Weekend Open Thread
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Something on your mind? Chat about it here.
I’ve got some business travel coming up, and I always include a set of exercise bands like these in my carry-on for workouts on the go.
These latex bands offer three levels of resistance for a customized strength workout. Wrap them around furniture (or yourself) for bicep curls, seated or standing rows, and more. They take up almost zero room and weigh almost nothing, so they can go practically anywhere — I even keep a band in my desk for a quick conference call workout.
This Flat Band Kit from Target’s All In Motion is $9.29.
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Ugh. I just have to vent. After a referral from a pre-K teacher, my 5 year old had a speech therapy evaluation and they said she’s in the 1st percentile for her age and needs weekly speech therapy. They also said she performed really badly on the hearing screening so we have to set up an appointment with an audiologist for a full round of hearing testing. We did almost a year of weekly occupational therapy last year for unrelated issues. All of these appointments are in the middle of the work day, of course. I don’t have a fancy, high powered career but people have no sympathy for me missing work for this stuff and I’m starting to feel like I should just give up and stay home because it’s getting so hard to juggle it all. But then I feel silly for feeling that way because I only have one child and her needs aren’t *that* severe, so why do I feel SO overwhelmed? Blerghhh.
Also I hate hate hate hate healthcare in the US. We have “good” (state government) health insurance, but we have a high deductible and apparently there’s a carve out for “developmental disorders” so speech therapy isn’t covered anyway, so we have to pay for all of this therapy out of pocket to the tune of hundreds of dollars per week. I know it’s a privilege that we don’t have to choose between getting therapy and putting food on the table, but still, we’re not doing this for fun and it just sucks that we have to pay the entire cost.
TL;DR: Teacher informed us of “incident” but has not followed up. Would you reach out to the school again or let it go? Would you assume the best or worst case?
2nd grade DS had serious behavior issues at the beginning of the school year. Not physical misbehavior but lots of talking out of turn, talking back / extreme rudeness to the teacher, etc. The teacher addressed it with us immediately, we addressed it with DS (ie came down hard with immediate and repeated consequences) immediately, and the issue seemed to resolve. Incidentally, we know through conversations with other parents that pretty much all boys in the class were having behavior issues. By the time PT conferences rolled around in Nov, the teacher’s feedback was “He’s doing much much better, I really don’t have concerns, thanks for support.” As no more negative feedback was coming home, this kind of fell off the OMG-Parent-Radar.
FF to this week… DS came home yesterday and self-reported an issue. Apparently they were setting up to play a game in class and the boys got overly competitive in a joking way but then just lost their minds. Several of them, including my DS, wound up on the floor and then in the principal’s office. We did get a possibly-group-bcc’ed email from the teacher last night saying “There was an incident at school, your son was involved, we’ll be in touch.”
The few details in the email do line up with what DS told us. First thing this AM I replied to the teacher and the principal, thanking them for letting us know and that we are available to discuss at their convenience, we know this kind of behavior is not acceptable, etc. We are happy to come to school, have a phone call, anything. Since then (and we’re east coast so it’s almost 3p) – crickets. No phone call, no email, nothing.
Would you, at this point, continue with the “DS is grounded and screenless and has no fun” through the weekend?
Would you ease up a bit (maybe not grounded, but no iPad)?
Would you call the school on Monday to check in?
I want to feel that, if the school was SERIOUSLY concerned, they would have reached out today. But… are they saving the hardest conversations for last? I mean, if DS was a constant behavior problem I feel like we would have had other conversations before this, right? We don’t know what to think. And I’m hesitant to reach out to other parents, bc of not knowing exactly who got that email. Also, two kids whose parents probably got the same email… their parents work at the school.
What do you think about Marie Kondo’s admission that after three kids she’s sort of given up on tidying?