Nursing* Tuesday: Nursing Poncho

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A woman wearing a Nursing PonchoI’ve never been a big fan of nursing my child under a poncho or shawl, but you may be different. I like the look of this chic poncho, which looks versatile for nursing, wearing, and possibly even babywearing? Each piece is custom made, in sizes petite, regular, and plus. (I have not purchased from this Etsy seller and have no affiliation with the store.) BusySpinningThread Nursing Cover/Poncho

* Here’s a Q, ladies: should we have a regular day each week devoted to a nursing-friendly item?  Obviously, most items sold as nursing clothes aren’t necessary for pumping (or necessarily even friendly for pumping) — should we make this an occasional item (maybe once every two weeks or something)? (Or maybe make the day more themed for maternity leave type items, or baby accessories like diaper bags?)

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Not sure if you want to add more posts to your week right now, but if you dropped nursing Tuesday you could add occasional “Pumping Break” posts to play off the “coffee break” posts on the main s i t e – the pumping breaks could feature bf related gear, pumping friendly clothes,etc.

I’m past the baby days so I echo the requests for a few posts that are geared more towards universal needs of all working parents. Perhaps even a tales from the wallet or similarly themed posts that talk about managing family finances, affordable vacations, saves vs. splurges for kid-related items.

I’ll join the chorus of requests for pumping-friendly professional clothes, especially dresses.

I concur with others who have suggested a weekly food/gear post with some of those posts being about nursing/pumping gear, and others dedicated to gear for older kids. For example, I would love suggestions on a passable-at-work bag for carrying food and sippy cups to daycare, either in the car or on public transit. My son has a waterproof lunch box, but not one that I could ever bring into the office if I had to. I’m sure the comment sections to those posts will be full of great ideas, too.

I’d love a weekly nursing feature. I use Freemie cups, so most nursing-friendly clothes are also pumping-friendly. I need more nursing/Freemie-friendly work clothes.

I would love for nursing/pumping wear to be in the regular rotation, but agree that it wouldn’t need to be every week. (Selfishly, since I am about two months away from needing to start a wardrobe of those items, I’d love an individual feature with lots of recommendations – it seems that women need those items for a relatively short window of their “mom” years, but when we need them, we need a lot of them! And just a source of advice on what to look for as we build our feeding-friendly wardrobes…

I think a weekly nursing/pumping clothes/gear is a good idea. I wish I would have known about things like the Freemie pump, or Milksavers, while I was actually still pumping/nursing. Similarly, although ALL of my friends know about the Simple Wishes hands-free pumping bra because I tell them, I didn’t know for a while and finding it literally changed my life. So while I am not in this stage now, I still see the need for it, and also hope to find tips/tricks for my next visit to nursing land. Making it a more generic “postpartum” category could work, too. For example, the baby connect app was crazy helpful to keep track of diapers/feedings/naps/pumping… another thing that could be helpful to pass along to women in this stage of motherhood.

Selfishly, I love the idea of pumping friendly clothes. As a new twin mom, tandem feeding is much more akin to pumping than singleton bfeeding. Plus, I have been pumping following most feedings to boost supply.
Out of curiosity, are there many other mothers of twins readers?

I vote for once a week nursing/pumping clothes/gear. I am 2 weeks back and work and find it to be such a struggle to maintain professional dress while pumping. Seeing a weekly post would help ease the isolation of pumping!!

I don’t think a nursing item per week is necessary. Most moms aren’t in a nursing stage and not everyone breastfeeds or pumps.

I think replacing Nursing items with kid-items is a good idea. Maybe you could have a theme (books, clothing, toys) and then have an item for a few different age ranges?

It’s hard to find nursing/pumping friendly clothes that aren’t also maternity wear so I think nursing/pumping friendly items (whether marketed as such or not) that are NOT maternity wear would be great – however often that is. It could be work or weekend friendly. I think some of the other topics would be good but could also be roundups or more in depth topic posts. Since nursing/pumping type stuff might not always be easy to find they more lend themselves to a post like this where you’re featuring one item at a time. Though a whole post on clothes that work for discreet nursing that aren’t marketed as such could be a good one too!

My 2 cents:
– LOVE Washable Wednesday – please don’t change
– one day for maternity clothes – definitely need at least once a week because although pregnancy is a short period it is a hard time for shopping for stylish work appropriate clothing
– one day for nursing or pumping items
– one day for baby or kid gear (strollers, lunch bags, great clothes for mini-corp*rettes – so hard to find stuff that’s not pink/purple but still a bit girly – e.g. when Land’s End finally brought in a girls version of their astronaut t-shirt.)
– one random day – maybe ‘anything goes’ on Friday

Not sure how many readers here are currently pregnant, but I’m not, so I don’t need 2 days a week dedicated to maternity and pumping. I think featuring items that are nursing and/or pumping friendly but not necessarily marketed that way (like mentioned above – button front shirts, open cardigans, wrap dresses) would be nice, as well as weekend/wear at home during maternity leave items. Or items that look good but work for early pregnancy or going back to work when your non-maternity clothes don’t fit yet that handle weight fluctuations. So maybe instead of just nursing, a “postpartum” topic?
As an alternate, you could show kids clothes one day per week maybe? Or as sale roundups? The only thing I hate more than shopping for myself in stores is dragging my kids to a store to make them try on clothes – so stores with free shipping and returns would be wonderful.

But I love washable Wednesday – keep that one please! The more washable clothes, the better!

I have this for a cover up

I really like it. I roll it up and put it in the bottom of my diaper bag. I’ve used it as a blanket and a car seat cover too.

When I was getting ready to return from maternity leave after my first baby, I studied the archives here and picked up many valuable pumping tips. I would like to see a weekly item devoted to nursing/pumping. Suggestions would be light weight button up tops (J Crew Factory) for weekend wear, nursing tanks, cover ups, weekend wear etc. I know I’ve said it approx 100x here, but another shameless plug for the Karen Kane Cascade dress that accommodates my Freemie pump. No more shivering topless in my office.

I like and appreciate Nursing and Pumping clothes & gear. Maybe change it to Food Tuesday & showcase eating and feeding gear for all ages – toddlers, bags for mom & kids, etc? 1st Tuesday – Nursing 2nd Tuesday – Pumping 3rd Tuesday – bag or somesuch 4th Tuesday – Toddler dishes 5th Tuesday – on-the-go-snacks?