Organizing Thursday: Ziploc Baggies


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Fisher-price Little People Zoo Talkers Animal Sounds ZooI don’t know why it took me so long to come up with this idea, but my new thing for organizing all the kids’ toys is Ziploc Baggies. I used to try putting things in their own shoeboxes, or storing them in the boxes they came in, or trying various other systems like keeping the little people in one place and little cars in another, but all of that seems to have gone out the window. The best thing I’m doing now is keeping things together with plastic bags. My younger son has a little farmhouse toy that came with five pieces that fit together and sing a little song, so I keep those five pieces in a plastic bag; my older son has a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Pizza Thrower that came with a million tiny pieces that, if they’re not being used, end up all over Casa Griffin, and so I keep them in a little bag. All the bath toys are divided, too — it’s my favorite organizational tool for the kids’ things. You can buy these bags at Amazon, although I’m pretty sure everyone has their own version somewhere in their house. Ziploc Baggies This post contains affiliate links and Corporette® may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 2/14/25 (Happy Valentine’s Day!):

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Up to 40% off your full-price purchase — and extra 60% off sale
  • Banana Republic Factory – 50% off everything + 15% off (readers love their suiting as well as their silky shirts like this one)
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 300+ styles $25 and up
  • J.Crew – 40% of your purchase – prices as marked
  • J.Crew Factory – 50% off entire site and storewide + extra 50% off clearance
  • Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – Flash sale ending soon – markdowns starting from $15, extra 70% off all other markdowns (final sale)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Cross-posting with the main site because I posted this late on the morning thread, and maybe it’s a better fit here anyways.

I’m just venting… We don’t post many pictures of our son on social media–DH probably posts one every 3 months, and I post one every 6. We use a private photo share to share photos with our family. I have never minded when one of our family members (usually a grandparent) takes a photo of our son while they’re babysitting or hanging out with us and posts it on social media, partly because it doesn’t happen all that often.

But this morning, one of the grandparents, who is actually a step-grandparent, downloaded a photo from our private photo share and posted it on social media. That feels weird and different to me. Also, the photo was one of my son making a funny face, and while I think it’s adorable, I would not have shared with lots of people he barely knows or has never met, especially since they don’t know the context. (DH added an explanatory comment.) On top of all that, this photo is posted alongside photos of the step-grandparent’s biological grandchildren, whom she obviously favors. The photos of the other kids are much more normal, conventionally attractive photos of the kids with cute smiles. So, I know I should assume good intentions and all, but I’m just upset that she went out of her way to download a goofy picture of my son from the private photo share and then posted it alongside two cute pictures of her “real” grandchildren smiling normally. Grrrr.

My two year old daughter is extremely passive with other kids. If a more spirited child pushes her or hits her or takes a toy from her, she looks confused but otherwise doesn’t really react. She doesn’t cry. Doesn’t go to an adult for comfort. One time we were at a friend’s house and her son was put on timeout over eight times in an hour in a half for hitting her. She never made a peep.

After that incident, she and I “talked” about the fact that it’s never ok for someone to touch her like that and she should feel free to say “no” or “stop” or to come to mommy or another adult for help. I asked her if it made her sad, and she said yes.

And she remembers which kids are particularly rough on her. When we talk about her friends she will say something like “Joey owwie” and pat herself on the head. And I will notice her trying to avoid these kids, but if they come up to her and hit her again, she still doesn’t have a reaction. And I think because of this, the other kids kind of think of her as an easy target so they keep doing it. The other parents and I try to intervene as much as possible, but there is only so much you can do.

I know she’s very young, but I don’t want her thinking this is ok! And the fact that it’s mostly boys who are rough with her especially bothers me because I don’t want her thinking it’s normal for males to be handsy or physical with females. We are very conscious of stopping tickling when she asks or not hugging her if she says she doesn’t want a hug. But this has me stumped.

For what it’s worth, I totally get that hitting and pushing are normal toddler behaviors. I’m more looking for suggestions on how to empower my daughter if other kids touch her or treat her in ways she does not like.

Vent: I’m a litigation attorney, with a three year old at home, and currently 38 weeks pregnant. I am doing all I can to stay focused, but it is proving difficult. The pain, fatigue, and constant bathroom breaks are wearing me down. *just keep swimming, just keep swimming*

Any advice for coping with first trimester fatigue and insomnia? The combination of the two is killing me – it feels like I barely sleep at all. I have a two hour client meeting today and my only goal is to stay awake through the entire thing; I don’t think I can accomplish anymore than that.

I can’t nap at work because my office is all glass, so there’s no privacy. Also, I’ve sworn off coffee, because I have a higher risk of miscarriage even without the caffeine.

Is there anything else I can do to help manage this exhaustion?

Parenting twins gets better, right?

I know at 10 weeks we’re probably right in the worst of it, but now that they started daycare this week it seems like our only interactions with them are consoling them through the evening witching hour, rocking them to sleep when they’re screaming because they’re so exhausted, and trying to get them back to sleep when they wake up in the middle of the night. And I feel horrible for saying this, but it’s hard not to resent that there’s two of them when there are nights like last night where one or the other is awake and crying every 30 minutes from 3 am on, so we’re both zombies at work today. Also, when they are awake and cheerful I feel guilty for putting them down in their bouncers (where they will happily look around and be content) so I can unload the dishwasher or make dinner because everyone seems to say that using baby containers means your baby will be behind on all their ohgsical milestones but what else are you supposed to do when you want at least one adult free to do something that isn’t holding a baby?


