Accessory Tuesday: Round Hair Barrette


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Round Hair Barrette I’ve been seeing a lot of (pearl/gemstone encrusted) barrettes recently. As with all new trends for me, my instinct is to be all Grandpa Simpson about it, but I think this barrette seems like an office-appropriate way to incorporate this trend. I can see it worn in the front like the “kids today” are doing, or accenting a bun or a ponytail in the back. At $15, this is a low bar to entry on this trend, but I also think the tortoiseshell is pretty classic. It is available at Banana Republic. Round Hair Barrette This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Piggybacking on the above post about biglaw associates with babies: If both you and your husband are in jobs with unpredictable hours, are nanny(ies) or daycare + au pair (or a reliable babysitter) really the best options if you don’t have family living nearby? Husband and I are discussing when we would like to TTC, but it seems like unless we outsource everything, we should perhaps consider moving to where our parents live (which actually isn’t a bad market at all, just a different one across the country) before doing that.

I’m sure this has been asked before, but how do you make time for exercise with young kids? LO just turned 1 and I realized I am the same weight I was a year ago (when I was pregnant!). I used to be a morning exerciser, but that’s pretty much the only time I get to spend with LO when she’s in a good mood.

For reference, on a typical day, I wake up at 5:30 and shower. She wakes up at 6 and we read/ cuddle/ play until 7. Dad takes over at 7 while I finish getting ready and I’m out the door at 7:30. I get home at 6, and then it’s her dinner, bath and bed.

I don’t feel like I can fit a workout in during the day because I’m behind on hours and need facetime in the office. I’ve thought about after she goes to bed, but the couple times I have planned it, I’ve been too tired (and expect that will usually be the case). Any thoughts?

BigLaw associates with babies — were you able to enforce an evening time when you were offline (like 5:30 to 7 or something along those lines so you can do pick up/dinner/bed)? I am trying to figure out how to set expectations, both for myself/husband and with my firm. My husband has a more straightforward 9-6 job and could reliably do pick-up/evenings, but then would I feel sad to miss out on that? Any advice? Thank you!!

What is everyone planning for father’s day this year? It’ll be my husband’s first father’s day. He really made Mother’s Day a nice day for me so I’d like to make sure it’s special for him. I already ordered him a t-shirt that says “taco” and a matching onesie for our daughter that says “taquito.” But I’d love any suggestions you all have for experiences and/or physical gifts that you’ve done that have gone over well or new ideas you’re planning to use this year. TIA!

TL;DR: How did you know it was time to try for #2?

A couple facts that may or may not influence a response: I’m 34.5 years old. We’ll need to try for 6 months for insurance reasons and then in all likelihood go right to IUI. DD was 2 years delayed because of fertility issues. It will not take 2 years because a lot of that was one-time (surgeries, diagnostic). IUI worked really well (2 cycles only) once we got to that point, so it’s not a years-long variable but could take a few cycles.

DD is 13 months old today. I always thought my kiddos would be close in age, 2-3 years apart max, and that time is sort of now (“now” = 6 months of trying + IUI variable + 40 weeks of pregnancy).

I suppose that, like the first time, there’s no “perfect time” so I should stop trying to define it. But we are in the process of buying a bigger house – it’s 100% within our budget but it is more expensive so there’s some adjustment to consider there, and especially before considering the incremental cost of childcare for a second kiddo. I’m also just now into a groove at work since coming back in September. On the one hand I can’t imagine derailing the progress I’ve made at work since returning from leave… but on the other, maybe that’s just the way it goes… I did it once so I could do it again?

Would love to hear any wisdom the hive has to offer!

Fake-Monday Blues here — the post-weekend blahs are always worse after a three-day weekend, even though I was ready for the weekend to be DONE by Monday evening. Rainy weather, a brief power outage, and a social obligation this evening I really don’t want to do, also aren’t helping. I know this too shall pass, but BLAH.

My doctor doesn’t do third trimester ultrasounds and I’m 39 weeks today. I had one dating ultrasound in the first tri and the big one at 20 weeks. Is this normal? I’m so anxious about this, I had a different doctor for my first baby. I keep reading about low amniotic fluid and doctors inducing early because of head circumference being too large or the baby being too big etc. I don’t know how my doctor would know any of this without an ultrasound. My doctor says that i’m measuring right on track with the measurements they take with that tape measure (can’t remember the technical term) and they do the doppler at every visit, just seems so archaic. They are known for being natural birth friendly and an excellent practice all around, so I don’t doubt their qualifications, just so different from how all the other OB’s in our area seem to be.

