Washable Workwear Wednesday: Sleeveless Textured Crepe dress

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washable sheath dress for work JNYI love this washable sheath dress for work (pictured) — and I can’t get away from how much it reminds me of this $395 dress we posted recently on Corporette. There are some important differences, though, most notable among them the fact that it’s washable (huzzah!) and that it’s only $34.99 on sale. WHOA. There are actually so many good dresses at Jones New York right now, where this one’s from, and they’re all washable and all just around $30. Sign me up! Sleeveless Textured Crepe Dress Looking for other washable workwear? See all of our recent recommendations for washable clothes for work, or check out our roundup of the best brands for washable workwear. This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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This dress is beeeeautiful, and it is one of few things that has made me sad about having giant must-cover-at-work tattoos on my upper arms.

Did anyone see the Washingtonian article about the woman who has worn the same outfit every day for a year? She used a stylist to help her pick an outfit, and then bought multiple high quality versions of each component. This sounds like my dream – it’s like a capsule wardrobe in the extreme. Is anyone else tempted to do this?

We just got an email from the school that all after-school activities, including aftercare, are cancelled due to weather and kids need to be picked up at normal dismissal times. I had to look up in the handbook what time that is because we never pick up that early. working parent problems.

We just got an email from the school that all after-school activities, including aftercare, are cancelled due to weather and kids need to be picked up at normal dismissal times. I just had to look up in the handbook what time that is because we never pick up that early. working parent problems.

Can someone remind me when in early pregnancy I’m going to start feeling like sh*t? I’ve had two, so I know what’s coming, but I am feeling suspiciously not nauseous or overly tired here in week 6ish. I would like to brace for starting to hate being alive soon, but I can’t remember how soon it kicks in!

Have any of you tried a compressed work schedule or other alternative work schedule? A colleague and I agree that going part-time would be a reduction in pay but not in workload. We are only “supposed” to work 8 hours per days but the reality is that I work closer to 9-10 hours per day. I feel like it would be easier to work four 10 hour days per week or 9 hour days with one day off every two weeks than to actually make it in and out of the office in 8 hours (8-4).

The other part of this is the feeling that something has to give. Everyone in my family is healthy for the first time in 18 months (my son’s Crohn’s is in remission and my husband is healthy after a long hospital stay last spring) aside from my daughter just being diagnosed with a speech delay, but I am so bone and existentially (not sure if that is the right word) exhausted. I feel like I need a chance to catch my breath. I don’t think I would want to keep an alternative schedule permanently but maybe for 6-12 months. I know that I am doing well at my job because I received a substantial raise and glowing review last month. Has anyone tried this or thought of a way to pitch it?

Just bought this dress and the matching jacket is also on sale and washable. Entire suit for under $100 – score. Just wanted to let y’all know there is a bunch of good stuff for sale on the JNY website and I picked up a couple of cute ponte dresses as well.

Hi all! My SO and I are thinking of starting to try for #2 soon…. any tips on what you wish you’d known going in to trying for a second, or things to think about?

Anyone have suggestions on gifts for a two year old? I would especially appreciate gits I can buy online. TIA!

Can someone give me an easy (no more than 15 minutes) vegetarian dinner recipe to feed my kids tonight?

No grilled cheese, no pasta, no quesadillas.

thoughts? :)

I am preparing for a trial in two weeks, my first since coming back from maternity leave. I worked until 12 last night and then my son woke up at 3:30 (teething) and I basically didn’t go back to sleep.

Being a trial lawyer and a parent, without a stay at home spouse, is feeling literally impossible today. I love my job but honestly feel like I just can’t perform adequately any more and it gets more depressing every day to feel like I am no longer a good performer but instead, sucking at everything. Someone please tell me not to quit.

We toured a nursery today – 24 weeks and things are getting real! Nursery was lovely, a really big and cheerful space and kids seemed really engaged. Now I’ll just have to do is reconcile myself to paying £1000 / month which is £400 more than our mortgage!

I’m thinking of taking a trip to Hawaii in August, with two boys ages 2 and 4, DH, myself, and 70 year old grandma. DH and I have been to Hawaii for our honeymoon (to Oahu, Maui, Kauii, and Lanai), kids and my mom have never been. This trip is a birthday gift for my mom and it’s also a celebratory vacation for my husband, who just achieved a huge professional milestone.

We’re flying from the east coast, and I have heard that given the long flight, we should plan a 10 day trip.

Suggestions on which islands to visit? Mom loves nature, doesn’t care about museums. Kids love the water and will probably be fine with any island. We’re thinking Kauii for sure, and maybe one other island. Is it better to stay on one island with small kids or are we ok doing two islands?

If anyone has particular Air BNB suggestions, that would be great too. We’re thinking of splurging a bit on this vacation, so something right on the water would be awesome. Would prefer a home/condo rental rather than a hotel.

Also, I know that Hawaii has been discussed a lot on the main site so if anyone can direct me to those threads I would appreciate it! But not sure any involved traveling with young children…