Washable Workwear Wednesday: V-Neck Dress


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A woman wearing a Ming Wang Women\'s Sleeve V-Neck DressThis dress is pretty highly rated, with 16 reviews and 4 stars. Note that, like most of Ming Wang’s designs, it’s machine wash warm and tumble dry low (and it’s wrinkle-resistant, too). If you’re looking for a basic dress that feels more luxe than, say, a t-shirt dress from Old Navy, do consider this brand. This style is $275 at Nordstrom, online only. V-Neck Dress Looking for other washable workwear? See all of our recent recommendations for washable clothes for work, or check out our roundup of the best brands for washable workwear. Psst: At least Carter’s President’s Day sale has started already, and it looks like Nordstrom has already started marking stuff down as well — any sales you have your eye on? (L-all)

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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One of my employees has forgotten some sort of pump part or pump three times in the last four workdays. I’m trying to be accommodating but at what point can I be like COME ON just keep a set at work. I’m a pumping mom too but this is impacting the rest of the staff.

I’m curious how you all would have handled a particular situation. My daughter is 2. I’ve been trying to instill better boundaries during meal times. For example, she doesn’t get endless choices of what to eat anymore (we used to be bad about this).

Last night, she threw her food of the floor, and I reminded her that wasn’t allowed and she could hand me anything she didn’t want. She threw it again, and I warned her that the next time, dinner would be over. She then threw it again, so in response I calmly cleaned up her plate, put her milk back in the fridge, cleaned her hands/face, and took her out of her highchair, stating that dinner was over because she threw her food. She then proceeded to throw an epic tantrum on the floor, screaming that she wanted dinner and wanted to eat. I went to sit at the bottom of the nearby stairs, where we could still see each other. Whenever she paused to take a breath, I calmly asked her to stop crying and come talk to me. This went on for about 10 minutes, with me frantically searching my brain for ideas of how to end it without giving in! Miraculously, she randomly took a deep breath, mostly stopped crying, and ran over to jump into my arms. She whimpered that she wanted to “talk to me.” I hugged her and talked to her briefly about what happened and why we ended dinner. Once she was completely calm, I allowed her to get back into her highchair and finish eating.

Assuming she hadn’t come over and calmed down on her own, what should I have done to end the situation? I suppose she had to stop crying sometime. Was I wrong to allow her to resume dinner once she calmed down?

Sometimes I feel like I’m blindly making this all up as I go!

So I’ve been reading the book by the author of the blog AndthenweSaved, and it’s inspired me.

A spending fast is too drastic for my life circumstances, but I have come up with an alternative idea that I’m actually really dorkily excited about.

I’m not allowed to shop for anything in any “fun” category until I have used ALL of what I currently have in that category.

So no new fun fragrances until the cabinet of half-used bottles is empty!
No more hair or skin products until I have used up all of the ones I have stashed in my bathroom cabinet!
No more books until I’ve winnowed down my backlog significantly!
No more clothes until I’ve completely purged my closet and identified what I *truly* need when I’m not sorting through tons of stuff I never wear to find the 5 items I do!
No more new makeup until I’ve used all of what I’ve got in that product (mascara, lipstick, etc).

This is going to be really hard, but I’ve realized that I’ve gotten hooked on the thrill of spending online. The new administration has me reflecting on what would happen if we had to pick up and go and generally reevaluating my priorities.

Has anyone done something similar? Not a total spending fast, but a “no more new until the old is used up”? I’m great for this with stuff like shampoo. Not so for more fun things.

Would love ideas, tips, commiseration, etc. Not sharing with anyone in real life because I don’t want to be policed, but I would love the accountability of sharing with you!

This morning I had great fun layering several old perfumes I hadn’t worn in years, including one that I’m 99% sure dates back to 1998 (The Healing Garden Gingerlily Therapy).

Looking for some breakfast inspiration. We typically have been eating yogurt with berries and granola, but my youngest decided he doesn’t want yogurt. So he eats berries and granola with a glass of milk, which is okay but probably not so great in terms of getting protein and fat into his body to start the day. I also am trying to think of ways to cut sugar (not that much in the granola, but still). I tried chia pudding — my oldest liked it but it’s been a no-go for my 2-year-old. Maybe scrambled eggs are the answer. I have shied away from cooking in the morning because I’m afraid it will take forever, but scrambled eggs really only take like 1 minute of active time, right? Other ideas? At one point I got it together to do mini egg bakes and the like ahead of time, maybe I’ll try that again…?

