Washable Workwear Wednesday: Scalloped Cami Top


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A woman wearing a Scalloped Cami TopI don’t often wear camisoles underneath blazers, but this one seems like a total workwear no-brainer. It comes in several colors, has a cute scalloped edge, and looks like it would add a nice delicate touch to a suit or blazer. One reviewer noted that it is lined and opaque, which is always nice, and the photos show that the straps are adjustable, a feature I always appreciate. It is machine washable but also has the appearance of being delicate, which is a win for me. This camisole is on sale for $26.50 at J.Crew Factory and is available in sizes 00–24. Scalloped Cami Top N.B. Please know your office before wearing only a strappy camisole under a blazer — readers in the past have noted that strappy camisoles and even sleeveless tops may not be appropriate for every workplace. Looking for other washable workwear? See all of our recent recommendations for washable clothes for work, or check out our roundup of the best brands for washable workwear. This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 1/16:

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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I was also a barnacle and my kid (2) is such a barnacle as well with lots of seperation anxiety basically since she was born. It never really went away, I didn’t want to be far from my family for college and chose to move back to hometown for settling down. I’m probably a slightly more anxious adult, but it’s never been debilitating, I think it’s just how I’m wired, so it doesn’t surprise me that my daughter is the same way..

How do I know if my kid is anxious or not? I was an extremely anxious child and am (shockingly!) an anxious adult. I’ve been through a ton of therapy, read every self help book ever printed, took anxiety medicine, meditated, prayed, cried, the whole shebang. I’m doing a ton better than I did years ago but sometimes still have a hard time knowing if I’m blowing things out of proportion or not.

My daughter is 4.5. She’s what I call a barnacle. She wants me to be beside her every single moment we are in the same building. I can’t even put her in front of the tv without her yelling at me to come sit next to her. She says she doesn’t want to go to school every morning and before going to bed at night (despite the fact that she also says she had a good day each day when I ask her after school, and she’s doing well at school per her teacher). She says her stomach hurts or complains of other maladies. She says she just wants to stay home with me.

Does this sound normal or does it sound like she’s anxious? I don’t want to project my anxiety onto her. I don’t want to ask her leading questions because she’s awesome at parroting back what she hears from other people whether or not it’s true. She’s been at the same daycare since she was 12 weeks old, and I’ve never gotten a bad feeling about it. We have a generally peaceful home environment, my husband and I get along well. Occasionally one of us will be grumpy or lose our temper, but its a generally stable environment. But my kid is just so clingy.

If this sounds like anxiety to you, any book recommendations? I’ve got the “Anxious Kids Anxious Parents” book carted. Have any of y’all read it?

My brain temporarily melted and I signed up to create some kind of party favor for the end of year party that my daughter’s dance class is having. Another mom went temporarily insane and proposed then offered to host this affair. The girls are all heading to kindergarten next year but have been dancing ballet and now tap for the past 3 years. I doubt many of them will continue- my kiddo is done.

Any non-candy ideas? It’s only a handful of kids so it can be nicer. Water bottle, hair elastics, hair clips, that sort of thing? I guess having it dance themed would be fun, but since they won’t be dancing next year I hesitate to go over the top and get like, personalized dance bags.

They’re all crazy into those dumb LOL dolls so I kinda just want to buy 8 of those and call it done.

PS- no judgey comments on the “parties for everything.” Yes, I could have opted out. But like I said, the brain melted and here we are.

Shoe help please! 36 weeks pregnant and my feet are swelling (one quite a bit more than the other) and also starting to overpronate (I think b/c I’ve had this problem in the past and the podiatrist suggested orthotics (not custom ones but a store brand that he said would work for me b/c my problem was not severe) to correct it in my running shoes when I ran – but I’m open to other explanations) in a way that is quite uncomfortable and making the insides of my ankles really sore. The doctor suggested compression socks. I can do that at home but at work I’m in dresses because I’ve pretty much grown out of my maternity pants — or at least they are not as comfortable as dresses.

So, can anyone recommend (1) black flats for work that I could get orthotics in and are wide enough to accomodate my swelling feet and (2) a casual shoe that could accommodate orthotics and swelling feet?

Favorite weeknight meals your kids like? I’m on maternity leave so have a bit more time to shop and cook, and I’ve forgotten what I used to enjoy! I know it’s been discussed on here but I find the search function difficult! TIA!

For those who have two kids around 2-3 years apart who share a room — how did you set up a bedtime routine that worked? Right now our toddler has a wash-up, story, song, goodnight routine and then she often sings or talks loudly to herself alone in her room for a while until she falls asleep. Baby is still on our room and just gets rocked to sleep after toddler is put to bed but we’d like to move her into the girls room in a month or so. I cannot figure out how baby can be put down at a reasonable hour and still fall asleep with toddler’s noise. What worked for you? TIA!

