recommendation for a Pack N Play that they really liked and were able to keep using in various ways after the baby was past the newborn stage?

Thank you so much in advance!

The semi-annual kids consignment sale is coming up in a few weeks in my town, and I’m wondering what I should be on the look-out for. Kiddo is currently 16 weeks old. He has what he needs in terms of clothes and such, but I’m wondering if there’s gear that he’ll need (like a Bumbo seat, for example) for the 6 – 9 month stage that I could get used? We’re also taking him on a trip to Europe and Scandinavia this summer (when he’ll be 9 months old) so if there’s gear that’s useful for traveling, I’d appreciate any suggestions.

I have a 16 month old and have only recently started thinking seriously about a second. As in, I am FINALLY not Majorly Annoyed by the idea of giving up my body as an incubator then dairy for the next 1.5-2 years :) I am a few years younger than you (had my first just before turning 30) so am tossing around the 2 vs 3 idea and if we go for 3, we need to get on it sooner rather than later. Childcare for 2 vs 3 is going to be somewhat a non-issue as I think we’ll be hiring a nanny for #2 (and #1) so adding #3 into the mix is just a matter of increasing the nanny’s rate vs a whole new kid in daycare.

OK ladies, talk to me about spacing. I have a 6 month old and I’m anxious to start trying for another. It’s irrational as I’m sleep deprived, my supply is tanking and I could never afford child care for a second right now. I’m not really going to start TTC now, but it has been on my brain constantly. I’m 33 and conceived my first fairly quickly, but am anxious that #2 might take longer.

Is this hormones? Anxiety? Just pure craziness? Anyone have experience with 18-20 months spacing between kids? Anyone go through these emotions and eventually had common sense kick in?

How do you know when your milk has dried up vs. your kiddo going on a nursing strike? I’ve been mostly formula feeding my 5 month old, was still nursing her once in the morning and once at night, and have recently dropped the night feeding on nights when I work late (about half the time). Since yesterday evening my daughter has refused to nurse, and just gets super upset if I try to get her to. So, at this point, she has skipped two nursings. I am not terribly surprised if this is my milk drying up, especially since I don’t seem to be terribly engorged… thoughts? For what it’s worth, I’m a little sad but not devastated if we’re done, since my original goal was 12 weeks, and my new goal was 6 months.

I just cannot get into the bib necklace look. They always look awkward to me.