Family Friday: Reusable Sticker Pads Set

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Kids love stickers, and parents love reusable stickers.

These colorful, reusable sticker pads from Melissa & Doug are great for travel. This set has hundreds of stickers that can be placed (and repositioned) on several background scenes.

My kids discovered that they also stick on our walls and windows — after they’re done decorating, the stickers peel off without any residue or mess. I just put them all in an old school-supply box and they’re ready for next time.

A set of three reusable sticker pads is $13.99 at Target and Amazon.

Sales of note for 12/30:

(See all of the latest workwear sales at Corporette!)

And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Same for my 4 and 5yos. They can read independently, but definitely view an adult reading as something different and special and don’t want the flow of the story broken up by practicing words.

Work question – I finally have a Zero Inbox for my work email (!!!). Tips to keep it that way? Thanks!

Any parents of middle schoolers on here? What do your kids do in the summer? My oldest is going to middle school next year, and he has aged out of the camps for little ones but isn’t old enough to be a CIT or do the teenage adventures that our town rec program does. This feels reminiscent of when my kids were too old for day care but not yet old enough to do the elementary school summer programs.

I tried to share this yesterday but think it was stuck in mod all day – Your Local Epidemiologist just did a post on what is known about long covid in kids. She also had a recent post about assessing risk (and relative risk) that I found informative. My big takeaway was that being pregnant is a lot more dangerous than I realized, as is being an infant in general.

The bedtime story can be turned into reading practice. Have her sound out words or sentences, ask her questions to engage with the story (“what do you think will happen next?”, “how do you think the character feels right now?”), etc.

Happy Friday! Paging government employee moms! I have been in private practice (law) for 5 years and I am looking into federal jobs or state jobs. I went to a second tier school and right now I work on a contract basis as a real estate attorney. So basically not a stellar resume or a career path-just an average worker. I believe a government job would align better with my values (work life balance, benefits, and a steady job). The million dollar question is where do I start? Or am I crazy for dreaming I can get a government job so late in the game? Do you have any resources for the job application process (books, a career counsel, resume and cover letter resources, steps I should be taking to boost my resume)? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Help. I feel like I am drowning mostly because of my 5yo. He is just… tough. I have long been of the “everything is a phase” mindset, but I think this is just him. He pushes, he resists, he negotiates… all things that I hope will be assets one day. In the meantime, I just need to get to work on time. I’ve tried Dr. Becky-ing him. We’ve tried sticker charts. They do have some limited success but I feel like I need someone to tell me step by step, how to help us both feel successful and also get out the door on time/get to bed/do anything. It feels like all the joy is being sucked out of things that could be fun.

I almost fell out of my chair – preschool scheduled the Taekwondo belt test/ceremony thing for a Saturday. I saw the date and immediately went to my calendar like, ugh, what am I going to have to move so I can attend this and was like wait… its a Saturday?!

Also I am so incredibly excited to see these tiny kids breaking boards.

For our wedding anniversary, DH got me an expensive piece of jewelry I had wanted for years, but would never pull the trigger on, because I thought it was too expensive. I got him a picture frame with a collage of pics of us. This is pretty indicative of gifts between us generally – I will try to get something thoughtful, but not necessarily expensive. He’ll get me a nice piece of jewelry, not always with a lot of thought behind it, tbh, although this time he combined thoughtful and expensive and hit it out of the park. I feel like its harder to get most men big gifts the way they can buy jewelry for women, or am I missing something? He generally buys things he wants and won’t pine over something like I do.