First time mom here. I have a 24 month old, who has recently started exhibiting her “independence” for everything. Everything is generally a battle from the minute we wake up – putting clothes on, nearly all meals, snacks, turning screens off, playing with toys, bathtime, putting on pajamas, and screaming for 5-10 minutes nightly once I leave at bedtime with atleast one wake up most nights. I work a significantly reduced schedule and my husband works A LOT, so a lot of this is on me to figure out.

I just don’t even know how to handle this. I try to be loving and rephrase and give options and timers. The timer works reasonably well for screens, but that’s about it. I find myself having to say / yell “STOP” loudly at the end of the night for her to be still enough to put on pajamas, which I feel terrible about, but I am tired (and 4 weeks from giving birth).

She spends all day with family caregivers, so maybe she needs more time outside or in organized activities etc., but not sure what’s available for a 2 year old other than playground, library, errands. She’s always been extremely high energy and I am just worn out and terrified for another baby.

Is there anyone that had the Snoo that didn’t find it useful? I have yet to read a negative review but am still skeptical!

I have various concerns about a night nurse for baby #2, so I’m thinking about cancelling the night nurse and just getting the snoo, but anyone with feedback on night nurse (when breastfeeding) and snoo would be greatly appreciated

Can we talk disappointing work evaluations after having a baby? I had my first child last summer and returned to work in the fall. I just had my first annual review since returning and it was really disappointing. We get numerical scores and they were lower than they’ve ever been, although still more than satisfactory. But my comments from my boss really threw me. I think there are probably some factually accurate things he could have said about decreased productivity (although I’m still more productive than a lot of my coworkers), but instead he chose to nitpick really silly things. He admits my work is excellent but then says things like “I would have liked to see her do XYZ on the ABC project”…XYZ is very tangential to our work, and he never mentioned it. I sort of feel like I’m being penalized for not reading his mind. There are also a lot of things that I would consider backhanded compliments, like saying I’m doing an especially good job for someone new in the role…when I’ve been here almost 5 years. Also, this is petty, but there are a lot of comparisons to a male colleague that strike me as unfair and kind of inappropriate. I’m really thrown and I’m not sure how to proceed. Do you think I’m reading too much into it with respect to the timing? Is this his passive aggressive-way of saying he wants me to be more productive? (But then why not just say that?) I’m not really sure what I’m asking, but would welcome anyone’s advice.

My five year old daughter has become crazy argumentative lately. Every statement is met with a retort, and it seems like nothing I do meets her needs/standards, which are ever shifting. She has also started boldly lying. For example, I will tell her its time to brush her hair, and she becomes adamant that I have already brushed her hair (or she took a bath last night or she didn’t have desert, etc.). She has always been a spirited kid and has gone through spurts of testing boundaries in ways that push me to my limits. Any resources or thoughts on how to handle this behavior?

I’m the poster who started the conversation about kids’ activities last week. Namely, whether our family is trying to do too much. Since that time, I have canceled my daughter’s gymnastics class (she had only a month left anyway) and decided that we’ll take a break from swimming lessons until the end of summer. Tonight, DS will be skipping soccer practice to give him time to rest because he’s in his school musical tomorrow night. He cares more about the musical than soccer, plus our family just flat-out needs a break. In a way, it feels wrong to skip practice without a good reason other than “we don’t feel like it” — but on the other hand, it’s 3rd-grade recreational soccer, you know? Family needs > sports. So, here’s to choosing priorities and pushing back on expectations. For us, activities have never been about getting ahead or creating uber-talented kids, but even on a minor scale, it is really easy to get sucked into what everyone is doing. Particularly if you live in a very sports-driven town, which we do.

Has anyone tried the maternity brand storq? I’m getting a lot of fb ads for them. Last time I was pregnant in the winter so I wore a lot of dresses with tights but as I’m entering summer I’m finding I want more pants and tops but can’t find anything I love.

Thoughts on switching OB practices not long before delivery? I am almost 35 weeks with #2 and LOVE my OB. Though she delivers at a hospital with a reputation for lots of interventions, I was able to have an unmedicated birth per my plan and everything went so well. I think this is largely because she happened to be the doctor working and allowed me to push and deliver in the positions that felt best for me (upright and on hands and knees). I met with my doula last night and we went over my plan for this time around – which is basically to try to repeat last time to the extent possible – and she warned me that other doctors in the practice require women to deliver on their backs (she’s attended deliveries where this has occurred). This is a real concern for me because being on my back was by far the most uncomfortable position last time and I just can’t imagine how pissed I’d be if I’m ready to push and someone is forcing me into a position that doesn’t feel right for my body. I reached out to my Dr., but I’m considering switching practices given the strong likelihood that I won’t be lucky enough to have her deliver this baby too. According to my doula – there are practices that will let you push/deliver however you wish. But of course I would be sad to leave my Dr. and nervous about switching so late (if they’d even take me this late!). Thoughts? What would you do?