Budget Thursday: Ruffle-Shoulder Top

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A woman wearing a Ruffle-Shoulder Top This is a super cute top for the season that is extremely affordable. I like how this is a solid color top that acts like a basic in your wardrobe but has the fun and trendy details like the stand collar and shoulder ruffles. This is a great way to wear the accentuated shoulder trend without going too far. I also like that the texture of the top is ribbed. I also really love how the white top is styled here — with black pants and a leopard belt. I’d probably skip matching the earrings with the belt, but I love the idea of the statement earring with the stand collar. The blouse is $17.99 at Amazon and is eligible for Prime. Ruffle-Shoulder Top Here’s a plus-size option that’s on sale for only $24.97. This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 1/16:

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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The ONLY thing that helps my toddler when he’s in a mood is silliness. Today he didn’t want to get dressed and didn’t want to go to school so I took a time out from that struggle so we could play an extremely silly game where I am a car and he is the driver and a swerve around and he holds on for dear life. It took 5 minutes max and afterwards we were both laughing so much he barely noticed he was getting dressed.

Traveling away from my baby for the first time. Does anyone know if the Milk Stork pack counts as a separate carryon? TIA.

just left my kid’s 18 month appointment and ped said we should be coloring and eating with spoons and forks. i’ve kind of been avoiding all of the above due to mess. we got some crayons as a party favor at a bday party, but they didn’t work very well. any crayon suggestions? similarly, any fork suggestions that won’t lead to my kid poking out their eye?

Talk to me about how you get your toddler to eat dinner and what they eat. My 2.5 year old was a great, not too picky, eater until she turned two. In the past few months, she has about 10-15 things she’ll eat. She is fortunately still good with a lot of fruits and veggies, but is rejecting things like pasta, pancakes, all meat etc that she previously did eat. I want her to eat the meals that we’re eating and I don’t want to be a short order cook, but at the same time, if she doesn’t eat, she’s up every few hours at night and is a complete mess.

I’ve resorted to turning on the tv at dinner to get her to eat some things that she previously used to eat. I feel terrible about it but with a 2.5 year old and a 5 month old, I just don’t have a lot of capacity to deal with the tantrums etc. at dinnertime.

Many thanks in advance.

Rant: I am so annoyed at having to look at 4 frilly pink flowered maxi maternity dresses for every half work appropriate maternity dress. Do more people take maternity photo shoots than go to work?

Anyone have suggestions on how to avoid/deal with lice? Now that my daughter is in grade school, I’m more worried about her getting it — especially since she has longer hair.

Newton-Wellesley Obgyn (in Newton, MA) – does anyone have experience with any of the doctors at this practice? The location is very convenient for me, but I thought the person who answered the phone was a bit rude, so I am reconsidering. This is for a first-time pregnancy. My PCP is with Harvard Vanguard (which is convenient to my office in Boston), but I thought I’d check out other options for an ob/gyn because it might be nice to go somewhere closer to my house.

Marriage advice needed, particularly from introverts. I feel like my relationship is strained right now because I just don’t have much bandwidth or energy to engage with DH after the kids go to bed. It is nothing personal, but I really crave being ALONE after a day of working, interacting with people, and parenting. (Hi, I’m an introvert who doesn’t get nearly enough time to herself.) I do not know how to solve this. If I don’t get some downtime by myself at the end of the day, I am a cranky husk of a person and have a hard time falling asleep. If I don’t spend time with my husband, he feels hurt and rejected. Understandably. He knows this isn’t personal but I can tell it hurts him. Also, I’m just dog tired — I get up at 5 a.m. to work out so I really do need to sleep.

My kids aren’t tiny anymore. The oldest kid is in late elementary school and goes to bed only 1 hour before I do (oldest kid: 8:30; me: 9:30). I honestly feel like I have less time to myself and with my DH than I did even a couple of years ago, when bedtimes were more like 7:30 and 8:00. We do get to hang out more on the weekends, but the weeknights feel like this push-and-pull to meet everyone’s needs (mine included — a few years ago, I would’ve denied myself the time I need, but now I’m trying to claim what *I* need, selfish as that sounds).

