News Roundup

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Some of the articles of interest to working mothers that we’ve seen around the web recently…

  • Reuters noted that the ABA has announced that breastfeeding moms should be allowed to bring breast pumps into law school and bar exam testing rooms.
  • NBC News shared an opinion piece about how inappropriate terms related to pregnancy, such as “incompetent cervix,” “hostile uterus,” and “geriatric pregnancy,” should be changed.
  • CNN shared a mom’s essay about why it can be hard to ask for help.
  • Vox reported that maternity wards around the country are closing down permanently.
  • WIRED reported on a new app, Face2Gene, that analyzes children’s faces to suggest genetic disorders that may be present.
  • The 19th reported that a new section of the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report details the risks pregnant people face from climate change.
  • The Washington Post explained how to help a child who’s a perfectionist.
  • Atlanta magazine explained what happens to pregnant prisoners in Georgia’s county jails.
  • The New Yorker looked back at the fascinating life of Goodnight Moon author Margaret Wise Brown.
  • Your Laugh of the Week comes from McSweeney’s, with “Unresolved Questions I Have for Mrs. Potts from Beauty and the Beast.”

Also, do be sure to check out the news update over at Corporette!

On Corporette Recently…

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