Weekend & Family Friday: Venice Burnout Notch Tee
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My husband found this shirt, and I have to say he did well! He bought it in a few colors, and they have a flattering cut, and they’re super soft. I think this is perfect weekend wear for a man to be comfortable and not-unfashionable. (Lol.) I like that the colors offered are muted and a bit heathered looking. I can say from experience that they make low-maintenance laundry items, and I’ve washed a bunch since he basically wears two per weekend. The tee is $24.97–$29.50, depending on color, at LuckyBrand.com in sizes S–XXL. It’s also available at Amazon (four colors/nine colors) for $17.99–$61.04 (hmm). Venice Burnout Notch Tee This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!
Saw a bunch of comments today in my mom’s group about how their toddlers just play quietly in their rooms until they fall asleep. My toddler has never once played quietly in her room at bedtime. If we attempt to leave her in a room separated from us while she is still awake (for bedtime, shower, use the restroom, etc.) mass freak-out occurs. I call her my barnacle. Ped assured us while not average, this is not out of the range of normal and should get significantly better within a year or so. Sometimes I really forget how different (super intelligent, intense, energetic, etc.) my kiddo is from “normal.” All of her stubbornness, independence (aside from physical separation of course) and energy will serve her well when she is older, but it makes her really tough to parent at this age (and I imagine at later ages too). We spend a fair amount of time with many friends that have kids who are more middle of the road in temperament and constantly marvel at “wow, this is what normal parenting looks like.” — Signed one tired working mama.
Want to get thoughts from the hive on having different things “recharge” you vs. your partner.
DH works long hours (counsel at Big Law). We have a good divide of things at home generally, with a normal ebb and flow. DH is MUCH more of an extrovert than me. This has been true generally, but it’s been clearer to me since DS is born. Even with DH’s crazy work schedule, family stuff, etc. for his “self time” his ideal is to go to pub to catch up with buddies over beers 1x/week, or go to a pub with a book and chat with neighborhood folks. Again, this isn’t new – it’s been this way since we met in our 20s. I think if DH lived in a country where pub culture was more common, it would be a perfect match.
I should say his pub time (for lack of better term) is always done in a way we’re on the same page/passing the baton, and he never shirks responsibilities. For example, my Sunday morning workout time is now a given in our home, and he loves that him and DS get to go to breakfast and hang out solo for a few hours. I just feel a way about our different interests, and not sure why, since what recharges me is…working out, reading, and cooking. DH and I still manage to have good quality time just us 2, and as a family (for two working professionals). I’m guessing I’m team overthink on this one but would like to hear other thoughts.
What are your go-to activities when rain ruins your vacation? We have friends with kids visiting from across the country and had planned to spend our 3 days together doing outdoorsy things– a hike, the pool, an outdoor festival. But now the weather is predicted to be rainy all weekend. Arrrggghh. What would you do? Kids are between 2 y.o. and 14 y.o., which is what is making this harder for me.
Thanks for the comments on baby shampoo/ curls yesterday. I actually didn’t know we weren’t supposed to brush them or dry with a t-shirt (facepalm). My hair is fine and straight and my dad/ brother had curly hair, but didn’t do any special care and kept it short.
I have the Friday sads. A co-worker and I do similar job functions for different areas. My area is objectively way more interesting, and she’s made it clear from the beginning that she wants to “steal” my area (her words). When I was out on medical leave (complicated pregnancy) and maternity leave last year, she was my cover and got to know everyone in my area. Since then, she’s continued leveraging those connections, working more and more directly with people in my area, pitching them ideas, and cutting me out of projects that we were officially assigned to be on jointly. Now it seems like the wheels are in motion for her to officially take over my area. I’m very good at my job, but haven’t been as productive since having a baby and even when I was at my most productive I was never as slick as her – she’s extremely confident and is able to make other people look totally stupid in meetings. I feel really dumb for letting her do this to me, but I don’t know how to stop it. Thanks for letting me vent.
Favorite easy and quick dinner recipes? I don’t enjoy cooking. My in-laws are coming this week, and I’d like to have a few dinners pre-made or prepped for them. Baby will be asleep by then.
Any recs for a bag for the post-diaper bag stage? My 2.5 year old is potty trained so the full diaper bag is too much these days. This would be for the zoo, etc., so I’d prefer a backpack style so I can comfortably wear it all day. All I need to carry is extra pants and undies, sunscreen, water bottle, some snacks, and my wallet and sunglasses. A full size backpack has way too much space, which encourages my husband to put in everything we own. :)
I’m having flashbacks to the mini backpack from Limited Too I carried in middle school (SO COOL), but I don’t remember it being especially comfortable.
Soooo I chatted with the teacher yesterday and she said the administration isn’t supporting the teachers the way they should, and another teacher I know (one of our kid’s original teachers who got promoted and left his classroom) is also leaving because of it.
What exactly that means, I don’t really know and I’m not inclined to leave the daycare over it (the location cannot be beat) but I do want to talk to the director. To say what though? Unsure. Maybe without bringing the teacher into it, I can say that the lack of stability is concerning me and I hope they are talking to the people who are leaving to understand why and what needs to be improved? Not sure if it’ll seem totally out of my lane, but it is concerning!
How did you teach your kids about personal safety and boundaries? DD is starting kindergarten soon and I want to give her a refresher. We have always talked about good/bad touch, privacy, and strangers. We also read the Berenstain Bear book about strangers. Do you have any favorite books or resources on this topic?
Vacation packing update – first thanks for tips (especially dish towels – def did not think of those!). My DH came home last night and said he doesn’t think we need the highchair. He wanted me to report back that he independently came to the r-e-t-t-e recommended conclusion but also that it would be a harder decision for y’all if you knew how adorable DD is in her highchair lol (clearly first time, over obsessed with our child, parents)
Our preschool wants us to apply sunscreen daily because the kids will go outside daily and we live in the south where it’s super hot. What is the most efficient way to apply sunscreen on my 2 year old every am? This sounds like a huge pain right now because we don’t do playground time when it’s hot so only apply sunscreen for pool etc.
What is everyone doing with the kiddos this weekend? We were on holiday last week (Porto was fab!) so a bit of catch-up this weekend. We’re trialing a new routine where my husband and toddler go to tumbling and grocery shopping on Saturday am and I stay home with a podcast on and organise our lives, leaving the rest of the weekend free for family time. We’ll see how it goes. It’s the festival season in my city which is great or horrific, depending on how much you need to move about town in a timely fashion. Husband and toddler are seeing a show on Sunday and then I’m taking the toddler on Tuesday for another one.