Nursing Tuesday: Faux Wrap Blouse

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Pleione Faux Wrap Blouse | CorporetteMomsCommenters were singing the praises of this lovely faux wrap blouse a few weeks ago. Not only is it “hand wash cold,” but it’s nursing and pumping friendly. It’s normally $68, but select colors (including the pictured) are available at Nordstrom for as low as $29. Pleione Faux Wrap Blouse

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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Sooooo…. anyone else have itchy, flaky nipples during pregnancy? And if so, any tried and true remedies? I’m in my third tri and experiencing a bit of leakage here and there but there doesn’t seem to be any correlation.

Anyone have major motivation problems while breastfeeding/pumping? I love breastfeeding because it’s super convenient and I love having a built-in excuse for long cuddles with my kiddo. I just hate pumping. It’s not fun at all, but I keep doing it because I want to be able to keep nursing when I’m with her. Anyone have any good motivational ideas? Little treats at major milestones? Something?? Would love your thoughts! I am currently pumping three times a day. Twice would be more pleasant, but I’m struggling with my supply.

Any advice for my sleep struggling almost 10 month old??

Before teething started, he was up 1 time a night for a quick diaper change, snuggle, and back to sleep. We had some rough nights with teething, and then he was getting back into a good routine of only being up 1-2 times a night, and then going back quickly with a quick snuggle and waking at 6:30.

Over the holidays, it was crazy. He would wake multiple times, we would hold him back to sleep and then he would immediately wake up when you put him down, and then he would be up for a 2-3 hour stretch just completely wide awake.

Now that he is back in his routine (nanny is back from vacation, and husband and I are both back to work) it is somewhat better, but he is still waking 3-4 times a night, it takes a while to get him back to sleep, and then he is waking up for good around 5:45, but still tired.

We don’t rock him to sleep, but do hold him until he nods off. We use white noise, blackout shades, and he sleeps in a zipadeezip (which he loves). He uses a pacifier, but previously didn’t mind if he lost it during the night. He also night weaned himself (from formula) around 5 months. Co-sleeping isn’t relaxing to him (it just makes him want to play) and my husband isn’t really a fan anyway. I don’t really want to let him cry, but I’m not sure what else to do — other than try and wait this phase out. He has pretty decent separation anxiety right now, and is drooling up a storm so I think his top two teeth are coming in, so I am hoping it is just a phase. Any advice, or commiseration?

On the subject of pumping, has anyone tried the Arden bra by dairy fairy or the simple wishes nursing /pumping bra combo? I currently use the simple wishes bustier but it adds some time to the setup routine by having to partially undress to get it on and off again once I’m done. I’d love to be able to just clip my flanges on my normal bra for hands free pumping but need it to be supportive enough to be work appropriate

I like the idea of this top for pumping. It’s my first day back at work after maternity leave (sob!) and I feel so awkward running the loud pump in my office and washing all the parts in our shared kitchen. Hoping to get over my embarrassment soon!!

Just wanted to thank everyone for their nausea advice! I saw my OB yesterday and she wrote me an Rx for Zofran. SO MUCH BETTER. For the acne, she said use benzoyl peroxide. I saw my dermatologist and he injected the bad ones on my face, which are almost gone today.

I’m also totally stocked up on ginger and peppermint tea, assorted hard candy, and fruit, which seems to help. I’m not 100% better, but I’m at least at work and functional, and I got to sleep last night. I’m actually not as far along as I thought, either. I thought about 7.5 weeks, and I’m actually 6 weeks 6 days today. But they found the yolk sac and the little embryo and saw a heart beat and everything. Crazy! I know it isn’t 100% yet, and things can still happen, but that sounds pretty good, right?

Looking for help/commiseration/ideally, a magic fix – our family has been hit so hard by illness this fall/winter. 9 month old in daycare. Since Thanksgiving, he has had 3 colds, pinkeye, and 3 stomach bugs (one resulting in two trips to the ER and being admitted once for IV fluids). My husband has gotten everything the baby has had and has lost 15 pounds since Thanksgiving from being ill so many times. I have fared better (I think I get some protection from nursing) but caught the stomach bug over the weekend. I know that daycare babies get sick more and that this will get better as he gets older but . . . just . . . this is so sh*tty. We are fanatics about washing hands and wiping down counters. We could do better with eating healthfully, but takeout/pizza is often on the dinner menu unfortunately. One thing I can say is that I am more grateful now than I ever have been for access to medical care and for our health in general. Are we doomed to get sick every two weeks until spring???

Why is “hand wash cold” good? I probably would only follow 1 word in those instructions, and it wouldn’t be hand or cold.

Does anyone know if there’s a product out there, a pillow or something, to help a toddler sleep in a car seat? My 2-year old’s seat sits him so upright that there’s no real way for him to let his head relax, other than to slump it straight down and sort of hang by the straps. It doesn’t look comfortable at all, and he keeps waking himself up to jerk it up. I’m thinking that there could be a pillow of some sort that might help prop it up in some way (I’m sort of envisioning a backwards and much smaller version of those U-shaped neck pillows people bring on airplanes, but I’m not sure that that would work). I’m hesitant to use anything that’s not designed for this, because I get nervous about breathing issues, and google was no help.