Washable Workwear Wednesday: Ruffled Blouse


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A woman wearing a Ruffled BlouseOK, you all know from reading some of these posts that I am a Royal Watcher and a little obsessed with Kate Middleton’s style. I just read a Vanity Fair article about Meghan Markle, and this tidbit is hysterical to me: When she started making a lot of money as an actress, she had a “Sayonara Zara” party to celebrate her success, and she allegedly gave away some of her lower-priced clothes to her friends. Whether this is true or not, I don’t really care, but that anecdote’s entertainment value is through the roof. Turning to the blouse at hand, I really love the color, the high neck with ruffles, and the covered buttons. I like the extra ruffles on the sleeves and the elastic cuffs. It looks flattering on the model. And hopefully one day you’ll be able to give it to your friends when you’re a big star! It is (only) $39.90 at Zara for us non-duchesses and comes in sizes XS–XL. (By the way, this version is “coming soon.”) Ruffled Blouse Here’s a plus-size alternative from CeCe that’s $79 at Nordstrom. This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 2/7:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Extra 25% off your $175+ purchase — and $30 of full-price pants and denim
  • Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
  • J.Crew – Extra 50% off all sale styles
  • J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
  • Rothy’s – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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I’m interested in getting a lash lift..how particular do I need to be in picking where to get it done? Do I need to be looking for someone with a particular type of license? Has anyone had this done? TIA

Anyone ever gate checked a (nice, new) jogging stroller? I want to take our Thule Urban Glide to Florida. Conventional wisdom seems to say, use an umbrella stroller that you don’t mind if something happens to it (and it folds up easily) – but I also want to be able to use it when we’re down there for actual jogging.

Does anyone else bring their lunch and (plus snacks) to work and then eat all of the above by 11am? I love not spending so much $$ on lunch and also eating healthier foods, but my current “bring your lunch to work” effort might be ending soon. I can’t seem to not eat food when it’s in my office – no matter how much I bring. Sigh.

I have been solo parenting M-F (5 y old and 8 m old) with little help outside work hours and an intense full-time job for over 6 months, and it is wearing on me. I keep snapping at my oldest who is a handful at times. I am just SO SICK of it alll and feel like the stress is wearing on me, and feel mediocre at parenting and my job and I just cannot handle it all!! I think I have the flu this week and I just cannot manage parenting and working when sick. I resent my husband for putting me in this situation to begin with (and honestly for working 60+ hours since daughter was born consistently), although its dumb because it enables us to have a really good lifestyle.

This solo parenting situation will be this way for another 3 months, please help me with ideas on how to make it easier. Have a housekeeper who comes once a week and does deep cleaning and laundry, have grocery delivery, just hired someone to help me take daughter to school a couple times a week (baby stays with grandma who comes over) although I feel incredibly guilty about it, recently slept trained baby to sleep 8-7. Any other ideas on how to survive these next three months?? I just hate this because the stress keeps me making a B effort in my job and parenting, and i just hate it so much, feel shitty as a parent and like my career is gonna go nowhere if I keep doing what I am doing. I just want to feel like I can focus well at work and be there for my daughter and never snap at her. I have just tried to be the best parent I can be and still do well at work and let self-care go out the window since husband started being gone M-F, but now I am paying the price bc it is no longer sustainable. I am about to lose it you guys, its beyond miserable at this point.

i know this has been asked many times, but can’t find the thread. best shoes for kids learning how to walk?

I am working from home today & trying to get motivation to go to the gym around lunchtime. Ok from a work perspective, but I haven’t been in so long, I cannot get myself going. I would probably swim, since I’ve been feeling kind of sore & feet are hurting, so that’s a little bit of a higher hurdle w/swimsuit + shower, but I should just do it, right?

Seeking feeding advice or commiseration.

