Please take the CorporetteMoms Survey!


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An alphabet check boxAs I’ve mentioned before, when I first launched CorporetteMoms I really only saw it as an online web companion for the CorporetteMoms pregnancy newsletter — and I’ve been excited to see what is clearly a reader response/desire for more of a blog for working moms. In order to help us going forward, though, there are some huge, key questions about the readership and possible content — and we’ve finally designed a survey that will hopefully help us address those key questions. To sweeten the pot a bit I thought I’d throw in the chance to win a $200 Amazon giftcard.

Please click here to take the survey.

The survey should only take 5-10 minutes (at most), and we’d really hugely appreciate your input.

To Enter: Readers enter the giveaway by taking the CorporetteMoms 2014 survey (and answering the final question with a valid email address). One winner will be chosen the morning of Wednesday, July 16 (chosen by CorporetteMoms staff and and win a $200 Amazon giftcard. Please note that, due to legal reasons, this contest is only open to adult residents of the United States. The winners will have one week to respond to Kat to claim their prize or a new winner or winners will be chosen.

Pictured: Multiple_Choice, originally uploaded to Flickr by Oliver Tacke.

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Olá, gostei muito do seu blog! vi que o teor muito bem estruturado.
Tenho um blogue no mesmo assunto e gostaria de ver se você tem alguma
sugestão para quem está começando a postar arrigos sobre este tema.

I couldn’t finish the survey. Your survey doesn’t give an option for people without partners to respond to money/career question #3. I am divorced and therefore lack a partner.

Kat – There seems to be an error in the survey at 2.3. It did not allow me to check “Other” (which those of us with no partners would need to do.)

Kat- I’m using Firefox 26.0 on a desktop and the comment counter for all posts says “no comments.” I noticed because it quickly flashed from “12 comments” to “no comments” when the page was loading.

Not a mom myself, but a good friend had a baby spring break of 3L year (so in early April). And lots of other people I was friendly with also had babies 3L year at various different times. Of the 3 years of law school, 3L year is by far and away the best time to have a child.

To make it more manageable ( and since she knew she wanted to have a baby 3L year if she could get pregnant) she front loaded her classes a little bit. Our school offered summer classes and she took 1 summer class her 1L summer, (maybe 2), and a somewhat heavier course load 2L year so she had less to do 3L. She was also on law review so 2L year was very stressful and busy for her.

3L year I think she needed 2 or 3 less classes than everyone else to graduate and the school permitted us all to earn credit by doing a guided research seminar and writing a publishable article, so that was what she did in second semester. She was diligent and started the work on the article 1st semester and was largely done by the time the baby arrived in April.

One last thing I would add, is I’m now a mid-level associate at a large firm and I still have absolutely no idea how parents do it. I typically work 9am to 7pm and often work 9am to 10pm and work at least one weekend day. I have significantly less free time now than I did in law school. So while having a baby in law school is difficult, I don’t think having a baby at a law firm while a brand new junior associate would be easier.

I’m pregnant with my second child and karma is catching up with me! The first time, I had no morning sickness symptoms (had other issues like terrible back pain, gas and acid reflux but I recognize how lucky I was). This time, I’m on week 11 and the last 3 weeks have been terrible – I think it’s morning sickness but not sure. I feel very uncomfortable when I eat and (TMI alert) I burp at random multiple times during the day. I actually feel ok in the morning usually but the nausea builds up after lunch with my desk job. I keep burping in the afternoon and continue to feel more and more uncomfortable. I force myself to eat dinner and feel more or less the same after. I want to stay in bed all day but think that will probably make things worse (besides, I have to work!).

My questions to the other moms who’ve been through this: Is this really morning sickness? I just bought preggie pops, any other suggestions to help with this? I’m trying to take a walk in the afternoons but I don’t see an immediate impact on my nausea levels.

While I did have it easier in general during law school, I personally find it hard to imagine having a baby while in school. I know of a lot of women who say it worked great, but, for me, I think that wanting to be with the baby would really put a dent in my studying/work time. You would have to be very disciplined regarding study time (i.e., behind closed doors or at another location while someone else watches the kid(s).

My husband and I are expecting our first child in the middle of September. Before I was pregnant, I applied to law school with the intention to begin this fall. Upon finding out that I was pregnant, I decided to defer my admission to Fall of 2015. After my maternity leave, I will return to work full time until law school begins.

We want two children and I would prefer to have our second child during law school. I would like the siblings to be close in age and I would prefer to not take any breaks once my law career begins. I guess my question is, do you think it is manageable to try and have a second child during my second or third year of law school? Working moms, do you believe it would have been “easier” to have children during law school (or grad school) as opposed to while you were working? Should I just wait until I have worked a couple of years and have the siblings be 5 or 6 years apart?

FYI, my husband runs his own successful event planning business and largely works from home (with the exception of meetings with clients and vendors, etc.) . We plan to hire a part-time nanny, but my husband would largely be responsible for childcare while I work and eventually attend school. We have a strong local family support system to rely on for back-up childcare (both of my sister-in-laws are SAHMs, my husbands’ mom does not work, my dad works part-time).