Family Friday: Perplexus Original Interactive Maze Game

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Perplexus Original Interactive Maze GameWhen my husband and I were at a holiday party a few years back, one of the kids in attendance was gifted this game. It was passed around the room, and after we each took a turn we immediately went to our phones and ordered the game for ourselves. This toy is basically a 3-D puzzle where you roll a little ball down various ramps in numerical order, turning the sphere in your hands depending on which way the ball needs to go. It takes hand-eye coordination and a lot of patience, but it’s super addicting and fun! The only downside is that it’s not a great toy for sharing among siblings/friends, as only one person can play with it at a time. However, it does get competitive in a fun way. I would recommend this for older kids and definitely adults. It’s $19 at Amazon. Perplexus Original Interactive Maze Game This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!
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Wow that is a brilliant plan from Target. I hope they keep it going for our family photos in the fall.

FYI, Target is now selling matching/coordinating family ensembles, including matching bathing suits for those of us who crave opportunities to immortalize our post-parenthood beach bodies with professional photo shoots. Snark aside, I think this is a brilliant move by Target.

ISO comfortable pregnancy flats that accommodate getting-wider feet and don’t look stupid with a dress. I have a few after-work events coming up where I’ll need to wear a jacket and need something comfortable for standing for ~1-2 hours (after a day’s work. Ugh.) Price range cheaper than Rothy’s please.

DH and I are ready to replace our mattress. It is a queen size in a good quality bed frame with matching dresser. I enjoy spreading out in king size beds when we stay at hotels (but I may be conflating the general enjoyment of staying at a hotel with the bed) and have had a vague plan to size up when it was time to replace the mattress. Now that I start looking into it seriously, I am have second thoughts. Not only is the king size mattress 40% more, but we would need all new bedding and a new bed frame. And I can see how getting a new bed frame could lead into getting an entire new bedroom set.

We have the money and space to spare (but are frugal and don’t want to spend money without corresponding benefit). I don’t foresee us moving for a long time. We are average size and dont have kids or dogs sleeping with us. What woukd you do? Are you team queen bed or team king bed?

I have a 1 year old that cries, sobs, screams nightly before bed for 10 to 15 mins. Is there anything I could do? Does this ever pass? she’s always done this with us, but sleeps with no crying with the nanny for naps, even though she always cries even at naps with us. it’s just horrible and I feel awful about this.

I heard from a family member this morning that her family has just recovered from norovirus. I was texting her about dropping off a birthday gift for her son, but now I’d like to swing by the grocery store first and surprise them with some food. It’s mainly for the adults/parents because their preschooler is incredibly picky and they have an infant. I was thinking of Fresh Market’s rotisserie chicken + 2 sides combo and some fruit but am open to other suggestions. It sounds like they’re all feeling better, so I don’t necessarily think they just need soup, but I’m sure they’re exhausted and would probably appreciate a meal.

A family friend has several of these Perplexus balls (there are different sizes and difficultly levels), and I play with them every time we are at their house – they are lots of fun. I’ve considered getting them for my kids, but to be perfectly honest I want it for myself more than for them.

An 8 year old kid in my family has been diagnosed with a rare cancer. His parents are working with doctors with figure out the type and stage, but chemo for a year will be a part of the treatment. I live across the country, but my mind and heart is with them constantly. I cannot visit with the frequency that I would like (i have two kids of my own), but how can I support them? They have all meals and home help covered. Also, this kid is really into school, esp math and reading. Are there tutoring or home schooling services? Are there state provided support services? I just wish I could pop over every afternoon to cheer him up.

Recommendations for Boston ob-gyns and fertility docs? Need a new ob-gyn before my sept annual (current one is meh), and we are on month 5 of TTC and i’m 38, so want to be prepared for next steps.

My office has the same thing. I was the last associate to regularly use the pumping room (which actually was okay). People had used it for years, but then we had some new younger female partners join who were still having children and said no way. They were used to pumping in their offices at their old firm and were totally unwilling to give up the productivity. The shades were going to be expensive, so I think they made do with buying some inexpensive, thick curtains (which may or may not work in your set-up) since it was just going to be temporary. They also didn’t have a lock, but everyone knew the situation, and they put out a sign on their door when you couldn’t enter. My office is laid back and we’re all pretty comfortable with each other. In addition, pumping is very normalized in my office. I really think you should just tell your boss/partners/etc. that you’re unwilling to give up X hours of your day and are researching solutions to accommodate the issue. When you mention that your productivity increase will pay for the accommodations (which can be removed when you’re done) in X days compared to the months you plan to pump, it will be obvious what makes sense. And you’ll be paving the way for others, which is so awesome.

I work at a financial services firm where I’m one of a few non-assistant women (read: v. conservative boys club). Our offices are glass walled w/ wood doors (no locks @ this time.) We have 1 additional bf’ing mom in the office currently, however she doesn’t have an office so the closest conference room (other side of office from me) now has a lock on it so she can use as a bf’ing room. (not a glass walled room)

Two questions – 1) should I consider using my office to pump? from a productivity standpoint it would be great not to have to leave the office 2-3x a day, but will it be difficult to pump where I work/will my neighbor hear the motor? (spectra)
2) no one else has shades or blinds on the outer glass of the windows, so would that be weird? What kind of treatments would you do there?

Does kiwi turn brown if you cut it early? Would like to prepare a fruit salad in advance. Do I need to wait to add the kiwi? I’ve never not eaten it right away!

Nap Mats for Toddlers – Any recommendations? My kid’s school has cots, but all the kids bring nap mats. I see like 50 options on Amazon, should I just randomly choose one? Any that you all particularly like? Thanks!

So, I know we do a lot of complaining about husbands on this board. But mine is pretty awesome today. We have a ton of family (both sides) coming in this weekend for our daughter’s baptism. We’ve both been crushed at work and doing extra work in the evenings and early mornings while still preparing for the crowd this weekend. Luckily, we both took some time a few weeks ago to do a bunch of spring cleaning, so we’re still riding that. Yesterday he told me he was taking this morning off (can’t miss a meeting this afternoon) to clean the house and mow the lawn in preparation for our guests. He’s currently cleaning up a storm while I WFH (and post on here). So here’s a shout out to husbands getting it right and some positive vibes going into a beautiful weekend in my neck of the woods.

You guys! Apparently my nursery logistics complaints triggered a shift in the universe. I got a call from 3-year waitlist nursery and they have a spot for us starting this summer. It is a 6 minute walk from my work, 10 minute walk from husband’s. I could do a lunchtime nursing session if I wanted to. They make their own bread each morning, bake a cake with the birthday boy/girl, children can roam freely between indoors and outdoors, and kids spend at least one morning a week at forest school. Pretty sure it is the most hippy dippy nursery but I’m so excited.