Weekend & Family Friday: Unicorn Shower Cap
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I was recently texted a photo of my niece wearing this shower cap, and it was one of the most adorable things I’ve ever seen. I’m not sure a shower cap for a young child is that useful, but darn it, it’s cute. I like owning a shower cap for myself since I don’t wash my hair every time I shower, and I know if I had a daughter my niece’s age she’d want to be just like Mommy. My niece also happens to be in the prime age to be unicorn obsessed (almost 5 years old). Put a smile on all of your relatives’ faces by texting them a photo of your kid wearing this! It’s $12.95 at Swoozies.com. Unicorn Shower Cap
I just got a strong positive pregnancy test from my last transfer of two 5-day blasts about a week ago. I go in for beta tomorrow. I’m so so nervous (esp since the last FET failed) but trying to stay positive and keep myself busy for now. Agh!
My 2020 goal is to save the majority of my salary that’s not already allocated to essentials. I’ve been doing well so far (17 days haha, sigh) but I need someone to convince me I shouldn’t buy any of the Loft sale items.
My sister shared some upsetting news with me last night. She is very close to asking my BIL for a separation. I can’t say it comes as a total surprise, as they’ve been having problems for a long time. The tipping point is that their oldest kid has started picking up on the amount of arguing/fighting at home and asked BIL why he’s always so mean to mom. :( They have three little kids ages 6 and under. Whatever she decides to do, it’s going to be rough. They do not have the income to maintain two households and she knows it. Some of the stuff she shared with me was really disturbing. The marriage has clearly turned toxic and emotionally manipulative. Her complaints used to be more in the “he’s not pulling his weight as a partner” vein. However, he recently accused her of cheating, which is completely baffling in every way. (To quote her: “When the he!! would I even have time to do that? Also, I hate all men right now.”) The conflict in their relationship is taking a toll on her self-esteem because he turns the problems back on her, which is heartbreaking. And astounding … honest to g*d, I never would’ve predicted this from him, and I am a skeptic at the core.
As her sister, how do I best support her? I’ve been very careful to not to talk badly about him or their relationship and focused on letting her know that I’m 100% in her corner and will support whatever she decides to do. I’ve validated that what she’s describing sounds terrible. I’ve encouraged her to seek a counselor for herself only. (Previous attempts at marriage counseling have not worked well.) But it doesn’t seem like enough. She is *very* concerned about how our parents might react if she follows through. Is it overstepping my boundaries to tell them — our mom especially — that things are not as great as they look on the surface and that sister isn’t being unreasonable, should she decide to separate from him? BIL is this nice, easygoing guy who apparently is acting very differently at home — whether it’s on purpose or not is up for debate, but does it even matter?. They adore him, and I think they’d be shocked if they knew even half the stuff she’s shared with me. BIL is a good dad, but he’s been a sh!tty husband and seems to be completely in denial about the state of the marriage, even though my sister has been very clear about how she views things. I’d be considering leaving, too.
Just wanted to share some good news as an update to my post yesterday about feeling overwhelmed. I went to the event with my CEO and rocked it AND finalized a deal this morning. I have my annual review this afternoon which has me jangly but at least I am heading into with two wins under my belt this morning.
Thank you for the words of encouragement yesterday!
Talk to me about toddler shampoo. My 2.5 year old’s hair seems to need more cleansing than what I’ve been using and have tried lately (combo shampoo/bodywash from Babyganics, Burts Bee’s, and Honest Co). I’m thinking it’s time to switch to an actual shampoo that will be “stronger” for her hair, but I’d still like something tear free and “clean” (i.e. free of parabens, endocrine disuptors, etc.) that won’t leave her hair feeling greasy as it is now. Would appreciate any suggestions as to others use with success (or not)!
Potty training question. My daughter is 2y8m. She has been showing signs of readiness for training for awhile. We got pull ups a couple of weeks ago and offered them no pressure, and she did great both home & preschool, although very resistant to sitting on the potty to try before going out of the house or leaving preschool, and she asked for a diaper to poop. She has borderline constipation issues so we definitely do not want to mess up pooping further. A few issues with the pull ups: (1) we made a mistake trying to rush her to the potty when she announced she was going to pee in her pull up, and then we weren’t mad or anything, but we tried to explain that when she had a pull up on, she needed to try to get the pee in the potty, and I think that upset her (I really regret that we did this and have apologized to her); (2) one day at preschool her pants were rubbing on the side closure a lot and she got a small cut. Mostly since (2) happened, she hasn’t wanted to wear pull ups again, even though she has healed and we put cream on her hips and offer her bandaids just in case it rubs again.
I made a quick sticker chart this morning, and that seems very motivating for her. But she wanted a diaper after peeing in the potty. Do we…go to underwear? We have read about oh crap method and aren’t that enthusiastic, but does that seem like what we need to do? Ideas?
I just found out my current pregnancy will be a miscarriage, again. My first pregnancy was normal and resulted in a healthy baby, but since then I’ve had two miscarriages, some failed IUIs, and some failed IVF rounds. The only explanation the doctors can offer is my age (I’m 39, was 37 when we started trying for number 2). Has anyone’s RE done any immunologic testing for fertility issues? A coworker and his wife successfully did Leukocyte Immunization Therapy (LIT), does anyone else have experience with that?
Is there any way or nice language to use to let parents know that I will happily buy Girl Scout Cookies if their child asks me themselves? We are getting a lot of email solicitations from friends asking us to buy Girl Scout Cookies for their daughters, and I feel like, on principal, the Girl Scout herself should be doing the asking and taking the lead on the project. I thought selling cookies was supposed to be empowering and beneficial to the girls, and having parents just send out an email seems to be taking away from that. Or, has the process and expectations of selling Girl Scout Cookies changed vastly from when I was younger? I would love to hear insights into this because I feel like such a curmudgeon that this has been bothering me lately.
My 3-year-old twins are still eating off plastic IKEA plates, but I’d really like to replace them with something a) non plastic and b) all the same color so we don’t have screaming fits over who gets blue tonight.
Our normal dishes are grandparent handmedowns that are super fragile, so I’m not willing to give them to a preschooler who still occasionally drops plates between the table and the dishwasher. Anyone have recommendations for something non-plastic but still somewhat durable? I think I’ve seen Corelle recommended here before, but anything else people love?
Lazy mom hack of the week — ordering my daughter a 2nd leotard off of Amazon (for $12) to sick in her dance bag while the one she used last week is still in the laundry, so I don’t have to do a special load just to wash the leotard. Anyone else cutting some corners this week that they’d like to share?
C.J. Cregg is a VISION on that show! I’m okay with them coming back, it’s a way to look polished without a blazer.
My kids (ages 2 and 5) are starting to like salads, but still not reliably. What are your tips for getting them to eat leafy greens? The only way I can think of is with dressing or maybe they will eat them in an omlette/frittata. Any other ideas?
I think I’ve let too much of my husband’s West Wing rewatch slip into my consciousness, because I was just looking for cashmere twinsets online for work. With the exception of everlane, they are not easy to find and I am not buying any
I think the twinset should come back.
Going off BC (mostly because my Rx is up + we moved + don’t feel like being on it), and hoping to really start “trying” in a few months for #2, knowing that it could happen earlier because we pulled the goalie, or later because, life.
Any recommendations on ovulation apps? Just want to track to know what days I should be more careful and use backup contraception.
Yesterday people shared some great book recs for when mom goes out of town for work, but does anyone have any book recs that involve mom and dad just going out and a babysitter coming over?