Washable Workwear Wednesday: Sleeveless Split-Neck Shift Dress in Tweed


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A woman wearing a Split-Neck Shift Dress in TweedIn most articles about the retail slump, Gap is mentioned as a brand that has lost its way, both from a design and price standpoint. When I’ve had the occasion to shop in person, I do find most of their clothing to be… uninspired, but when I do find something I like there, I REALLY like it and reach for it in my closet frequently. One of those recent items has been a dress in a relaxed fit similar to this one. I like that this is a shift dress style but a little baggier. I also like the angle of the neckline and the straps, as well as the graphic, oversized tweed pattern. If you watch the little video of the model, the back looks like it has a swingy element that is probably very comfortable. This dress is $69.95 and comes in regular, tall, and petite sizes. You can get 40% off today with code HAPPY, which brings it down to only $41.97. Sleeveless Split-Neck Shift Dress in Tweed Loft has an option in plus sizes (also available in straight sizes) that is currently on sale. Looking for other washable workwear? See all of our recent recommendations for washable clothes for work, or check out our roundup of the best brands for washable workwear. This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support! 

Sales of note for 2/14/25 (Happy Valentine’s Day!):

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Up to 40% off your full-price purchase — and extra 60% off sale
  • Banana Republic Factory – 50% off everything + 15% off (readers love their suiting as well as their silky shirts like this one)
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 300+ styles $25 and up
  • J.Crew – 40% of your purchase – prices as marked
  • J.Crew Factory – 50% off entire site and storewide + extra 50% off clearance
  • Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – Flash sale ending soon – markdowns starting from $15, extra 70% off all other markdowns (final sale)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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So many sleep questions today. I feel compelled to remind you all to put all sleep issues out of your minds until next week since this weekend is daylight savings and will just screw everything up.

I have my 4.5 month old sleeping in the snoo in our room at night (falls asleep on his own with paci and lightest snoo rocking, snoo is on weaning mode, sleeps 8-7:30, with one wake-up to eat, and sometimes a couple more to re-insert paci). Goal is to have him sleeping in crib, with sleep sack, and no paci after thanksgiving. Planning on doing Ferber sleep training during thanksgiving.

Husband thinks we should sleep train by moving him into crib and let him do his thing with CIO. I want to prepare him to make it as gentle as possible. I am thinking I need to first move the snoo into his room, then move him into crib but still with swaddle/white noise/paci, then take out paci, then take out swaddle, and only then sleep train. It all sounds like a PIA, especially since I have an older kiddo so bedtime is super stressful, so I wanted to get your thoughts on this plan? Any other advice with transitions like this?

It would be a deal breaker for my household. That being said, my son has asthma so is high risk, I have asthma and am immunocompromised due to an immune-suppressing infusion drug I have to get for a separate issue, and the baby is high risk because, well, she’s a baby.
Also, my husband and I both work in the Public Health sector, so there’s a “practice what you preach” element to it.
A lot would depend on if you had other options. If no one was a close second, I can see being a bit more flexible.

Looks like we have all the sleep questions here today. Here’s mine: My 3.5 year old has been staying up until 10-11 for the past few weeks. Last night she was up until 11:30. I have to wake her up around 6 am in order to get ready to leave, and of course she’s hard to wake up and whiny. On the weekends she’ll sometimes sleep until 7:30, but sometimes she’ll still wake up at 6. She naps at daycare, but hasn’t napped at home for a while.

We haven’t changed anything in her routine. We start bedtime around 8, and after tantrums and stories its around 9-9:30 when we leave her room the first time. I know she’s tired at night, but she will not go to sleep. Every time she comes out of her room, we simply take her back. We’ve tried letting her read stories in bed, and even offered to let her sleep in the floor in our room.

My husband and I prefer to go to bed around 9:30-10, so the house is dark and quiet long before she goes down. My mom and brother are both night owls, but this just seems crazy in a 3 year old.

