Organizing Thursday: Water-Resistant/Fireproof Document Bag

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 Water-Resistant/Fireproof Document BagMy house technically is not in a flood zone, and where I live is not susceptible to forest fires, but accidents happen. Frozen pipes can burst, an appliance could short out, and you could lose a lot of important things in your house. After a few years of extreme weather in the country — hurricanes, fast-burning fires, polar vortexes — I am trying to give myself the illusion of control. One of the ways is making sure some of our important documents are in a fireproof box. I don’t own this particular one by BLOKKD, but it is getting good reviews on Amazon and it is $45.94 and eligible for Prime. What precautions are you taking with your family’s documents, if any? Water-Resistant/Fireproof Document Bag This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Why would you get this instead of a normal fireproof lockbox? I can’t believe that something made out of fabric would hold up as well as a hard-sided fireproof box.

Anyone have a recommendation for a good leak proof sippy cup for milk? Looking to transition our 1.5 year old away from bottles but I need something that will not leak in her lunchbag (so it needs to seal shut and stay that way). Preference for something non plastic. Does this exist????

Does anyone have kids that are nearing 2 that still wake up 1-2x nightly? Our DD has slept through the night maybe 10% of the time since she was born and we’re expecting another baby in 3 months. I just don’t know when this will end and how we’ll manage with two kids.

We go in when she calls for us, and spend about 30 seconds telling her to lie back down. She does and then sometimes she doesn’t wake until the morning. Other nights, like last night, she’s up every 30 minutes from 2:30-4:00 am, where I finally gave her some milk and motrin. I have no earthly idea what the issue is. She just wants us to hold her, but if we tell her to lie down, she does. Her teeth have come in much slower than normal, so maybe that’s the issue, but sleep has been generally much worse from 12 months onward than when she was a baby. She takes about a 1.5 hour nap and sleeps at 7:30 pm and wakes around 6:30-7:00 am.

Just so depressing to have a high-energy toddler during the day, a spouse in a super demanding job, and then get such interrupted sleep while pregnant. I have such anxiety about a newborn, primarily because the older one is still not a good sleeper. Also, if she can’t sleep in the crib, I don’t know how we’ll ever manage in a toddler bed. I don’t even know what to do.

How long do you let your kids work on a sippy cup of milk for? DD just turned 1 and we’re transitioning from formula to milk during the workday. She still nurses morning & night so getting her to drink any kind of milk during the day is a bit of a struggle, but that’s probably another topic. With formula, we strictly followed the “discard 1 hour after feeding begins” rule, even though I realize that’s aimed at newborns and probably not as relevant to young toddlers with much more robust immune systems. If it matters, we buy organic, ultra-pasteurized milk that is shelf stable until opened.

I know this has been discussed before, but talk to me about spacing your kids. Here is a whole bunch of information about my specific situation – looking for your thoughts on what would work. My daughter is 16 months and still nursing about 4 times a day. I don’t really want to wean her to nothing, but I require fertility treatments to get pregnant so Clomid may kill my supply to that point. My ideal would be to start trying when she’s around 18 months, but we are moving in July (20 months) so I was going to just wait and avoid switching from one RE to another. The kicker is that we are moving for a one year position for my husband. So he’ll be starting a new job next July or August which means we could be moving with a super newborn, or I could be delivering in his first month or two at a new place. I am probably just borrowing trouble because it took 15 months of off/on treatment to get pregnant last time but the uncertainty is driving me crazy.

How often do your clothes wear out? I have noticed mine wear out super quickly, which is driving me nuts (I don’t have time to buy new clothes!). I know we should be washing clothes on delicates and air drying which should help, but it doesn’t always happen.

My twins are approaching the 4 month mark and I’m thinking about sleep training. There are so many resources that it can be overwhelming to start. For those who sleep trained around 4-5 months, what did sleep training mean to you? Teaching baby how to fall asleep and stay asleep independently (unswaddled?)? Eliminating any remaining night feedings for a full 12 hours of sleep? Are there any particular books or methods you’d recommend? If anyone has experience sleep training twins I’d love to hear that, too.

Hey ladies! I posted on the regular site, but I realized as a working mom (I have a 19 month old), I should post here, too! I am up for an award in my industry (semiconductors and electronics packaging) and voting ends today. If you are so inclined, I would love your support. You do have to vote in every category for it to count, so if you don’t feel comfortable, I totally understand. My name is Amy Lujan in the Engineer of the Year category. =3

I love love love our nanny for our 14-month old. I’ve seen other nannies in action and I know she is phenomenal and incredibly reliable – literally never been late in almost a year. She has a five-year old who is in pre-k, which is of course getting out for the summer. She’s dropped a few hints about how she’s not sure what she’ll do with him and I know she is feeling us out to see if we would be ok with him coming to work with her. My husband and I are not excited about this prospect. We’ve let her bring him for a few days in the past when school was cancelled for snow, etc. and I was not impressed with his behavior. I know he is five and I don’t think his behavior is crazy out of line for the age or anything, jumping on our couches, not listening to her when she says it is time to leave, throwing toys, etc. So we’d prefer he not be at our house five days a week.

What can we do to keep our nanny feeling valued and happy but also not have her son come to work for three months? We’ve debated giving her a bonus to help pay for camps but I’m a little annoyed at having to pay for childcare for her kid and my kid. We decided we’d be ok if he came for two days a week but all summer would be too much. Maybe there is cheaper camp option for three days a week? We’re in nyc FWIW.

I’m not sure how much good “fireproof for thirty minutes” is — my sense is that a full-blown house fire takes longer than that to be put out, and I’m not going into a burning building for my birth certificate. But most fires start in the kitchen, so maybe by the time they reach your office the FD is there and you don’t need that much time. Anyone who knows more about fires wanna weigh in?

In any case I really like the idea of being able to grab everything quickly if you’re evacuating.