Finally Friday: Cotton Interlock Shoulder-Button Shift


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Casual Dress: Talbots Cotton Interlock Shoulder-Button Shift I don’t know about you, but I’m always looking for an easy, washable dress that I can dress up or down for summertime. This cotton dress looks like a dress version of your favorite tee, with some nice details like buttons on the sleeve. It’s available in seven colors in regular sizes, petite sizes, woman sizes, and woman petite sizes — and because all dresses (and accessories) are 30% off right now, it’s on sale for $62 (from $89). Talbots Cotton Interlock Shoulder-Button Shift (L-2)

Sales of note for 1/16:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Sometimes I hate being the only parent on my team. “It’s 5:00 — let’s all go get drinks!” Uh, I have to go get my kids. If you’d given me notice, maybe husband could’ve gotten them. But y’all have fun.

I know that I don’t want to be a SAHM, but I can’t help feeling like I am missing out on raising my baby. Baby is 8 months old, and I’ve been back at work since he was 18 weeks. I think part of the issue is that I don’t particularly enjoy my job, and perhaps I would feel differently if I had a job I really liked. I daydream about working part-time for a bit, or taking some additional leave. Both of these options would be a hit to our family income, which already feels stressed (though a lot of that is the nanny cost).

I know people say stick it out for a bit and see how it goes, but I don’t want to just “stick it out” and miss out on my baby’s life in the meantime. I’m in biglaw, and part-time may be an option, but I know there’s also the advice that you shouldn’t volunteer to go part-time unless someone makes you. . . Which I agree with wholeheartedly in theory. . . but it is much harder in practice to not feel “obligated” to take on more work. I don’t know what I’m really looking for here. I’m sure there have been a lot of threads previously about going part-time at law firms that I could probably look up. In any event, interested to hear if others have struggled with similar thoughts and how they resolved it.

My extended family, who live several states away, will be having a late shower for us (baby will be 5 months) when we visit the area this summer. Any must-have gift ideas (they’ve asked)? We have tons of books, clothes, and the major toys such as learning walker, activity table, bouncer, playmat, bath toys…this is my first and I’m having trouble coming up with a good list since we either got everything we wanted for the baby at our local shower or have bought it ourselves. Thanks for any ideas!

I’m struggling with a communication issue and wondering if you all have some advice/strategies. Ex is usually really good about being on time, consistent, does a great job with kiddo. But lately he has been announcing, “I’ll be gone on [day/time that he would usually take kiddo] so you’ll need to take her.” And then he follows it up with, “Ok?” as though there is room for negotiation (which I fear would lead to drama, but haven’t pushed on it).

I don’t know how to respond. Most of the time, I’m either “free” in the sense that I don’t have a concrete plan for that time but would have used the time for work or relaxation, or I can shuffle my plans/drag kiddo along, so it feels like I can’t say, “No, that’s not OK.” But those times away from being sole caregiver are really important and life-giving to me. Not to mention that I usually have to provide an unplanned meal (or three) plus snacks and entertainment, which costs me money/sanity. But the time is way more important than the money.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

It’s school picture day next week at preschool. What’s a cute thing for a 3 year old to wear? All her clothes right now are daycare casual (playclothes) and all her cute stuff is a little too small and wintery, so i’m going to go shopping. I’m thinking just a cute outfit vs fancy dress but need inspiration.

This dress looks great on the model, which makes me jealous – every time I’ve tried on a shift from Talbots, it looked like I was wearing one of those Mennonite cape dresses.

We often give them a hard time here, but today: a shout-out to my wonderful husband.

Two weeks ago I mused, “I miss (mutual friend) Jane, I haven’t seen her in months.” Husband:

– Called Jane to find out when she was free,
– Made reservations for Jane and I at a restaurant I’ve wanted to try out,
– Commanded that I go have a fun night out, sans him or little TK,
– Made arrangements for grandparents to pick up little TK from daycare (usually my job) so I could meet Jane right after work,
– Left work early yesterday to help grandparents get little TK bathed and off to bed, and finally
– This morning, brought me coffee, two Tylenol and a glass of water in bed (correctly anticipating that I’d be a little hung over) and let me sleep in a little while he got little TK ready for daycare.