Would a nanny not wanting to get a flu shot be a dealbreaker for you hiring her? Baby is 7 months old and has been vaccinated herself, but the shot is not 100% effective and I know having her caregivers vaccinated is important for protection. DH wants to not hire an otherwise awesome nanny because she doesn’t want to get the flu shot. I’m more on the fence – I really wish she would get it, but at the same time if DD went to daycare surely there would be some kids there who don’t get flu shots? So I’m not sure it should be a dealbreaker. Would welcome thoughts.

Is anyone willing to have another household-finances-with-kids discussion today? I think it’s been awhile, and I need a gut check or am just curious how others view/handle things. Usual caveat that I realize that I am very privileged as compared to most people (especially given the environment in which I work with the salaries I know about), but that doesn’t mean that planning isn’t necessary and worry doesn’t happen.

Here goes. I have three kids, all in private (but relatively cheap, hah!) elementary school (still saving over peak daycare costs). I live in a MCOL area in the Mid-Atlantic and our total HHI is $205k. Debt is mortgage on our residence, mortgage on a rental unit that is currently rented out, and small student loan debt for me (<$50k). We pay off credit cards every month. We bought our cars with cash and drive them into the ground.

Sooo my husband and I were able to save quite a bit of cash for many years while also maxing out both of our 401(k)s. A few years ago, my husband and I both took big paycuts for work-life balance issues, but have been receiving raises ever since, so I feel like we're back on the upward swing. In the almost four years since our "paycut period" started, we've had a necessary rental unit remodel, a furnace replacement, tax bills, etc. etc. etc. Now we're staring down buying a new car, ugh. All this to say, except for 1 year, my husband and I have continued to max out our 401(k)s, but that means we are eating into our cash savings cushion. Honestly, we still have in cash more than double my annual salary, and I'm looking for a new higher paying job, but eating into the savings cushion for the last three years makes me feel crummy.

Things I tell myself to feel better: we have three kids and we took paycuts for a reason and are much happier, this is just this season of our lives. It is unrealistic at this juncture to max out our 401(k)s AND save cash. Since we do max out our 401(k)s, we could immediately turn on better cash flow if we needed it just by reducing our contribution, which we could both do at any payroll. If I get a higher-paying job we will spend at the same levels we do now and so will start saving cash again fairly easily. Now that daycare years are over, our education spending will remain pretty fixed until the oldest enters high school (not sure what the range of high school tuitions are around here, but we have lots of choices).

What's it like in your world?

Do you send Christmas cards to people you otherwise don’t see/talk to during the year (but you received
a Christmas card from them in prior years)? I have a few friends I’ve lost touch with since we moved, and I’m wondering if it would be weird to send them a Christmas card. I don’t want it to seem like I’m trying to brag or keep up with the Joneses. It would just be a photo of our family with a “Merry Christmas – love [our family]!” so not a yearly update letter or anything like that.

Helping a husband of a friend plan a surprise New York staycation for them in January. Its over MLK weekend, her baby is due Feb 16. What type of things should we plan for a very pregnant person to do in New York for a weekend in January. They live in Brooklyn so we are finding a place for them to stay in Manhattan. Thanks!

Kiddo just turned three. She is daytime potty trained, which happened about a month ago. She is not overnight potty trained, and I don’t care. This isn’t a post on how to accomplish that. She has always had very full diapers overnight and it isn’t uncommon for them to leak, mainly out the front by her tummy. I’m guessing this is because she still sleeps on her stomach with her bum in the air a lot. We use Sposie boosters and limit beverages after dinner. I’m wondering if a Pull-Up with a Sposie would hold more fluid. I tend to think of Pull-Ups as being for accidents rather than actual diapers, so in my head they’re less absorbent. But I think kiddo needs a bigger size solution. Any thoughts on how well the Pull-Ups perform at night for a kiddo who isn’t overnight trained at all? We’d still use a Sposie, too. Thanks!

