Accessory Tuesday: Reenie Loafer


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 Reenie Loafer
Here’s a cute shoe that’s a good mix of menswear-inspired with a feminine touch. I like that this has the full shape of a loafer, along with the comfort level, but that it has a twist that doesn’t seem over the top or trying too hard. The bow still has a tailored appearance and isn’t too froufrou. The shoe comes in three colors — my favorite is the blush, but another option is navy, which you don’t find too often in a shoe. It’s available at Nordstrom for $99.95 in sizes 5–11. Reenie Loafer This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here.Thank you so much for your support!

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Any recs for a lightweight travel carseat for taller kids? Kiddo has outgrown our Cosco Scenara Next at 43″ and I need a replacement for summer travel. He’s only 3 so I don’t want to go to a booster yet – still want a full carseat. Lightweight is important as we will be lugging it through multiple airports. I forgot how overwhelming all the options are!

Thoughts on when spouse who has been on the more negative/whiny spectrum of things tells you that YOU are the negative one. DH and I have been in a tense spot/not speaking much for a few days, and then when I opened up for conversation last night, got feedback that I am apparently this negative cloud. I felt gobsmacked and so hurt.

I’m sure there is some kernel of truth to this, but I think he was projecting. Really upset because I have been working really, really hard on being positive, focusing on things that make me happy and centered, and pivoting away from negative conversations generally.

OK this is super random but if anyone is in the Raleigh/Durham/CH area I have an extra ticket to an event with The Double Shift podcast tonight. Starts @ 6 pm in Durham. I can email it to you if you want it. I linked to the event, just email me if you’re interested. beth at parentlightly dot com

We are heading to Europe next week with our 2 year old (27 months) – any recommendations on CARES harness vs. car seat for the plane? We are definitely bringing our travel seat since we need it at our destination, but she hasn’t slept more than 45 minutes in a car seat since she was an infant, so I don’t think installing it in her plane seat will buy us more sleep. I suspect she will want to snuggle whenever possible. Any thoughts on those inflatable kid footrests? Are they allowed on American Airlines flights?

Does anyone use HomePay through carecom? Any negative experiences?

tips for staying in a hotel with a crawling baby? we’ve traveled with our twins before, but only to other people’s homes. we’ve never stayed in a hotel with them. unfortunately we will be sharing a room. how do you prep/wash bottles in a hotel?

My almost 13 year old niece has requested a watch for her birthday. I have no idea where to look for such a thing / what a watch a 13 yo will like will look like. She’s probably a fairly “young” 12/13 – she’s not really into trendy/teen things yet. I’d like stay under $50 maybe? Anyone have any suggestions? (Ideally something I can buy online – I have a 3 month old and just went back to work – don’t really have the bandwidth for a shopping expedition right now!)

I like loafers and menswear-inspired shoes, but ew I do not like bows on my feet. Hard pass on these. Lose the bow and maybe I’m in–navy flats have been hard to find.

I’m going to NYC in a few weeks with my 9 month old and starting to worry about measles. He has had all other relevant vaccines to date but not yet MMR (our ped does at 12 months – haven’t asked if they would do sooner). We are planning to spend all our time in Manhattan , so not hitting the heavily affected areas of Brooklyn. I’m worrying for nothing, right? Or should I call the doc and see if he can get MMR early? (Sorry if this has been discussed in depth before)

Omg, the hobby discussion has been re-started on the main site, this time regarding spending 10 weeks sailing to Alaska with toddlers. I don’t know why I have such a strong reaction to this conversation, but I kind of want to punch a wall.

maybe it is just me, but does anyone ever find playing with their kids boring? i have 1 year old twins and typically do the afternoon/evening routine solo and I have about 4 hours with them between getting home and when they go to bed and sometimes I feel like 1-2 hours would be more than enough. we play, read stories, they eat dinner, put on pjs etc. play some more, but i find myself counting down until they go to bed so i can clean up all their stuff and then sit on the couch and veg…

Maybe this is just because my oldest is preparing for kindergarten in the fall, and I’m in a very “My baaaaabieees! They’re growing up so fast!” kind of head space right now, but I really don’t think I would want to be apart from my kid for that long.

Does anybody send their kid to a grandparent’s house for the whole summer? My son is only 1.5, so this is extremely hypothetical at this point. My in-laws live in Europe, my MIL doesn’t work, and she would love to be able to spend a couple months with him each year. I picture me/my husband flying over with him in June, and my MIL bringing him back in late July/August. It seems to me that 7 or 8 years old being an appropriate age to start doing something like this, although I’m sure it’s personality-dependent. Anyone tried something like this? Any problems with this plan I’m not seeing? Is my age estimation right? It would just be nice to think that once he starts school at age 4, I’d only have to figure out three to four years of summer childcare…