Accessory Tuesday: Sadie Tassel Slip-On

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Hush Puppies Women\'s Sadie Tassel Slip-On Shoes I found these flats via a targeted ad on Instagram, and it’s constantly surprising how well they can anticipate my taste! I have a weakness for leopard print shoes, and if they’re comfortable, they’re as good as sold. I like the toe shape on these, and how they are a combination of a flat and loafer. My favorite part is the colorful tassel that makes these shoes super fun and unique. Additionally, I always have a preference for a rubber bottom, which helps with rainy sidewalks and subway stairs, and slippery courtroom floors. The shoes are $89.95 and are available in medium and wide widths in leopard and four solid colors at Nordstrom and Amazon. Sadie Tassel Slip-On This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 2/7:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Extra 25% off your $175+ purchase — and $30 of full-price pants and denim
  • Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
  • J.Crew – Extra 50% off all sale styles
  • J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
  • Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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I am 100% buying these and it’s your fault lol. If you add a Canadian affiliate link to amazon I’ll click it so you get paid :)

Damn I love this shoe so much

A Facebook acquaintance posted a birth announcement baby picture today. Totally unremarkable until I read the hashtags which included: #vbacsuccess and #vbacwithoutfear. Is this a bit weird or am I just projecting insecurity over my choice NOT to attempt to VBAC?

I visited an in-home daycare a couple of weeks ago (she takes 3 kids under 1.5 at a time – not licensed, which is allowed in my state for 3 or fewer kids). I liked her a lot, but asked for references. She hasn’t gotten them to me yet. Is this a red flag? I’m thinking I don’t need a daycare provider to be super organized and it’s okay to have to follow up, but is this kind of thing going to start driving me crazy?

Remind me about toddler feeding – my baby is almost 12 months (::sob!::) and my older kiddo is in elementary school, so it’s been awhile. Once baby stops drinking bre@st milk in a bottle at daycare, does he just eat solid foods for breakfast and lunch (and then dinner at home) with a cup of cow’s milk? I’m still planning to BF as long as he wants to keep going, which will mostly just be at bedtime and when he wakes up in the morning. But I can’t remember how the rest of the day’s worth of eating goes. Thanks!

How do I go about getting treatment for anxiety? Is this something I schedule with my PCP? Do I google around for a therapist? Where can I learn about the different types of therapy? And meds?

I’m just now realizing that some of my quirky over-planning and over-thinking are getting in the way of me enjoying my life. E.g. this weekend we had guests in from out of town. In an effort to release some of the resentment I feel for taking on all the tasks for things like this, I asked DH to make a menu and do the grocery shopping (we’d be 4 adults and 4 kids, plus 2 more adults one night for dinner). DH is the main cook in the house, so this is a good task for him. We got in a snippy row when I saw that he had only planned for the one big dinner, and only planned cereal for breakfasts and had no lunch plans for either day. He said he didn’t want to “overplan,” figuring we’d go out one night for dinner and play it by ear for lunches. He knows I hate playing things by ear because it makes me anxious. So I said, ok, where do you suppose we’ll be for the lunch and dinner hours– are we going out? Where? What are our plans? Part of the issue is that it was going to be rainy all weekend, so we were probably going to be home for more time than we otherwise would be if outside activities were an option. DH said he didn’t have any plans for our guests, and that we would, again, play it by ear. I made a list of possible options of things to do. On the one sunny day, we were slow to get out of the house, the teenager was still sleeping and the adults were sipping coffee and chatting. I was flitting about like a hummingbird, counting down the hours we’d have in the sunshine. Plus my toddler was the only one of the bunch who still naps, so there was a soft end-time for being out before the little one melted down and it stopped being fun for me. We finally got out of the house and I couldn’t stop ushering the group to the next thing, worried the storm could hit at any moment before we got to the things on our list of things to do while the weather was still nice. Then of course, the toddler melted down and I had to take him away from the group to distract him and entertain him until everyone was ready to head home, all the while I’m both resenting that I don’t get to enjoy the outing AND feeling relieved to get some time away. Plus that night for the big dinner, we ran out of food! Just writing this all out is giving me anxiety. Anyway, there are countless more examples from this weekend alone and the visit ended with me feeling exhausted and inadequate. I used to think this was just a characteristic of a Type A personality, but after this weekend it feels like more than that. Plus my resentment of DH is through the roof. I need help, right? Where do I start?