Any favorite kids’ luggage? We’re looking to buy my very small 6 yr old a suitcase for Christmas. Thanks for any suggestions!

I need ideas for how to deal with my frustration with my 4 year old in the morning. Some mornings she insists that she has to pick her clothes out and get dressed etc herself, and some mornings she wants me to do everything for her. I get really frustrated and yell, and I don’t like that. In calmer moments, I get that she’s 4 and being 4 is hard. But when I’m trying to do everything in the morning and get us out the door, I have a hard time.

I don’t have a partner. I’m already out of bed an hour and 45 minutes before we need to leave and almost an hour before she is. I have the logistics down, I just need help with the mentality.

I would love ideas for a potential holiday party that I would like to through in theory but cannot tell if it will be completely overwhelming or not. Thinking of doing an open house type party Sunday brunch/lunch time. Have a toddler that naps in the afternoon, so firmly pre-nap. Pregnant & due this winter, so I’m a little worried about the work of doing this (although my spouse would of course be sharing in it, I’d probably be doing a lot of the emotional labor to make it happen)…but on the other hand, I worry that once baby comes I’ll basically not see anyone for a while because it’ll be cold and germ-y.

We would be inviting friends w/ and w/out kids, preschool families, neighbors. For menu, I think it would probably be stuff like bagels, maybe a veggie chili, frittata, veggie tray, some alcohol (we don’t celebrate Christmas and would not have Christmas-themed anything).

Good/bad idea? What else would you like to see at a party like this?

Tips on coping with toddler rejection? I’ve been travelling a lot and my toddler has been under the weather and is on full on daddy mode. He doesn’t want to cuddle me, sit next to me on the bus, or let me put him down. When my son tells me that he doesn’t want me, my husband just looks at me pityingly.
Please be kind, I know he’s a toddler and I’m the grown-up, developmentally normal, yada yada, but it still hurts my feelings and I do find myself not volunteering to do the hands on care because I don’t want to upset him. He’s fine after the initial protest but it’s still quite sad.

Anyone have any recommendations for a cordless vacuum that is safe on hardwood (engineered hardwood to be specific) but can also do an okay job to touch up rugs and carpet? I’d really prefer to keep the budget under $250, so looking for an alternative to the Dyson models I see everywhere. Plus everyone I know with a Dyson vacuum regrets the purchase when it goes bad about two years later.

My 3-year-old twins have a lot of dress-up clothes, but it’s all pretty random (skirts, hats, capes, fairy wings, etc). They love to pretend their stuffed animals are sick and make them feel better, so we’ve been planning to get them a doctor dress-up kit for Christmas. I’d rather not have identical toys (in this case), but life is so much easier when they get similar enough things as presents. Is there any role-playing dress-up idea that comes to mind that is roughly similar to the level of a doctor’s coat and stethescope? Firefighter is what comes to mind, but I’ll take any other suggestions!

Random tip for anyone suffering from mom brain.
I installed the paid version of grammarly on my work computer (paid for with personal funds) and it has been a life-saver. I feel like my brain is mush by a certain point in the day, but I do a lot of technical writing and communicating with external partners. Last week I wrote appx. 65,000 words (grammarly sends a weekly report). It’s not always right, especially if your field has jargon, but more often than not it’s extremely helpful. My boss is a stickler for perfect grammar and punctuation (as she should be), and grammarly helps me edit down my emails to external partners.
Obviously I’ve been a regular here for years so I’m not part of a grammarly ad team sleeper cell, but I got it when I started a new high-pressure job 4 months after having a baby and it truly is a life-saver for someone who’s not a natural writer.

My only pet-peeve is it highlights my use of passive voice, which is often necessary when conversing with external partners.