Makeup & Beauty Monday: Skip The Spa Thermal Hair Wrap

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Skip The Spa Thermal Hair WrapFor the majority of my life, I have had uncolored and untreated hair. I had highlights for one brief moment in my adult life and then I let them grow out. After having my son, my already ultra low maintenance hair and beauty routine got even more bare bones until he hit about 18 months; it felt like I had some extra headspace to start some “self care.” On a whim (and a little coaxing from my hairstylist), I decided to get a double process highlight/color. I absolutely love it and am so glad I tried it, but I do notice my already dry hair is even drier. I have my eye on this thermal hair wrap from Eva NYC, which looks like one of those paper face masks, but for your hair. Any excuse to relish some alone time in my bathroom after my son goes to sleep is good with me. This hair wrap is $12 at Target. Skip the Spa Thermal Hair Wrap This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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So Anon- just wanted to say I was thinking of you and hope telling your husband went as well as it could.

Yes, I have advice! Look up Cantu for Kids detangler – it doesn’t have silicones or other things that make curly hair frizzy. If you’re already using a detangler, can’t hurt to try this and it’s not expensive.

When did purées click for your baby? Ours is days away from 6 months. Have been trying for maybe 2-3 weeks and he just doesn’t swallow much, maybe half a teaspoon total. One time he swallowed a couple teaspoons, so now I’m not sure if he just doesn’t get it or is picky. Our first wolfed down as much food as possible from just before 5 months, with zero issues figuring out how to swallow it and almost never pushed it back out if his mouth — I think that might be outside the norm but I’m not sure what normal is! Both babies bottle fed.

this is a silly question, but can someone explain to me how kids clothes work once you get out of the months sizes? like at what age do kids wear a 2T, 3T, (what comes next)?

From a stick-straight-haired mama, talk to me about how to manage non-ethnic curly girl toddler hair, which I have been told is different from ethnic curly hair (although I am open to trying whatever will work). Dry she has tight quarter-sized ringlets that curl out maybe 2 inches from her head; when wet and straight in the bath it’s past her shoulders at the nape of her neck. We use the “no more tangles” J&J separate shampoo and separate conditioner (tear-free is critical for us still), and I leave the conditioner in for a few minutes. We bathe her (and wash and condition hair) every 3 days or so. We do not brush, ever – I sometimes take a wide tooth comb to it when wet. She doesn’t sleep on a pillow yet, so silk pillowcases are out. Is there a type of cream or light gel or spray that you recommend to keep the curls from frizzing? Or do I just wait it out until she’s older? Waging a battle against my MIL who counsels my DH every day to brush it – a DH who wisely heeds my advice to burn (not literally) all the brushes. I just want her to love those gorgeous curls when she’s older and not look like such a ragamuffin now. In an ideal world I think I’d like it about shoulder length if we can get there.

Looking for advice/commiseration re: pregnancy weight gain, esp as compared between 2 pregnancies. I gained about 18 lbs with my baby 2 years ago, which luckily came off super quickly with nursing and I ended up below my pre-preg weight (but still healthy). This time around, I started ~10 lbs lighter than I did last time and things seemed to be going similarly with no gain in the first tri, but in the 2nd I’ve gained really quickly – I’m up 15 at 24 weeks. My weight is about the same as it was at this point last time around, but I’ve already gained most of what I gained then and I have like 3 months to go! My Dr. isn’t concerned, but I’m worried about having a much larger baby or vainly, losing it after. I tend towards paranoid about weight stuff, so I’m trying to just eat reasonably healthy and not really deny myself anything and get regular exercise, etc. Anyone have a similar experience or any advice to share?

Ideas for what to tell people for first birthday present suggestions (beyond books)? I would love experience gifts, but most of my friends & relatives want to give stuff. We have some space (a basement playroom that is mostly empty) but I’m still not enthusiastic about anything that’s physically very big. My kiddo is still crawling and shows no interest in standing or walking. She got a lot of shape sorting-type things for Christmas but hasn’t really used them for the intended purpose yet (just chews on them).

