Family Friday: Patchwork Twisted Headband


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A Patchwork Twisted HeadbandLately when I’ve been scrolling through Instagram, I’ve noticed that headbands are coming back as weekend-wear. The ones that look most current to me are the ones that have a knot at the top, like this one — and these two on Emily Schuman of Cupcakes and Cashmere. I don’t know that I could successfully pull it off, but they make sense to me on a practical level — keeping your hair back from your face when chasing around a kid. What are your thoughts? Would you wear one of these or should they live and die on the ’gram only? This one is $18 at Anthropologie. Patchwork Twisted Headband This post contains affiliate links and CorporetteMoms may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

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And — here are some of our latest threadjacks of interestworking mom questions asked by the commenters!

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It’s late for this, but the above made me think: did anyone have jealousy over paternity leave? I’m already getting a little jealous of the fact that my husband will get the “better” 12 weeks off (and won’t be leaking bodily fluids the whole time.) I know this is irrational, and I’m so grateful his company recognizes the need for fathers to bond with their children and I’m grateful that he prioritizes our family, but I’m still a little wistful that I’ll be at work pumping breastmilk while he’s at home soaking up baby kisses.

What sneakers are your 5 y/o s wearing these days? I need real sneakers, not fashion sneakers- we have tons of those. Kiddo is going to be playing tennis and all we have are fashion sneakers (like Toms) and soccer cleats. She used to have Plaes- I guess those could work? She’s a size 11 so not yet into Youth sizes.

For those whose husbands were able to take time off immediately post-partum, did anyone have a problem with them thinking they’d be taking on “projects” during this time? My husband gets a full 12 weeks Paternity Leave and is planning to take two immediately when the baby is born (and use the other 10 to get us further up the waitlist on daycares.) He seems to think there will be time for him to overseed the lawn and put cabinet doors on our Billy shelves… I know whatever happens will happen (or not, as it were), but I feel like I shoudl set his expectations up a little better right now.

I tried all three, and the Silhouette Depends all the way. They contained the mess but felt like I was wearing underwear. I hated the mesh underwear from the hospital. It looked and felt like I was wearing a diaper. Large pads were ok, but leaking was an issue.

Which is better for a post v-delivery – pads with hospital-issued mesh undies, pads with my own undies, or Depends?

Suggestions for books or small toys for my one year old granddaughter? This site always has great suggestions that have been hits with my older grandsons!

New normal – get used to it. Even if they don’t go play outside, they will be dirty from lunch/snacks messes on clothes.

Kids get dirty and studies show that going out to play in the dirt is good for them. If my kid is absolutely filthy to the point where she’s leaving stains on things, then I’ll change her, but otherwise we wait until bathtime. If you don’t want to do a bath every night, do a sponge bath before putting on PJs.

I was about to comment that yes, headbands are awesome. But then I realized this post was for MOM headbands and not child headbands. Whoops.

FWIW, my girls love and look adorable in headbands like this. We even made our own (I am not skilled. It’s easy.) But this looks too much like wearing a kid’s style to me–just like how I love Plae shoes for my kids, but wouldn’t wear their adult line. Or how Tom’s sells adult sized kiddie print sneakers–no thanks.

How do you handle kids who come home from daycare filthy? My daughter (18 months) just started at a preschool with a giant, sandy yard, and there is a lot of emphasis on outdoor play, which we love. But it means that she comes home super sandy and dirty every day. Our previous post-daycare routine was dinner, playtime, and bath every other night before bed. But now she’s needed a change of clothes and a rinse in the shower upon getting home. Is this just the new normal? Are there routines we can add to avoid a shower AND bath in our limited weeknight time?