Weekend & Family Friday: “Who Was” Biography Series
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My older son is really into the musical Hamilton right now, and we get to have all these great discussions about the Revolutionary War and politics and so on. If you have a similar kid who loves Hamilton, I wanted to recommend Who Was Alexander Hamilton? ($5.39 in paperback at Amazon) and the whole “Who Was” series, which gives details on historical figures in a fun and exciting way. A few examples of other subjects in the series are Harriet Tubman, Neil Armstrong, and Anne Frank. Moms of older kids: What are your favorite books and series for teaching kids about history? Who Was Alexander Hamilton? This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!
Has anyone used UrbanSitter or similar online sites? Pros/cons?
I’ve not left my LO with a sitter yet and he’s almost 6 months (I know, I know…) But I don’t have any local mom friends so I can’t get referrals that way, and I can’t figure out how people find trustworthy babysitters otherwise.
Happy Friday afternoon update: I posted a few weeks ago about my first few days with a nanny and how miserable my daughter was when I left, and it’s going SO MUCH better now as you all promised me it would. There are still occasionally tears if I just plop her down with the nanny and leave, but she never cries for more than a minute or two and usually if we all sit down together for a couple minutes and start playing with some of her favorite toys, she’s distracted enough that I can get up and go without any crying. She clearly knows and trusts our nanny now and that’s been so comforting to see. She still doesn’t want to accept formula from the nanny (or anyone?) but she eats a ton of solids (including yogurt and cheese), drinks water, and nurses morning and night so I’m not too worried. We’ll see if the ped is concerned at her 12 month appointment, but I’m feeling pretty shruggy guy emoji about it, since the formula is there if she wants it and she’s a very chunky baby.
The “Who Was” books are mostly great, but I found out today that the Harriet Tubman book form that series is…problematic…to say the least. The author writes, “Even though she was a slave, Harriet Tubman was happy.” https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=415051045887974&set=pcb.414963269230085&type=3&theater&ifg=1
Guys, I am 17 weeks pregnant and have been hit by a wall of what I can only imagine are RAGE HORMONES. I hate everyone and everything. I want nothing to do with work and am actively struggling to not be rude to my coworkers. I am not sure I am succeeding. Thank god it’s Friday, right? Maybe this will be gone by Monday? It started yesterday.
I am sitting here thinking about how I have no idea how I will get thru the rest of the day, nevermind watching my toddler solo all weekend. I just want to disappear :( There is no cure for this, is there? Ride it out? I am NOT normally like this.
Reposting from the other site yesterday at someone’s suggestion:
Can anyone speak to their experience about going through the process of getting an advanced degree, working in a fancy corporate/legal job, and then deciding to give it all up and move to a small town with less opportunity to be near family? I’m struggling hard with this decision. My husband and I want to start a family soon and I’d like to be near our families when we do, but that is 3 hours from the nearest big city and while there are career opportunities, they aren’t at the same level I could find in my current location. I’m also tired of the long hours and travel and stress that comes along with my job, but I worry about giving up the big paycheck and benefits.
I know I’m all over the place here, but any personal stories / advice / commiseration would be appreciated.
Soliciting advice. Background: I went through a bad breakup 7 years ago that. I thought we were going to get married. It was painful in that my ex cheated, spoke negatively about me to friends (“she’s just a roommate”), patronized professional escorts, had profiles on cheating websites to mention a few things that happened. It was also expensive. I spent of $30k on the home we shared and left it all when we broke up. I haven’t seen or spoken to him since. I am now happily married with a family and feel so fortunate that I escaped this terrible person. I am truly the luckiest girl. I am expecting to see my ex at an industry conference next week. Do I ignore him? Speak cordially to him? He was always someone so high on himself and he thought every girl was deeply in love with him. I don’t want to give him any satisfaction. I’m not sure I can keep it together.
My 10 week old daughter seems to have gas pain all day. It’s when she wakes up from a nap, after she eats, and sometimes in the middle of the night. It feels like there’s nothing I can do (beyond the leg bicycling/laying her on her stomach) and I’m at my wits end and feel terrible for her. Any suggestions?
Has anyone found a great watch for elementary school kids? My daughter is in 3rd grade and asked for a watch for her birthday. She would love an apple watch but haha. I’m looking at the Swatch website because that’s what was cool when I was a kid.
I’m telling my spouse this weekend that our relationship is over and that I want a divorce. I hope that he will be mature and that we can move to the next phase with as much peace as possible, but I realize that he may go off the rails (he has MDD and BPD — so it is a real possibility). This has been a long time coming, and I am ready. It is still difficult.
A quick rant: It is incredibly frustrating that the vast majority of divorce advice for women is geared to learning basic finance and for those who have limited knowledge of their own financial condition and are not the primary breadwinners.
Talk to me about allowances. When did you start giving them? How much do you give? Do you use the spend/save/give jar concept and do you dictate how much has to go in each jar? My son is 5.5 and I’m wondering whether its time to start giving one for some basic budgeting/math skills.
I posted a few days ago about bedtime crying after CIO. Thank you for the support and advice. I decided to do whole night CIO (rather than just bedtime) hoping that this leads to less crying at bedtime and to be super consistent about not taking baby out at bedtime. A night of doing this and it is so incredibly heart wrenching and hard. Baby wasn’t hungry which was good (he is 20 lbs…), but I could tell he really wanted the nightime comfort. Please tell me this gets better and is worth it. Doing CIO with this baby is so hard because when I did CIO with my older daughter it lasted one night and she slept 12 hours every night since then, no crying ever. I keep thinking I am doing something wrong and causing my baby more pain than is necessary. Maybe I should have never done CIO but the alternative is to be tired for years, and that doesn’t sound good either…
This is sort of a weird question, but I do like these books (we have some of them) but are Canadian and while I wouldn’t normally order the Hamilton one, does it mention Theodosia Burr? My daughter’s name is Theodosia and I would order it for that :) the kids love the soundtrack so maybe I should get it anyway.
I have a book-related question…my 3yo loves books that have lots of words, no rhymes, human protagonists, and somewhat of a plot. Her absolute favorite is the giant Robert Munsch treasury we have. Other favorites are “Max and the Tag-Along Moon” and “Lola at the Library.” She still definitely needs pictures, too. I’m finding it hard to find good books that meet these criteria. So many of them are visually beautiful but have few words, or are rhyme-focused rather than plot-focused, or are about animals instead of people.
Hi Ladies!!
I switched jobs and took a little break from thissite. How is everyone doing?? What’s new??
I’ll just preface this with saying – I love and respect SAHMs and I hate the mommy wars.
Our elementary schools extended program is completely full. I’m not just scrambling for next year (the first year of eligibility for my rising 1st grader), I am full out panicking. I was chatting with a neighbor, and I told her that I was surprised extended day was full because our neighborhood heavily skews SAHMs with some very limited exceptions. She mentioned that a lot of SAHM keeps their kids in the afternoon portion for a couple hours; she does it herself because of her tennis club. *blink blink* Listen – I know that I am not entitled to extended day. I know that they have just as much right to a slot as I do. But GAWT DAHM. I will manage because I can throw money at this problem (sigh) – but there are women who make $10-15 an hour. How are they going to manage? Extended day is $300 a month – a sitter or private program is 3x or 4x that.