Accessory Tuesday: Semi-Precious Necklace

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Emerald Choker Necklace 10 mm x 8 mm Oval Cabochon Set In 14k Yellow Gold I have been looking for a necklace of this length for a while. I love that the stone sits in the hollow of the throat; it’s a flattering look that draws the eye to the face. I also like how the two options offered here are a dark green and purple — very fall appropriate. The gold around the stone accentuates the color nicely. The necklace, available in green agate and amethyst, is $55 at Boden. Semi-Precious Necklace This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Is anyone else facing the prospect of a rainy Halloween? I just ordered clear ponchos to go over costumes, have a large umbrella, and I think we will just go with it from there.

I realize I’m very late to this, but does anyone know where I can find skeleton outfits/ pjs for my husband and I? Or at least skeleton leggings? The kids are all set… thanks so much!

i have a 2 year old and 3 year old (no this was not planned) and my 3 year old is more introverted, not as cuddly, while my 2 year old is more extroverted and loves to hug, kiss, cuddle, play together, etc. and does not seem to understand why on earth her sister does not want to be kissed by her all the time, so my 2 year old is often trying to kiss/cuddle with my 3 year old, while she is saying no. i know 2 is a bit young to really understand this, but my 3 year old is also starting to really dislike her sister because of this, even though the 2 year old is coming from a place of love. any advice on how to handle? we do try to spend time with each of them alone, but i also do a decent amount of solo parenting during the week

What kind of behavior management systems are used in your kids’ early elementary school classrooms? Do you like the approach? Why or why not?

We’ve had what I consider a pretty standard system in K and 1st but (initial warnings, names on the board, loss of 5 minutes of recess at a certain point, etc.) but there is chatter about it being too punitive, akin to public shaming, etc.

I’m curious what others see working. Does anyone forgo these kinds of systems entirely?

Recommendations for a travel potty? We are about to start potty training and I’d like to have something to help when we are out of the house. Ideally something that would go in her diaper bag I guess?

Today in “things my kids did”. I have a 1,3 and 6 year old. My older 2 will often play together happily, but only recently has my 1 year old joined in. Yesterday after the oldest got on the bus, the younger two were totally quiet. Too quiet. I found them in a bedroom with the door closed playing “camp out” with my 3 y/o “reading” by flashlight to the toddler. Adorable! I closed the door at their request and got another cup of coffee. They came downstairs and a few minutes later went into a closet downstairs. More blissful silence. Too much silence. “Where are you guys?” “Playing in the closet mom!” “Are you being safe?” “Yes!” I finally thought it was too good to be true, opened the door and found them both scarfing halloween candy like there was no tomorrow. Toddler didn’t even stop to try and unwrap–just ate starbursts right through the wrapper. Preschooler had chocolate all over her face and her cheeks were stuffed with Nerds.

I laughed so, so hard. And then took away the candy.

I was planning on ordering a new duvet cover from the Company Store. If anyone has had linens from there, would you order from there again? Thanks!

i’m kind of struggling with the transition of parenting baby twins to toddler twins with a baby, i was trying as much as possible to try to figure out why they were crying, what i could do to make it stop and apparently you “can’t spoil a baby.” but now trying to make sure my kids learn that they can’t always get their way, or instant gratification, etc. involves more crying than they did when they were babies and it is hard!