For context, DS is almost 15 months. Took to solids great when we started around 6 months, and has been a great eater since. He typically eats what we eat at home, with some edits if needed. Of course, now he’s creeping into toddlerhood, and as expected, one day he likes something, the next day he doesn’t, etc. My plan is to keep offering stuff and let him eat as much or as little as he wants, but not changing meal planning around him.

During the weekdays, he gets milk and banana after waking up, and then has breakfast, lunch, and 2 snacks at daycare. Daycare has an onsite kitchen and preps simple but healthy meals onsite, so I am fine with this. Many evenings, even when dinner is something he loves, he doesn’t eat much because he comes home stuffed. Last night he had 2 bites of pasta (which he loves) and a clementine for dinner.

My question is – should I be doing anything differently? Do any of y’all have kids that come home stuffed from daycare? TIA!

Not a fan of the features blouse, but love the “coming soon” item. Does Zara run long of sleeve? Is their construction good enough that alterations might be an option?

Inspired by the main s i t e, I have a myob or say something dilemma. I have a friendly relationship with a teacher at my son’s daycare. She and I were chatting on the phone recently, and in a general vent about her management, she mentioned bathroom breaks being denied on a regular basis. According to her, this happened to one of my son’s teachers, who had to wait 3+ hours for a break. She was pretty casual about it, but I’m appalled. I hate that the wonderful ladies I entrust to care for my son may be treated this way. On the other hand, this doesn’t appear to clearly violate any state or federal law. This is a university-affiliated daycare run by a national chain. Do I butt out? Do I contact the corporate parent? Do I contact the university? Do I contact management (at the risk of “outing” my friend for “tattling”)?

I’m thinking of ordering some shoes from the Cole Haan sale. It is risky though because it’s all final, and I’ve never worn their shoes before. How do they fit? Thanks!

I don’t know if I’m looking for validation, solidarity or advice, but….

DD is 9.5 months. She was a rockstar sleeper through 6 months with no deliberate training on our part. Then a number of near-weekly illnesses (croup, ear infections, croup again, ear infections again, stomach bug twice, etc + 3 ER visits and one 4-night overnight) sleeping has been a hot mess. After she recoups from any given illness we immediately revert to full extinction/cry it out sleep training (Ferber didn’t work- going back in to her room at any increment made things so.much.worse.). After 2-3 horrible nights of screaming, it works brilliantly and she’s passed out before we leave her bedroom. Then she sleeps well for a few nights, and then we have our next illness an we have to start from scratch once healthy again. It’s a brutal cycle – I know she’s sleep trainable, but the illnesses are erasing any progress we make.

I think my biggest issue/concern is that right now, on day 9 (!!!) of a healthy stretch, she’s in a new habit of waking up like clockwork around 11:45 pm and screaming bloody murder for 45-60 mins. She’s done this for 8 days straight now. We don’t go in usually, though once we went in for an initial brief consoling but then left and reverted to full extinction. So we lay in bed for the hour listening to her scream. These wake ups are really taking a toll. An impossible question, but: is this normal? A phase that will pass? SOS. So sleepy. Not enough coffee.

I spoke quite sharply to my 18 month old after he pulled a bowl off the counter this am and he said ‘sorry mama’ in the sweetest, most pitiful little voice. He helped me clean up the mess and I gave him a little cuddle but his sad little voice broke my heart a bit. Also, apparently reading the same book over and over has its advantages. Between Please Mr Panda and Oh No George, my kid’s manners are sorted.

Embarrassing question – how do you feel about attractive babysitters? This is such a trope, but it makes me kind of uncomfortable/self conscious. Not that I don’t trust my husband 100%, but as I get older and my body’s changed after having kids, I guess I don’t love the idea of having a pretty 22 year old around?

I’ve always found the Sayonara Zara party anecdote to be hilarious. It’s just outrageous enough to be funny, without crossing the line too far into “obnoxious” territory. At least, that’s my interpretation!
It’s one of those stories that would be funny if your friend did it, but if someone you didn’t like did it you would absolutely talk about how obnoxious it was.