Washable Workwear Wednesday: Ruffle-Neck Top


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A woman wearing a Ruffle-Neck Top This is a really pretty top that would look great under a blazer or suit jacket. I like the high neck with the matching ruffle on top and bottom; I also like that the ruffle is wider and looser for a more modern look. Personally, I like sleeveless tops under blazers so I don’t have to worry about wrinkling the sleeves or adding bulk, but I know that opinions differ on this, especially in hot summer months to keep dry cleaning at a minimum. The two colors offered (the pictured “fresh green,” plus “radiant fuchsia”) are also not represented in my closet, and I like both! The top is available in regular and petite sizes XXS–XXL and is $54.50 full price at Ann Taylor. Right now you can get 40–70% off your order, which brings this top down to $32.70. Ruffle-Neck Top Looking for other washable workwear? See all of our recent recommendations for washable clothes for work, or check out our roundup of the best brands for washable workwear. This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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How far before maternity leave did you find it really really difficult to focus? I’m a month away and maybe it’s a combination of pandemic + WFH but I am struggling. I have to bill my time and am already super low on hours so I really can’t afford to check out – but man, I have hit a wall. I just want to stare out the window and sleep.

I’m sad today. Its becoming increasingly clear that my decision to have a kid is going to cost me my BigLaw career (which I might be the odd one out but for the most part I really enjoyed it). I probably could have navigated it better if a few months after returning from leave there hadn’t been a global pandemic. Its especially hard to come to this realization at home, with no one to see and no where to go. It feels like the last 13 years of my life have been a bit of a waste. Ugh.

Favorite polarized sunglasses?

Um, freaking out a little. Just got a positive pregnancy test. We were trying sort of but I kind of thought it hadn’t happened and was totally in the mindset of wait until fall – better age gap with our youngest and I prefer having an old for their class kid to a young for their class kid.

But here we are! Did I mention it’s our fourth? I still work full time although in a perfect world would like to do part time for a time. We can afford it. But oh my gosh, what did we just take on?!

I have a situation that I can’t decide how to handle. I’m currently pregnant, and with the pandemic going on, I’ve been seeing rotating residents rather than my actual doctor, which has been stressful. On a recent visit, the resident’s notes (which have recently started showing up in the hospital’s app; I’m not sure if she’s aware I could see them) indicated that we discussed a whole list of things that she and I absolutely never talked about. She also said that I was asked about and denied having symptoms that she never asked me if I had.

Is this something I should raise somehow, or do I just let it go? The whole cultural “anti-Karen” movement has really gotten in my head, as much as I hate the term, and I am trying to think twice before complaining to the manager, so to speak. But at the same time, the the whole situation has left me really concerned about the level of care I’m receiving.

Now that some schools are announcing their back-to-school plans, what are people with school-aged kids doing in 2020-2021?

We’re in a school system that has 2 days in person, 3 days asynchronous homework/learning OR 4 days of ~ 3 hrs of real-time distance learning.

Thinking about the following for our rising first-grader:

1) tutor/nanny share with at least one other family, the number of overlapping out of school days may only be 1-2, but we can guarantee someone 40 hours a week that way — expensive, logistically tricky;
2) private school that says they will be open 5 days a week — skeptical as to if a private school would stay open, cost, and which one are all issues ; or
3) home school with a parent taking early retirement or a leave of absence — real commitment for that parent, minimal socialization for child.

There are no great solutions, just minimizing the risk of disruptions and getting sick.

I’ve decided Elta MD physical tinted sunscreen (SPF 50) is my favorite for daily wear. I’m also partial to Neutrogena Sheer Zinc Face Dry Touch (SPF 50) and Sun Bum Mineral SPF 50 (the white container). Neutrogena is definitely the best value pick: but it does give you a bit of a white cast. I can wear it under makeup though without issue. Sun Bum gives you an extreme white cast (DH spends SO much time rubbing it in each day, but it’s his favorite) and smells strongly of banana/coconut, which I actually love, but maybe wouldn’t wear it daily to the office (if that’s ever going to be a Thing again). Elta is basically just tinted moisturizer with sunscreen but it’s very pricey ~$100 I think? Even so, I put it on the last few days and go about my day as normal. I don’t go “oh god” when I see myself in Zoom calls anymore. I never tried Blue Lizard, but DH (who’s extremely pale/doesn’t tan) says it was meh. My kiddos is Hispanic and for him we attempt to use the Sun Bum, but failing that (he’s a texture/sensory sensitive person), I spray him with Bare Republic mineral and call it a day. There’s your unsolicited mineral sunscreen review.

Does anyone have recommendations for an anatomy or body book for a toddler (2.5 yrs old)? I mostly want to show my daughter what happens to food she eats and what bones look like, etc. This may be asking too much, but I’d also like the book to include some POC and to actually name and include genitalia as we’ve been trying to normalize those body parts as well. I’ve done a lot of research but can’t quite find this unicorn book.

We moved my 3 year old from his cot (which we realized was structurally unsound without the side – parents of the year over here) to an IKEA Hemnes day bed with a bed rail. But he keeps banging his head on the corners of it when he’s playing or climbing in.
Any ideas for child proofing this thing?

I have a question where my head and my heart are telling me two different things. I had a baby in May and return from maternity leave in early August. My company recently did some layoffs and furloughs due to the pandemic, one person per department. I was not effected.

I love my job and would like to keep it. As this pandemic rages on, I am in one of the hardest hit areas in the country right now and I can’t decide if I feel comfortable putting a three month old in daycare with all of this going on. On another note, I have always wished that I could stay home with my baby for a year (just seemed like the perfect amount of time to me) and then return to work.

I’m wondering if this is my chance? I’m thinking of letting my bosses know that if there are further furloughs, which they mentioned there could be, that I would be interested in basically volunteering to be the one from our department. My husband and I can swing it financially. He has a very secure job and we have significant savings.

The feminist in my head is screaming that I should never offer to take a step back from my career but my heart is telling me that this might be the right thing to do. I’m also worried that it could come across as not being a team player or not being committed to my career. Although I feel that the pandemic is a pretty understandable reason for a move like this.

If it is a good move, should I offer up the idea to my supervisors now? Or wait until we get closer to August and see where the world stands? Any advice, thoughts, and outside perspective would be helpful!