I feel like the biggest idiot….kids want pancakes. I go to the store and buy a pancake mix and attempt to make them this morning. They stuck to two different pans (stainless steel and iron griddle). I oiled both of them generously. Do only non-sticks work in this case? Can someone recommend a good pancake pan preferably through Prime?

Thinking about registering my baby son for “swim” lessons! He’ll be 6 months at the end of April, and I’m in DC- any suggestions for DC or NOVA? Thanks! I just loved swimming growing up, and we go to the beach a lot, and I’m so excited to introduce him!

Please let me cry/vent since no one understands in real life. I am the only one of my friends except 1 who works and has kids.

8 months pregnant with a toddler. Working full-time and trying to get things in place for maternity leave while being out for doctor’s appointments all the time. Husband’s childless best friend is getting married in 3 weeks, which is a wonderful and happy event. However, every weekend until then involves a wedding type of event involving either me or husband or both. Have to get my bridesmaid dress ($) that I will never wear again altered ($). Have to buy shoes for the wedding ($) that I will never wear again. Have to be away from my kid the whole wedding weekend bc it’s no kids (which is fine, but it’s one of the last weekends we will have as a family of 3). To top it off, kid was just diagnosed with a severe food allergy after a recent ER visit and we have to go to numerous dr appts and carry an epipen ($$$$$) at all times. I am beginning to let it sink in that kid could have a possibly fatal reaction in the future. I break into tears even thinking about that yet but am trying to tell myself that it is a blessing that many others also have the same food allergy and there is some awareness about it.

I just can’t deal with it. It’s all too much and I feel like I have nothing left for this new baby. I have already scheduled two days of vacation in the next few weeks but need to save time for my maternity leave. As happy as I am for our friend, I don’t want to be in this wedding or give up every weekend for them. I just want to go home and rest. I feel totally empty. Thanks for letting me vent – I know you ladies understand.

For those who have 2 close in age – could you tell me about your bedtime routine? Baby RDC is only a month, so we’re not really there yet, but I can’t figure out even in the abstract how you’re supposed to get two kids down roughly at the same time. Big brother is 26 months and we start the bedtime routine/ordeal around 7:00 to have him in bed around 7:30. Ideally the baby could go down a bit earlier, closer to 7, and eventually they’ll share a room. How does that work??? If we put the baby down first, I fear the toddler will wake her; I also have (perhaps totally impossible) dreams of us eventually reading their bedtime stories together. Oh, and the baby is nursing to sleep so that needs to come last (after book reading, etc) How do you manage it?

Brief rant/ whinge: why are all the mommy & me classes on weekdays?
I was scouting around for something to do during our Presidents Day daycare closure, and noticed that at least one play space has, as its only weekend class, a ‘dad & me’ class. I resent that. Eff this. Husband also thinks it’s daft and that they’re throwing away potential $$$$$…

I’m looking for more kid-friendly, EASY vegetables to feed my 1.5 year old. Our go-to veggie method has generally been to warm up frozen veggies with a little butter and salt as a general side-item for most meals. But my toddler just won’t eat most of them, including the orange veggies that I expect kids to like (carrots, sweet potatoes, squash), as well as green beans, greens, and cauliflower. (So much for my goal to never have picky kids!)

It’s pretty much been all peas, all the time for her, but I want her to have more variety than that. Any suggestions? I know that if we try to work in things that have to be cut up and cooked for a while or prepped ahead of time, it often just won’t happen, so I’m looking for things that can go right from the fridge/freezer to the pan with minimal cooking (like peas!).

Funny daycare Valentine follow-up: We took in signed cards (from a box) along with the cookies we signed up to bring for my daughter’s toddler class. Last night when I picked her up I felt terrible because she had actual treats from the other kids – a banana, a juice box, a little container of fruit. BUT THEN I realized that those items were what the other parents had brought in for the party. So I think daycare distributed the leftovers among the kids in the class, but wrote who brought it as the “from”. Same marker, handwriting too similar to have been three different parents. We got a baggie of the leftover cookies, so I’m hoping everyone else’s cookies said “From: Baby HSAL” on them. But man that was rough until I realized what was going on. Next year I want to be the jerk parent like CPA Lady. :)