Washable Workwear Wednesday: Tweed Knit Jacket

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washable tweed knit jacket If you like the look of tweed jackets — but are committed to only wearing machine washable clothes due to kid/pet/other reasons — then note that Ming Wang often has knit jackets that have a tweed-type look. To me this is a bit much with the matching shell — for some reason I’m seeing it with, for example, a light blue shell and gray pants — but you do you. The jacket is $325 at Nordstrom. Tweed Knit Jacket Psst: Note that almost every day Amazon is including a toy or toy category in their “deal of the day” — today it’s “character” stuffed animals from Sesame Street, Curious George, Pokéman, Star Wars, Mickey Mouse, and more. These are often better than Black Friday sales — we’ll try to include them every day as we can. Looking for other washable workwear? See all of our recent recommendations for washable clothes for work, or check out our roundup of the best brands for washable workwear. This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Test 123.

Also, I totally love the coat (maybe not with the matching shirt) – wonder how it would look on a decidedly unpregnant person.

We were planning on asking for one of those Pottery Barn Anywhere chairs (or equivalent from some other company) for Christmas for our 20-month old. Any guidance on what brand is good? Or what size, if you recommend the Pottery Barn one? (they appear to have 3 different sizes)

Will try. He is at the bottom range of size threes (I think he is about 17-18 lbs) but maybe fours will contain. Thanks all!

My almost 8 month old son has started having daily (or more frequent) blowouts in the past few weeks. My older child never had this issue so I’m trying to figure out causation. We have recently stepped up the solid foods (mostly purees) and it seems to be linked to the increase. I plan to talk to his pediatrician about it but thought I’d reach out here for suggestions on what might be causing it and what to do differently. Thanks!

I’m thinking of getting my 4 and 7 year old rolling luggage for Christmas since grandparents will not buy something use like that. Anyone have any good recommendations? Ideally, I would like something that would last several years and not fall apart after the first use. They have duffle bags but I thought a rolling suitcase might be good now that they are getting older.

My almost-four-month-old keeps kicking off everything I put on her feet. Yesterday she sent her little faux Ugg (fugg?) boots flying across the living room. We have cold weather now and she needs stuff on her feet so no one calls CPS—any suggestions from the Mom Hive?

I’m a little worried about a friend who is about 2 months post partum. She seems sad, isn’t getting along with her husband, and is talking about quitting her job and moving back to her hometown. She’s been saying things like that she’s never liked it here in our city, and she’s never liked her job, when before she gave birth she didn’t really indicate those things, at least to me. How can I support her through this? We text a lot but have not hung out since she gave birth.

My pregnancy was basically horrible and the best part was my (very short) third trimester. There was very little worse than people telling me how wonderful it was when I felt like complete garbage. This will all be a distant memory when your kid is born. Hang in there and just shoot some dirty looks once in a while if it makes you feel better!

I’m 18 weeks. If I hear one more person tell me “this is the easy part of pregnancy!” or suggest how I’m supposed to be feeling, I’m going to scream. I’m getting over a 3-week -long cold/sinus thing and I haven’t slept well in forever – my incredibly comfortable/never once complained about memory foam bed is the most uncomfortable thing in the world right now. Our HVAC is broken today, and my office is sweltering. My br@ is digging into me from front to back. Tell me it gets better…? I could cry right now and just want to curl up and go home.

OK ladies, give me all your back to work tips!

From the archives, I’ve already decided to
1) ramp up by only doing half days the first week
2) kiddo will be at home with grandma/daddy for the first month, so no daycare dropoff/pickup initially
3) scheduled 1:1s with team members to catch up when I’m back

I have a dedicated work pump that I will leave in the lactation room.

What am I missing?

Random plug, but thought this might be useful to other moms. We’re renovating our master bath, and as part of that process it occurred to me to ask my plumber to install a shower rail that adds a hand shower to our existing shower in our son’s bath. This was maybe $500 in materials and labor and is SO AMAZING.
Kiddo insists on taking a shower by himself and the handshower option makes it a million times easier to get his hair clean. It is also great for rinsing off muddy feet in the tub/getting weird spots he can’t quite reach in the bath/bathing multiple kids at one time in a bath with clean water and (if you have a smaller dog than our massive lab) washing pets. Highly recommend and kicking myself for not doing this sooner considering it required no access to behind the wall plumbing.

Pregnancy hormone overload of the week – I’m like, really really in love with my husband right now. Not in a horny way, just in a sentimental way. It’s weird. It’s a nice quirk to have, but it’s kind of distracting. And he is HIGHLY amused by it, and totally milking it. Sigh.

I’m sorry, but that jacket screams elderly church lady.