I had an easy, uncomplicated delivery with my first who was born on my due date weighing exactly 8 pounds, so I have no reason to worry other than just being paranoid.


I need help refreshing my summer basics. Figured I’d ask here, since ya’ll understand the necessity of having clothing that isn’t too precious and can get dirty at the park.
– Where have you found basic summer tank tops that don’t cling to the midsection? I used to stock up on Target’s Merona tanks, but I’ve noticed they aren’t flattering me anymore and I’m strictly using them as layering pieces. I’m looking for tanks that skim my torso, in fun colors. I’ve looked at some outdoorsy brands, but $50 for a basic tank top seems absurd. Maybe it would be worth it, though.
– Graphic tees. Looking for prints that are fun, but not juvenile.
– I have denim shorts that I like, but if you have any suggestions for a different silhouette, I’m open to suggestions! I have substantial, athletic thighs. I used to wear chino shorts a lot; maybe I need to upgrade those?

My life would be so much easier if Cat and Jack made adult clothing. ;) My summer wardrobe has always skewed toward the preppy side, but I seem to be having a harder time pulling off that look now that I’m in my late 30s. I know a lot of people switch to skirts and dresses, but I still prefer separates.

Quick real estate question: We received an offer on the house! YAY! Sellers are asking us to contribute 5k to their closing costs. I assume, but want to confirm, that we do not need to have 5k in cash on hand for closing and that it comes through as a credit. Can anyone speak to this?

This weekend I learned that my 5-year old recently started BITING HER TOENAILS mimicking a kid at her daycare. I am so grossed out. She also started biting her fingernails. She has never done this before this week, so it is not a habit yet. I am hoping to nip it in the bud before it becomes a habit, but don’t want to shame her or her friend at school. I was never a nail biter so I don’t know what the general advice is.

Fun weekend update because I just needed to share some happy. We decided to take a last minute trip for the long weekend. Mostly we were just trying to avoid the crummy weather and incessant rain at home. I was excited, but also cautious because traveling with a two-year-old is no guarantee of a good time. But you guys, it was SO MUCH FUN! Little dude was so excited by the simplest of things – the trucks(!) on the highway while driving to the airport, the bus(!) from the parking garage, the airplanes. He was just in awe and so excited and that was so much fun for my husband and me. I have never had that much fun on a rental car shuttle bus.

has anyone ever traveled with a double jogging stroller and if so, can you recommend a travel bag? we were going to rent one at our destination, but the available rentals are Bob’s and I don’t trust them so we want to bring our Thule

Is there anything to do other than wait it out and just keep reminding her to keep her underwear dry and having her go to the potty to on a regular schedule?

Nothing’s changed at home or daycare and shea not sick or constipated, just all of a sudden doesn’t seem to care if she pees in her pants.

Good morning – looking for some advice. Our 6 month old daughter will be starting daycare next Monday. My husband (who has been on paternity leave for the last 6 weeks, following my return to work) and I are really dreading it. I actually don’t know how I will be able to physically leave her there. But I know people do this every day and are fine, and it will be fine eventually. But that’s the emotional space we’re in right now.

I have a logistical concern though. Currently, daughter wakes up between 6:30 and 7:15, and I generally feed her within 15 minutes of her waking up (so let’s say around 7 am on average). She then goes down for a nap, typically around 8:45, and sleeps anywhere from 1.2 to 2 hours. But on the days when she wakes up extra early and seems hungry (like today, she was up at 6 and I fed her at 6:30), she needs to go down for her nap sooner (like around 8:30) and eat her second breakfast sooner (like by 9:30).

So how do we juggle this schedule with daycare? My goal is for us to leave the house at 7:45 to get her to daycare by 8:30. If I feed her at 7 (I’m only talking about nursing; no idea how we’re gonna fit in solids in the morning as well!), she’ll need to eat again at 10, which means she really needs to nap by 8:30 to get a solid nap in. So do we put her down for a nap the minute she arrives at daycare? Is that weird?

Please tell me this isn’t that hard and I’m just overly complicating it. This morning she woke up early, so I fed her early, she got fussy and then wouldn’t nap, and was starving by 9:30. It all just feels so hard!

I’ve decided to tell the several nonprofits I serve on the board for that I need to step out a year starting next year. I am on the exec committee track for 2 of them, supposed to take over as chair for one. But surprise baby arrives at the end of the year, and if experience serves, I will have only enough bandwidth to handle my paid work for that first year with an infant. I’m a little sad about dropping back from volunteer work I care about, but also a little relieved that I’m giving myself permission not to do it all. I hope with enough heads up they’ll be able to fill those spots, and they’ll ask me back on when I’m ready to step back up.