Make My Life Easier Thursday: Premier Protein

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Premier Protein This may be an odd little tip, but it’s a new hack that I’m so happy to have discovered that I thought I’d share — among folks on Weight Watchers’ people love this high protein drink and add it to everything. I’ve seen people make waffles with it, put in smoothies, and make their own Frappuccino-like drink by getting a shot or two of espresso in a big cup at Starbucks and then adding a full container of Premier Protein. I’m fine with black coffee and don’t make a lot for myself where I add milk (oatmeal, maybe), but I did think to try adding just a splash or two to tea — and it’s my new favorite pick-me-up in the afternoon. Combos I’m a particular fan of: mint chocolate tea or peppermint tea with about 2 Tbsp of chocolate premier protein (low calorie, small protein hit, and it’s like drinking a hot cocoa — go herbal if you don’t want caffeine, black tea if you do) — chai tea with a splash of vanilla — or even a fancier caramel tea with a splash of caramel or vanilla. It’s made my life better and easier in some ways (my 3:00 snack is taken care of!) so I thought I’d share. Readers, do you have any similar hacks to share? You can pick up Premier Protein (or Muscle Milk, which I’ve also heard great things about) at just about any drugstore or grocery store; you can also buy a wider variety of flavors at Amazon. This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Trying here b/c you guys are nicer than the main board.

DH relapsed last night after about a year of sobriety (alcohol). I’m very angry, and a little unsure about next steps.

We were together for 10 years before he got sober. Back then, I got through by thinking that one day he’d get the help he needed, and then he did, and I thought we were making good progress towards defining a new normal.

But now I feel like an idiot for being so optimistic. Intellectually, I know that relapses are super common and it can take a few attempts to get sober and stick with it, but emotionally I feel like I Just Can’t Wait Around through 2 – 5 – 10 more bouts of this kind of thing, and the kind of havoc it causes in our family when I’m to manage two jobs, our 3 year old, and his illness.

Do I remain hopeful that because he got sober once he can do it again? Or do I throw in the towel now, earlier rather than 10-years from now, knowing that things might never get better (or that it might be years away?)

So far I’ve only gotten as far as making him an appointment to talk to a rehab program and signing us up for marriage counseling – but at the moment I’m feeling pretty hopeless and lost.

Follow-up question as I thought about the sibling room sharing thread from yesterday:
Can you sleep train when your kids share a room?

Our 1 year old is in a makeshift nursery (in our walk-in closet, which I never thought to be afraid of until yesterday, yeeps) but when we move into a bigger space soon, I would love for the kids to share a room. But, the 1 year old still wakes up at night once or twice and wakes up pretty early in the morning. I would imagine Ferbering or CIO is not an option when kids share a room. Or is it? Do I wait to join rooms until he is a more reliable sleeper (which for my older kid wasn’t until she was 2)?

Oooo interesting idea! I love the idea of mixing the caramel (which isn’t something I’d normally drink by itself) with coffee.

I’m a fan of good old-fashioned chocolate Slim Fast as a breakfast replacement.

Schools are closed due to snow today, but most people still have work. My son’s teacher sent out homework assignments for the snow day- they’ve been assigned tasks to complete in an online system. He’s in second grade. I could tell from the email that the assumption was that all the kids were home with their parents.
I replied and said that my husband and I are both emergency workers and that our son was in childcare today without access to the online platform, and that we would do our best to have him complete the assignments provided we’re home at a normal time this evening, but wanted the teacher to be aware in case he was unable to complete the assignments.
Should I have just sucked it up and come home from a long day and had him do them? It just feels unfair to give extra evening work to kids whose parents had to work today. (for the record, in our area it’s not just emergency workers working, I’m not aware of any businesses or local governments that closed)

Yes, I love the Premier Protein! I’m on Weight Watchers (just hit lifetime at the end of last year) and first heard about it there. I buy mine at Costco, and the store near me is finally selling the caramel flavor. I have one for breakfast every day, mixed into my cold brew coffee. That’s all I have because I’m a light eater in the morning. I will also do the vanilla flavor. IMO, chocolate is less tasty in coffee, and I wasn’t a fan of the banana or strawberry flavors.

I could use some reassurance. There is a two-part Thing I really ought to attend for career reasons. Like, pretty non-negotiable. And I can’t do the first part of the Thing because it conflicts with a must-attend thing for work. So that leaves the second part. Which conflicts with… my kid’s third birthday. It’s actually the day before her birthday, but it’s on the opposite side of the country so best case scenario is a redeye arriving the morning of her birthday.