Hi ladies – Happy Halloween, and thanks again for all the feedback and discussion yesterday. Good to know sleep is a moving target for so many! It looks like it’s a combo of a) A naturally early riser and b) Some type of teething because the dude is a drool factory, and was up at around 11:30 last night and wasn’t comforted until he got some tylenol, backrubs, and sleeping on me before I could put him back down again which has basically never really happened before. Not complaining too much because he is so active, it was kind of nice to snuggle for a change :)

Still going to try out a few things that were suggested, like the Ok to Wake Clock. But here’s my question – we sleep trained, but our kid STILL typically wakes up crying. Anyone else in this boat?

Granted, not all the time, but most of the time. Even the days he’s clearly not overtired, he wakes up crying, and shuts up and even smiles by the time he’s fetched from his crib. (Or maybe I just miss his noises on monitor until they become cries?). Naps are also a mix of waking up quiet and hanging out/babbling or crying. FYI, He goes down like a charm no later than 7 :15PM these days, and with a 5:30 daycare pickup and 6 PM dinner, I am already racing the clock so pulling bedtime back even more would be really hard.

Could an 8 month old be ready to drop to one nap a day? My 8 month old used to sleep 12 hours at night and take a solid morning and afternoon nap, usually for about 3 hours of daytime sleep and 15 hours/day total. Lately her daytime naps have gotten much shorter and the second nap is really inconsistent. When she skips it, she has no problem with an 8 pm bedtime, but when she takes a second nap, even if it’s just a little 30 minute catnap, she fights us so hard on bedtime and goes down way too late, often shortening her night to as little as 9 hours. We had a similar issue when she was ready to drop her third nap, and switching to only two led to a way earlier bedtime with better night sleep. I feel like it’s too early to switch to only one nap a day, but apparently my husband stopped napping completely (!) before his first birthday, so maybe there’s some genetic component to it.

If we do switch to one nap a day, is there a particular time that nap should happen or does it not really matter? Right now her morning nap begins 1.5-2 hours after she wakes up and then her afternoon nap is about 2-3 hours after she wakes from the morning nap. So if she skips the afternoon nap, she’s often awake for about 8 or 9 hours between the end of the morning nap and bedtime…that seems like a REALLY long interval, no? I feel like ideally she’d be skipping the morning nap instead, but she seems to get drowsy fairly soon after waking up.

Someone commented yesterday about how toddlers who sleep in on the weekend are chronically sleep-deprived. Is there any way way around that when you have a high-sleep-needs kid?

During the week our 1.5 year old gets 12-12.5 hours at night and naps 2 hours at daycare (occasionally 2.5), but on the weekends he’ll easily sleep 13.5-14 hours and still nap 2 hours. We get him up half an hour before we leave for daycare and he goes to bed within 1.5 hours after we get home, so it’s hard to see how we could get him more overnight sleep.

Apparently lack of focus on Halloween happens even in your 40s!

I’m curious to know how other people distribute candy — do you drop it in the bag, let the kids pick? Tell them pick two?

In addition to the traditional candy, we’re* handing out non-candy treats, bubbles, slime, etc, and putting out a teal pumpkin this year. For those of you who do this — do you ask the kids? Give them an option of a candy or non-candy?

And yes, I’m overthinking Halloween. Overthinking is my best superpower!

Shoe question. Does anyone have recommendations for a slip-on, somewhat winter-appropriate (doesn’t have to be a snow boot but should stand up to slushy parking lots) shoe that isn’t hideous? I’d mostly be wearing them for daycare dropoff and pickup — no shoes allowed in the infant room so I need to be able to slip my shoes on and off, preferably without having to sit down (since I am also wrangling a 2-year-old). They don’t need to be work-appropriate; I can change when I get there.

My mother has a pair of LL Bean Comfort Mocs that are ideal from an “ease of getting them on and off” standpoint but I’m not the biggest fan of those aesthetics.