Tips for traveling with an infant to a tropical destination? He’ll be two and a half months and we’re traveling to stay at a family member’s apartment in Mexico. I exclusively pump and supplement with formula so will have to navigate pumping at the airport at least once. I’m not shy about it but tips on accomplishing easily? I didn’t buy him a seat on the plane so will need to check his car seat. I love baby wearing but should I check it at the gate or at the counter? Any other thoughts on travel or having a young baby in Mexico? It’s just my husband and I and we’re planning one day trip but will otherwise just lounging around relaxing before I go back to work.

I know this is a good ‘problem’ to have — but I’ve got a solo weekend trip for a friend’s wedding this weekend. It’s someplace I’ve been wanting to go, I’m meeting other good friends there, and I need a break from my routine (work and family) here.

But now I’m kinda dreading being gone from my LO for a few days, even though she’s in prime 2-year mode! It’s not like this is the first time I’ve been away for a few nights either!

I’ve also taken to organizing my purse with ziploc bags. I like to keep items in pouches in my purse in theory, but in reality I wind up taking the pouch out and just tossing 1-2 items from the pouch back in my purse. In a very short time, my purse is back to chaos, plus I have the additional random things my kids have asked me to put in there like little stacks of Legos or their ever so precious origami they made at school. We have Ziplocs in the storage closet next to my office, so every so often I wind up closing my door, dumping my purse onto my desk, shoveling everything into the Ziplocs so that I can find the one item I needed that had migrated to the bottom of my black hole.

It’s not classy looking, right now it is working better than nothing – and partially empty Ziplocs take up less room than partially empty pouches since the Ziplocs can fold over or roll up, etc.

Does anyone have recommendations for long tankinis? Post partum here and looking for something that doesn’t ride up… I have had a hard time finding long torso bathing suits that aren’t 1 pieces. Thanks.

Gah…I’m waiting for results of a medical test that will result in (a) immediate surgery with a guaranteed 5 day hospital stay and a month-long recovery, (b) a future surgery with a one night hospital stay and a 1-2 week recovery, or (c) more tests to figure out what the heck is wrong with me…and I’m struggling to do anything at work. I really want to close my door and just freak out, or go home and cry until I fall asleep. It doesn’t help that I have no imminent deadlines and kiddo isn’t sleeping (again). Plus, a big presentation to 80+ people tomorrow…

I used gallon sized ziplock bags to prepare outfits for my three year old. It’s awesome. I pack outfit bags with clothes, undies, and socks when I do laundry each week. It only takes a minute or two. She can grab whichever bag in the morning and dress herself. No arguments. No crazy outfits. Easy for grandparents and babysitters, too.

Lean back in time?
I have a great job that pays well and, apart from an annoying commute, I enjoy—although I don’t find it challenging. It has very predictable hours and I report to one person who is fantastic, and very understanding when I need to run to daycare to pick up a feverish toddler, etc.
A former boss of mine called me recently to encourage me to come back in a supervisory role. It would be a small step up pay-wise from my current job; exact same commute. It is not a grinder, high pressure job, but it would require reporting to more people (which I think inherently gives you less flexibility over life). I like the idea of being a supervisor instead of a supervisee, even though I love my boss now. It would be more challenging and more varied work (I get bored here sometimes). I could telecommute sometimes. I’d have a title that is more respectable (not the right word but whatever) and more commensurate with my experience & skill level.
There are lots of pros & cons, basically. But I’m afraid. My husband (law firm partner) and I are barely making life work with scheduling— daycare, work, commuting, dinner/bath/bed, the whole thing. We have a good arrangement but it’s tight. I’m afraid to introduce any uncertainty in the system. At the same time, my toddler is almost 2.5 YO, I’m not breastfeeding / pumping, no plans to have #2, and it seems like a good time to make a switch (5 years in my current position).
Any advice? This would not be a huge lean-in, but it would certainly be more than what I have now.

I have recently started working with a few new teams that include dudes who LOVE to interrupt and talk over women. Not men, only women. It’s really noticeable, to the point that several other (male!) colleagues have brought it up to me outside meetings. I’m frequently in the role of delivering practical-reality-that-isn’t-fun-but-must-be-reckoned-with information, and am also usually the youngest and only female person in the room/call, so it’s particularly irritating because they interrupt me to downplay or argue with whatever I’m saying. When other women participate, they get the same treatment. As an example, a colleague’s completely legitimate business concern, presented totally rationally, got interrupted and downplayed as “now let’s not get emotional about these things.”

What are your strategies for dealing with this unbelievably rude behavior? I’m struggling to find a balance between calling it out/pushing back and sucking it up for the sake of playing nice and establishing relationships with people I’m stuck working with.

I always try to do the ziploc bag thing, but usually within about a month I end up with bins full of mixed small toys and empty ziploc bags! I think the key is in properly labeling the bags, that would probably lead to better compliance in my household. If I was crafty and had younger kids, I’d put a picture of what belongs in each bag on the bag, but that’s in my imaginary life where I’m organized and enjoy doing that sort of thing :-P

To IVFer from yesterday:
I just saw your response to my post and I’m so sorry. I clearly didn’t communicate what I intended to. I’ve posted an apology/clarification over there. Again, what you read is definitely not what I was trying to communicate and I totally understand how you read it the way you did, and I’m truly sorry.