Working from home with a recovering pukey toddler (last episode was yesterday evening, but he’s definitely still not 100%). I just took a call with him passed out on my shoulder and then fed him an exciting lunch of applesauce and toast and pedialyte. He is so clearly stir crazy he has started going over to the door with his coat and shoes and saying “bye?” I keep reminding myself I would want another mom to keep her kid home for the full 24 hours as well but man. The struggle is real.

And yes, we will be watching Daniel Tiger this afternoon.

I’m struggling as a parent right now. Maybe it’s the weather and the fact that we’re cooped up indoors, but all the noise and sibling squabbles and whining is making me a little crazy. We’ve been going on family outings, trying to be active indoors, and pulling out the stops to make this tolerable … but I was seriously so happy to go back to work this morning (and I don’t even like my job that much).

Even the usual stresses — son’s ADHD and ongoing school issues, preschool daughter being in a challenging phase — feel worse. I just want to escape from the demands of family life for awhile. And my god, kids, stop fighting me on literally every last thing.

Bahamas advice please. Any good family friendly, not huge (i.e. Atlantis), resorts in the Bahamas that have enough activities to entertain my 6 year old daughter, but also have good food and are more personal?

Please tell me about having a kid as an (mid-level/senior) associate in BigLaw. My office isn’t a terrible meat grinder for associates, but there are certain expectations of availability and as I get closer to delivery I’m not sure how that’s going to go. Any successes? Tips?

We are headed out to Legoland CA/LA in mid-March to hit the park while The Kid is young enough to enjoy it (currently the child is both Lego obsessed and tall enough to ride all of the rides, so I figure that this is the sweet spot).

The current plan is to fly in to San Diego, drive up to Legoland and stay in the Legoland CA hotel (all the Legos!!), do a chunk of the day at Legoland and then late afternoon/early evening at Sea*Life, another night at the hotel, the next morning at Legoland, and then head up to LA to see The Prodigal Brother for a couple days.

Does that sound realistic? Any good restaurants near Legoland that are not chain h*ll, but still (good eating) kid friendly? Anything we should hit on the way to LA? And then LA suggestions in all categories? We want to stay relatively close to the airport in LA because The Prodigal lives nearby and also to catch an early flight out (and maybe even drop off the rental car the night before and just shuttle to the flight to save time).

All help and advice welcome. Note that we have been to SD before (so we’ve done La Jolla, Coronado, USS MIdway, SD Zoo) and do not plan to drive all the way down there this trip and also that we have been to LA before, but not with The Kid. Is hitting the Flower Fields realistic on the way to LA? Anything else?

Another cleaning service question for all of you wise ladies. I’ve noticed that the people who clean our house vacuum our hardwood floors – is this normal? (I’ve always used a broom and mop and then vacuumed the rugs only – but maybe I’m the weird one?

I’m concerned that the wheels on the vacuum are scratching the floors, but I also don’t want to make a ridiculous high maintenance request.

My nanny has now shown up for work on two separate occasions with visible black eyes. I know freak accidents happen, but…you don’t get two black eyes unless someone is hitting you, right? I’m worried about her but I’m also selfishly worried about a violent guy showing up and hurting her and my kids while they’re in her care. Her boyfriend has dropped her off at work before so he definitely knows where we live, and he’s a hunter so I believe he has a gun.

Since having a kid, I have found our marriage kind of unfulfilling. Husband seems to dislike being around family (which I get, because toddlers can be a PIA, I sometimes feel that way too) and just.. has his own life. I have talked about him about this ad nauseum and it always comes out that husband just enjoys other things more than family (work, friends, hobbies) and family is just not that enjoyable. He is for sure around when not working, but sometimes it feels like he just tried to leave things to me and avoid house stuff, which doesn’t feel fair. And honestly sometimes I prefer him to be gone rather than be pouty around me and toddler, at least we have more fun that way. We have talked a lot about this, and he promises to put in more effort, but how do you get yourself to prioritize and enjoy something you don’t?