Accessory Tuesday: Ultrabraid Large Brim Visor

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I’ve bought a lot of summer hats in the past, thinking that I would wear them on vacations or outside. Either they’re too hot or too heavy, and I never end up wearing them. However, I bought this before my recent trip (flew back early — one day before my state went into isolation mode), and I wore it every day. I’ve even been wearing it at home — in my backyard, walking around outside, pulling weeds. I love that it is a visor and the top lets the heat escape; it is adjustable; and it rolls up small. When you unroll it, it shows no sign of having been rolled. For the price, it’s been the MVP of summer so far. The hat is $20 at Amazon and available in many colors. Ultrabraid Large Brim Visor

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Is there a fancy liquor he likes – like a special rare whiskey or whatever? (I ask my guy friends/coworkers for tips here sometimes).

If anyone is still around…my husband just got a huge promotion at work. I am in a city where restaurants etc. are closed — normally I’d take him out to a fancy dinner or throw a big party. Obviously we can order takeout, but…other ideas?? like maybe a nice present of some kind? If it was a woman I would know just what to get haha but guys are so tough especially this one who is very very particular (not into watches or things like that. is a musician but I couldn’t deign to know what guitar to buy…yikes!)

I want a pair of new running shorts. I loved my brooks “run happy” but they aren’t making them anymore. Should I shell out for something from lulu? Any recs?

My 3.5 year old needs to wear an eye patch. The doctor suggested either a big one that sticks over her eye like a band-aid, or a cover for one side of her glasses. I think I can do pretty well with having her wear the big band-aid, but has anyone used the cover? There are like a million etsy sellers and I’m not sure the right search words.

This is a weird issue to have and I don’t even feel right calling it an issue but my kids walk around all day asking for food. I think they’re just bored. We feed them plenty, I swear. And at first I thought maybe they’re growing as I know some days they will eat much more than others but it’s pretty constant now for the last month and a half at least. No one has any weight issues and I don’t want to give them any, but two and often three full breakfasts, plus snacks, and an early lunch seems excessive. What do I do? Just let them graze on demand or insist on set meal times/snack as in school times. For reference, they’re two and four.

Our daycare restarts tomorrow and I am feeling so many emotions!! I am so nervous, because things will be so different for him. My colleague’s daycare reopened last week and she said it has been a miracle for her kid, so I’m hoping for the same. It feels like the first day of drop off all over again…

I need help. My 3.5 year old is driving me crazy (late summer birthday). I am sure he’d like the structure of daycare back. Our current plan is to keep them home all summer. Neither of our works will require us back before then. So we are trying to figure out some strategies.
He is in total three year old mode. He tests all boundaries. He thwarts every strategy. If we give choices, he demands another choice. If we make it a game, he says he won’t play or he kicks (or bites which is an unwelcome return!). He has always been terrible about going to nap/bed and his defiance only makes It that much more difficult.
He’s awesome at some things (verbally, great on the potty, great logical reasoning). I find myself mad a lot more than I want to be. Any advice?
We also have a toddler who is in a super awesome sweet easy stage, which only makes the behavior seem that much worse (which isn’t fair, but is true).

We’ve been socially distancing/self isolating for months. We do take neighborhood walks and will talk to neighbors from 20 feet away, but other than that: we’ve been WFH, groceries are delivered, no other contact.

My area is starting to (thoughtfully and I do trust our local public health experts) slowly open. We had our first foray into starting to loosen our really strict closure – on a walk, I let my kid get sprayed with a super soaker by the neighbor kid. They ran around – staying apart – and just… were kids for like 10 minutes.

My anxiety has been through the roof when I’ve been thinking about going back to school/daycare/other humans. I always knew that we would have to ‘jump back in’ to real life but have been very unsure of when and how to do that… well, it felt good to let my kid be a kid for 10 minutes (in a risk limited way with a family that has been just as isolated as ours).

Did anyone nap train? If so, how did you do it and what age? My almost 6 month old has been napping terribly the last month. I think this is typical for his age and supposedly it gets better 6+ months? We sleep trained him for nights at 5 months and that’s gone pretty well–the only wakes up once at this point to eat. Do we use the same method (check ins every 5 10 15 min) or something else?

Today might be the day I finally snap from trying to work full-time with kids underfoot. I am legitimately getting depressed and feel like I could sleep for a week. DH doesn’t get why I’m crabby and constantly on edge, and I’m tired of trying to explain it. Starting today, a sitter is coming in for 3 hours in the morning but honestly I’m ready to throw in the towel and send our youngest to daycare.

First, we’re visiting the ped this week so I will ask her; just looking for reassurance I guess. My 3 year old has begun stuttering pretty badly. He repeats the first syllable of the sentence. For example “I-I-I-I-I love you mom!”He doesn’t seem too bothered by it, and doesn’t grimace or seem to be struggling physically to get the words out. In the past he stuttered a bit, but it seemed to be aligned with a developmental leap and we ignored it and it got better. Any resources or advice?

Any suggestions for taking care of baby doll accessories that aren’t super girly? I have a toddler boy, and am expecting another boy this summer. Grandma has a baby doll on the way, but I want to get him some accessories (feeding, washing, bathing, etc), and everything I’m initially seeing is SO pink. We’re in an apartment, so thinking more a collection of littler stuff (brushes, play food/bottles, diapers) and not big strollers, etc. Although the tiny doll baby carriers and strollers are super cute.

Any good resources for teaching kids to tell time? Pretty sure this was supposed to be part of the spring curriculum we missed and my five year old is asking. I’m doing a bad job explaining – is there a video or a workbook you’ve used?

Tips on announcing pregnancy in big law? When did you announce and how late is too late to tell? There seems to be a lot more at play right now with working from home, uncertainty about work flow with the economy, etc.

I am 17 weeks and we just found out we are having a baby boy. I was hoping for a girl and the news has, unexpectedly, hit me quite hard. Everyone around me seems to be having girls which is not helping. And I keep thinking that this will be even harder if we have a second baby and it turns out to be a boy as well. I had always imagined myself having a daughter. Any advice? Feeling like the worst mom in the world already.