Lately my 4 year old’s pretend play at home has consisted of saying really negative things about her school friends like “You’re so bossy, Ellie!” “I don’t like you, Sarah!” “You’re not my friend, Nora!” I asked her about it and she said that these are things other kids have said to her (which I suspected). I know this is to some degree probably normal, but I guess I’m concerned about two possibilities: that she’s actually being very bossy and it’s ostracizing her from other kids (we get a LOT of photos of her playing alone), or that she’s getting picked on a little bit. Since the beginning of the school year I’ve felt like her class has kind of a weird dynamic. It’s mixed PK3 and PK4 but skews heavily toward the latter. Of the 20 kids, 17 were 4 by August 1 and are eligible to go to K in the fall (not sure if they’re all going because of red-shirting). My daughter is one of only three kids who started the school year as a 3 year old, and she’s the youngest of those three by almost six months, and also the only one of them who’s a girl. She played with the two boys in her grade level quite a bit at the beginning of the year, but now they seem to be reaching the age where there is more gender separation. I could be imagining things, but based on what she’s said and what I’ve observed, I sense a bit of cliqueyness among the older girls.

How would you handle this? Would you talk to the teachers at all? I don’t want her to be getting bullied or to be behaving in a way that makes her classmates not want to be her friend, but at the same time I don’t want to overreact. I’m a very sensitive person and comments like this would have crushed me as a kid, but she seems pretty unfazed by it, and that’s probably a good thing for her long-term happiness. I definitely want to avoid projecting my own sensitivities onto her.

Okay, poster from last week with kid with a potential fractured elbow (she’s still in a cast for three more weeks). We’re trying really hard to help her get good sleep, checking on pain, got her a sling to wear, etc. And she has been an absolute nightmare. We’re 10 days in and still getting frequent flip outs and tantrums, from my seven year old who was past that.

Did your kids do this too? Any tips besides grin and bear it? It’s the type of behavior that we really wouldn’t stand for normally but we’re sympathetic because i assume it’s driven by lingering pain (although she says she doesn’t really have it anymore), bad sleep because of the cast, or discomfort. Tips for getting through the next few weeks? I feel badly because it’s really impacting my other kids. She’s just super high maintenance right now and letting it out on everyone.

Can we talk about weeknight routines with small kids? My 6 year old has after school until 5 because we both work and she and her brother go to bed between 730 and 8. Our school doesn’t do homework (separate issue) but I feel like my evening is leaving work early to run pick her up by 5, get home at 5:15/5:20, make dinner while kids watch TV/play and decompose, eat around 545-6, and then dinner is done at 630/645 and we barely have time to take a bath and clean up before it’s time for bed. So the result is she doesn’t practice piano like she’s supposed to, we don’t practice any reading, and I can’t even imagine how we would do any homework if it was assigned. BUT – she definitely needs help with her reading and writing! Not sure what I need to rearrange to fit in 20 min of reading in there – I guess probably the bath? And of course the biggest hurdle ends up when Mr. AIMS wants to sit at dinner and talk while kids play, which throws even the bath out the window, never mind reading etc. But I also feel like a football coach if I say let’s talk later and keep to a schedule.

Should add, we always read a story for bed so that’s not an issue, but I feel like my daughter really needs help practicing her reading and I want to find the time for that. I guess I don’t even know if this is a question or just curious it’s about how you all handle weeknights with similar age kids who get cranky and refuse to fall asleep when they stay up too late.

I am NOT a morning person. Neither is my toddler. He has been waking up earlier and earlier these days (used to sleep 7:30-6:30, now he’s waking at 5 even if we push back his bedtime). Mornings are filled with tantrums and whining, which are incredibly difficult for me.

Those of you who are not morning people, how do you deal with early mornings with kids who scream and scream? Do you sleep earlier in the evening? Earplugs? Noise cancelling headphones? I basically solo parent weekdays due to DH’s job so asking him to help in the mornings is not an option. I am at my wits end and need some thoughts on how to get through the whining/screaming years.

Was literally playing with these in the kitchen this morning with my almost 3 year old. She loves all stickers but these are my favorite because I’m not constantly monitoring whether they’re going on our hardwood furniture/floors (or trying to unstick them). Highly recommend.

I always wish these were 50% smaller so they’d fit in my son’s rucksack for the plane. But I admit, our last flight, I packed books and colouring and an ipad, and my son binged Octonauts the whole 3 hours. The children behind us were racuous and my son only piped up to ask for more chocolate and to randomly shout “TUNA!” about midway through.