Weekend & Family Friday: Who Thought This Was a Good Idea?
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Sales of note for 2/7:
(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)
- Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
- Ann Taylor – Extra 25% off your $175+ purchase — and $30 of full-price pants and denim
- Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
- Boden – 15% off new season styles
- Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
- J.Crew – Extra 50% off all sale styles
- J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
- Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
- Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
- Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+
And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interest – working mom questions asked by the commenters!
- The concept of “backup care” is so stupid…
- I need tips on managing employees in BigLaw who have to leave for daycare pickup…
- I’m thinking of leaning out to spend more time with my family – how can I find the perfect job for that?
- I’m now a SAHM and my husband needs to step up…
- How can I change my thinking to better recognize some of my husband’s contributions as important, like organizing the shed?
- What are your tips to having a good weekend with kids, especially with little kids? Do you have a set routine or plan?
Ladies, please help me navigate the hell that a new classroom has apparently turned my preschooler’s life into. She’s been at this daycare for 1.5 years. She transferred rooms (2yo to 3yo) at the beginning of this year and it was pretty smooth. She’s was very social in her old classroom and, from what I understand, a bit of a class clown and a helper to younger kids. But now, in the 3.5-5yo classroom (she’s 3.75), I am dealing with daily fits as she screams “I don’t wanna go to school” “I don’t like my teachers” “I’m shy to my friends” “mamma don’t go to work, stay with me” etc. As my husband puts it, she went from being “killer queen” to FNG in a day. This is the end of week two and if I’m honest, it has only gotten worse. I have tried some voodoo stuff which is what my mom would do: I sewed her a special stuffy to take to school “to remind that mommy loves you”, I sent a pair of ear muffs for nap (because not all kids nap at this point and it can get loud) and even though it’s been raining, switched to walking instead of driving to school (it’s close enough) so we can get a little more time to talk in the morning. None of this is helping, at all. I’m so mentally exhausted and so sad for her having this terrible time. What can I do to help support her during this transition? It will get better, right??
You all always have such great suggestions! She already has a play kitchen and all supplies, balance bike, shopping cart, water table, diplos, and magnatiles. Current interests are bugs and baseball and right now she is into the “Fly Guy” books from the library (which are not my favorite, but whatever). Looking to give the grandparents ideas for upcoming birthday and Christmas. Thanks!!
Looking for winter vacation ideas for me, husband, and 2-year old – traveling from DC, want to take a week over Xmas/New Year’s together. We don’t celebrate Xmas but I love winter and all of the cozyness. I have this fantasy of going to some sort of lodge in the mountains or a city like Berlin with beautiful winter markets – is that just a romantic but actually bad idea? Will we all be cold and want to go inside but then be stir crazy?
Does anyone have advice/ experience/ tales to related about exclusively pumping? My baby is less than a week old and breastfeeding is really painful- which is so frustrating because my first two were quite easy to nurse. We have an appointment with the lactation consultant next week, but I’ve just been pumping and giving the baby a bottle for the past couple days because things have been so painful. Formula is definitely an option (we combo fed our first), but Ijust find it so much more convenient to be able to nurse on demand than to have to deal with bottles, so I’m really hoping we eventually figure things out. I’m wondering mostly about the logistics/ routine of exclusively pumping- like do I pump while out and about? How do you make time to pump? Any other useful tools or tricks? Was it worth it? Not looking to start any judgmental / off topic threads here- just looking for honest experiences. I know if we give her formula everything will be fine, but I’m not quite ready to shut down my own milk production quite yet. Thanks!
Help! My two year old has started to really fight naps on weekends. We would keep him up, but he gets so tired and grumpy for the rest of the day. He naps every day at daycare and we keep the same routine at nap time at home. We have resorted to taking him for a walk in the stroller to fall asleep or even in the car when we are desperate. Every Friday I start dreading the weekend. Is this just my life now or is there a better way to help him go down?
just thought i would share, but Frugalwoods has a post on motherhood that i really liked and thought others on here might relate to as well.
cross posting from the main site because I know some people do not read there – Does anyone know anything about alternative communication devices or a good resource to research these? My mom has a benign brain tumor and she has already exhausted all treatment options (multiple brain surgeries), but they keep growing. She no longer has use of her dominant hand so she can’t write, can only do some things with her non dominant hand and is currently losing her ability to speak, but she understands everything. It is like she is trapped in her own body because she cannot communicate what she wants or needs. She is so frustrated and it is beyond heart breaking. She is also fairly young – only mid 60s. She would be able to push a button that matches to a certain picture, etc. This board is often a wealth of information so I thought I would see if anyone has any ideas
Just introduced an ounce of formula (Similac in those prepackaged 2 oz bottles) to my son who is 17 weeks. He had hives around his mouth for about 30 minutes but was acting fine and it disappeared after that. I’m afraid to introduce more formula. Anyone else experience this with their kid? The doctor said to try a different brand and that he’s probably not allergic to dairy unless he has mucus or blood in his stool. Im not sure and researching formulas is overwhelming. Also, it sounds expensive and wasteful to buy a bunch to see what if any he doesn’t have a reaction to. Any advice? Tia!
Could use some support/advice. I’m 16 weeks pp with baby #2 and going back to work soon. We’re also relocating (from an very expensive but wonderful childcare setup) and I was just diagnosed with PPA. It makes it really hard to figure out whether I’m really second guessing decisions or it’s the anxiety. FWIW we’ve been trying to make this move for years but now that I’m getting into the details, I’m kind of freaking out. Also not excited to go back to work. And feeling like I’m missing out on this precious time with my baby. :( This is hard.
Can anyone recommend a a disney or non-disney resort to stay for a trip to Disney next month? I have a 2 and 4 year old and we plan to do Magic Kingdom two days and the other two or three days spend time at the hotel pool (hopefully heated) and do disney springs. Budget is about $300/night. Would like a little bit of luxury so that might mean we need to do non-disney hotel (disney luxury is looking like its $500+!).
Do you ever go through all your kids’ clothes and just think… this is insane? Yet those GapKids coupons come up, or the Target displays are so enticing, and it’s like, surely they could use a couple more shirts or dresses. NO. They can’t!
Or sometimes I’ll buy a few ugly yet cheap t-shirts with sharks on them for shark week at school (where they’re of course encouraged to wear shark-themed items), but then I have four shark t-shirts for the rest of time. I should just donate the shirts after we get the intended use out of them, right?
How do y’all keep kids’ clothes under control?
What do you do when preschoolers start to be mean? Our girl twin (3.5) has just started saying “I don’t want to be boy twin’s friend” in a really casually snotty way. It’s not at times when she’s being provoked, like if he took a toy or something. Since she’s not mad, it doesn’t seem like a time-out-to-calm-down situation. I’ve tried a few times to talk about kindness and I’ve also told her she doesn’t have to be his friend, just his sister, but that saying out loud that you don’t want to be someone’s friend is mean and we don’t talk like that. No dice. It also seems… extra weighty between 1) not wanting to overforce this magic twin bond that everyone seems to expect they’ll have (they don’t really) and 2) boy twin has some disabilities, so i expect he’ll face more of this in the future too, but I’m getting so mad that the first source of it is in our own house! I think it’s making me overreact to what is probably a totally normal jerk phase for three year olds. Boy twin does not seem to understand what she’s saying yet but I’d like to get her to cut this out before he does. (If it matters she definitely picked this up from day care, I heard an older kid using it.)