Has anyone used a small home daycare? Besides online reviews and calling references, how did you vet the provider? I visited a home daycare/drop-in childcare provider in our neighborhood today that has stellar reviews and got a wonderful vibe from the owner and teachers. They are not licensed (this is allowed in our state for 5 or fewer kids). Has anyone used a service to background check a place like this? Does your calculus change depending on the amount of time kiddo will spend there (drop-in vs. full-time)? I had never considered a home care option until this place so I hadn’t thought through the pros and cons of in-home care.

With college football season approaching and my 20-week belly rapidly growing, any recommendations on where to find college sports team maternity wear? Seriously, I can’t find anything.

Reusable snack bag suggestions? I hate throwing out so many zip locks for our endless bags of goldfish and crackers. Looking for something that we can use for those snacks. Nothing seems like the obvious choice when I search amazon.

Some recent book recs- There Are No Bears in This Bakery is hilarious! My just-2 year old loves it, although I suspect it is for older kids. It is long though! Also This Is Owl, we just read it this am and he got what he was supposed to do right away. Very neat interactive book.

What else is your kid loving lately?

my mother in law ordered these shoes in a different color and accidentally shipped them to our home. it took me a bit to figure that out, so i tried them on and they are actually quite comfortable! i’m considering ordering a pair for myself. i’m just cheap when it comes to shoes and wish they were a bit less.

My google-fu is failing. Do you know where I can buy about 20 pairs of kids socks in a specific pattern? I’m looking for rainbow or colorful socks.

How much do you try to influence or control how much time your husband spends at home/with your kids? My husband has work-related or post-work activities most nights during the week, such that he gets home after the kids are in bed. I don’t mind at all for my own sake; I’m perfectly fine to get the kids and do the dinner/bedtime routine by myself. But for the sake of the kids, do they need their dad around more in the evenings? (They’re around preschool age.) Or is seeing him in the morning before work, on weekends, and on the night or two he is home in the evening enough?

Bottom line, if it’s not an issue for me or DH, do I need to make it an issue for the kids’ sake? I tell myself there are plenty of dads who work til 8-9 p.m. routinely, or who are out of town for stretches of a week or more at a time (or months in the case of military), and the kids do fine. I guess this maybe feels different because some of the activities are hobbies/discretionary, so he could cut back, but he obviously doesn’t want to of his own accord. But should I make the case to him that he should?

TMI, but has anyone had problems with recurrent UTIs after having a baby? I had my first UTI at age 35 when I was a few weeks postpartum. It was a weird bacteria that’s known to be associated with catheter use, and the doctor chalked it up to that (I had an epidural). I figured that was just a one-off thing, but I’ve had numerous UTIs in the year since. Gardening isn’t that frequent with a baby and it feels like I get one almost every time we garden. I’m doing all the standard prevention things: cranberry supplement, staying very well-hydrated, taking probiotics, going to the bathroom right after gardening, and DH wears a cond*m. My doctor doesn’t seem worried about putting me on antibiotics constantly, but it’s starting to make me a little uncomfortable. Wondering if anyone else has had this experience and if you were able to find a solution for preventing them.

Did anyone experience weight gain after reducing breast feeding? I have gained a few lbs since going to AM/PM and generally find it sooo much tougher to maintain my weight than I did while breastfeeding. I guess it makes sense bc I am burning less calories but I find myself just as hungry/ eating as much as before.