Please tell me she’ll still love me? Please tell me I’m not the monster I feel like?

I AM planning her a party in a local park the weekend after her birthday, and that should be a blast. But missing the morning of her birthday (and probably any school celebration) feels terrible.

First time mom to be with a one way walking commute and hoping to breastfeed. What exactly will I need to carry back and forth with me every day for pumping and what is the best type of bag to use to do this as I’d prefer not to break my back in the process. On occasion, I will also need to carry home my work lap top, but not most days.

Any experience with Short-Term Disability Insurance? I’m planning on TTC in a few months and don’t have any maternity leave through work (I’m a partner at a medium-size firm). I do have some sick time. Would STD insurance fill that gap? Thanks.

stupid question… what do you do if you’re pumping and you fill up a whole bottle? Do you pause, remove the bottle and stick a new one on?

It’s never happened before, I’ve gotten close and wondered what I should do.

I know a few people that have kids with significant medical needs and in pretty much every case one parent, and lets be honest, its the mom, has dropped out of the workforce. The people that I know that swing part time work have a retired and very helpful parent close by.

Are you eligible for a Personal Care Assistant funded or partially funded by your state? If this can be someone that picks her up from daycare to bring her to PT, OT, etc. it could help a ton.

Hugs though. I grew up with two siblings with complex medical issues and as I said have friends with kids in the same boat. It is hard, and until you live it, outsiders really don’t understand. I have one aunt that really judged my mom, until she happened to have a grandson that she cared for frequently with the same condition.

Are there parental support groups in your area or online? I have a relative that has gotten a lot of relevant support and advice in her local Down’s syndrome group (best therapists, navigating schools and IEPs etc.).

From the department of This is Why Today’s Kids Don’t Know How to Do Anything for Themselves:

The other day we were at the store and my daughter realized she’d left something in the car. I handed her the car keys so she could go get it while I waited just inside the front door. She is about to turn 11 and in the sixth grade, and we have been practicing parking lot safety for years and years. I purposely sent her out by herself as a graduated step towards self-sufficiency, knowing that this parking lot is not a busy one and that our car was parked near the door. As she left the store, a couple and another person walking in gave her alarmed looks and then started exclaiming to each other “She looks awfully young to be out there on her own! Should we tell someone?” I immediately stepped up and informed them that I was her mother, she was ELEVEN YEARS OLD, and I had sent her out there on purpose so she could practice doing things for herself. The people all stammered something about how they had thought she was about eight years old (she is petite, but not that little!) and then quickly walked away. I was totally embarrassed by their judgment, humiliated that I’d had to confront them, and terrified about what could have happened if I hadn’t stopped them from reporting it to the store management, who probably would have called the police. Now I know why her 12-year-old friend still gets walked to school by the nanny. Seriously, people, mind your own business!

Thanks for the advice on sleep training earlier in the week. Looks like it makes sense to focus on cleaning up our bedtime routine (drowsy awake and stop nursing to sleep) and sleep train once baby is in his own room in late February. My dad is looking after baby for the next 4 months when I’m back at work next week so hoping he will help with a nap routine.

Is anyone on here a special needs mom or mom to a kid with complex medical issues? I would be interested in hearing what works for you in your career and making time for your kid’s appointments and needs.

My daughter is young but has a rare genetic condition. Her medical needs aren’t that difficult now but they will increase as she grows. Now she averages about 2-3 appointments per week which my husband and I trade off. I’m a lawyer in private practice, which seems like the best fit. My office isn’t big on facetime, just cares about hours and receipts, etc except I feel because I’m dealing with so much for her that I’m always catching up. I don’t really want to go part time but I don’t know what to do. I think I’d like to go somewhere less demanding but then wouldn’t I sacrifice flexibility? Just looking for any wisdom from the hive!

I’m currently two months pregnant with our first child, and we live overseas in a location where maternity and baby things are either difficult to find or horrifically expensive (3-6x). I will, however, be stateside for work later this month and in my fourth month.
Based on your experiences, are there any items I will definitely need and can predict the appropriate type/size/whatever so that I could just pick them on one of my US trips, where pricing and availability is much better? I don’t want to over-purchase or be wasteful; at the same time, I don’t want to needlessly over-pay for everything or not be able to find something I truly need.
Also, customs/duties are unlikely to be a concern so long as I can bring the items in/as luggage.